Friday, May 4, 2012

Avengers Assemble!

            Hey guys, how’s it going?  You can call me TheCinemaChick since I’m the chick who loves going to the cinema.  As I mentioned in a previous blog or vlog…whichever, Harkins Theater had a Marvel Movie Marathon and this girl was there.  Yes, I sat through fifteen hours of films, just so I could write this for you.  I made it to bed around four this morning so I’m very tired and I seem to be rather hoarse today, so once again, I’m skipping the whole vlog thing, though Fry and I did shoot a quick video last night, which I’ll probably add at the end of this one.
            It’s May 4th, which means “The Avengers” is now playing everywhere!  Now, before I get too far into my review, I’d like to point something out.  Marvel Entertainment has mastered their marketing strategy.  All of their movies come out around the same time every year.  “Thor” and “Captain America” were released around this time in previous years.  It’s like they know people will flock to the theaters to see their films and set the bar for what qualifies as a summer blockbuster insanely high.  This year is no different.  Honestly, “Avengers” cost about $220 million to make and they’ve really already made that money back.  Overseas it has done extremely well and I don’t see it failing at all in the states.  In fact, no one else even knows what all is coming out this weekend because everyone has been looking forward to this film for so long.
            Now, I’m a Marvel girl.  I absolutely love the comics so whenever they have a movie out, you know I’ll be there to see it.  In fact, Fry and I are already planning to see this movie again.  It has damn near everything you could want.  There’s action, adventure, mystery and comedy.  So combining all the superheroes into one film was kind of like the proverbial icing on my metaphorical cake.  Plus, I am pleased to say that “Avengers” comes with triple the amount of Loki.
            As you might have guessed from the previews, Loki is the main villain of this movie.  He comes to Earth in order to enslave the population.  Also, you know that cane/scepter he has in the previews?  Yeah, that plays a huge part in the film.
            I want to go into so many things in this movie, but I will try my hardest not too.  I seriously cannot get over how much I absolutely loved this movie and I think you should go out and see it.  This is one of those rare films when I actually recommend seeing it whenever you can and splurging on the 3D.  I’m even placing it in my top movies of the year.  So far, I can safely say it’s currently in the second position.  Sorry “Avengers” but I just think “The Artist” was better.
            I loved, loved, loved this movie so much that I can’t really even put into words how much I loved it.  The plot was great and Joss Whedon worked magic.  He didn’t immediately jump into the main conflict.  Instead, he builds the tension as the film progresses until finally, it just snaps, causing a chaotic frenzy when the enemy invades.  The characters were flawless and I am incredibly happy that Whedon took the time to explain how Thor came back to Earth when the Birfrost was destroyed (apparently Odin used Dark Magic…sorry, mini spoiler).  It’s the little details like that that make a movie worth watching.
            While there are still some things that aren’t explained, like what is Black Widow’s backstory?  Who is Hawkeye and how does he know Black Widow?  How did Loki end up with the Chitaurs (mini spoiler)?  What’s going to happen to Loki now (technically not a spoiler since we all know that the good guys always win)?  WHY AGENT COLESON?  WHY???  Why does Nick Fury not really do anything, other than stand around and talk to people?  How did the Tesseract come to Earth?  I know, that last question is aimed more at “Captain America” than “Avengers”, but I’m still curious.
            I went into this movie expecting it to be good.  I was not expecting it to blow my mind and leave me dying for more.  It left me feeling satisfied, like I had some closure after seeing all the films that had led up to this one.  Almost everything was tied up in the end.
            One major warning I feel I must give: If you have not seen “Thor”, “The Hulk”, either “Iron Man” or “Captain America”, you should see those first.  There are references in this film to events in the other ones that may not make sense if you don’t know the background stories.  I really just can’t get over how much I loved this movie.  I could go on and on and on about it, but I want you to go see it for yourself.
            So, what’s my ultimate rating on this one?  Go all out.  Pay the extra for 3D.  I saw it in 3D (which as you know, I normally hate 3D) and it was amazing.  Take your friends to see it, wear Marvel themed shirts if you can.  There are so many memorable quotes that you’ll be laughing about them long after you leave the theater.  My personal favorite quote:
Thor: And he’s my brother!
Black Widow: He’s killed 80 people in 2 days.
Thor: …he’s adopted.

            See?  Joss Whedon is a badass director and screenwriter.  He’s my second favorite director, right behind Tim Burton.

Have a video of me and Fry at 2:45 AM.

            All right guys, you’ve read my review, you’ve watched my midnight showing video, now it’s time for you to go out and watch “The Avengers”.

            I’m TheCinemaChick and in my theater last night, Loki got more cheers than Thor.  Take that Thor fangirls.