Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Annabelle Comes Home...and should just stay there.

What;s up everyone, I'm the girl who loves movies but for some reason still hasn't seen the latest Spiderman!  You know me and love me (maybe, I don't know your life) as TheCinemaChick and I review movies a lot!  I know, I know, my past few posts haven't had anything to do with movies or film or anything but hey, I'm allowed to take a break every now and then, aren't I?  I like to think that I am.  But, I had to write the blog about donations because I could not verbalize my thoughts at that moment so I had no choice but to write things down.  That's just how it happens sometimes.
Besides, no one cares about my personal life or the things I'm dealing with.  We're all here to have fun and talk about movies, so let's do just that!  I know I've been talking about this film a little bit but it's time I actually take an in depth look at it.  So without further ado, let's look at the latest, most disappointing offer from "The Conjuring" series.  Let's talk about "Annabelle Comes Home".
If you don't know about this series, it's about the Warrens, who are paranormal investigators who try and help families all over the world with ghosts and demons.  They come across the Annabelle doll and that causes a chain reaction of spooky events.  I've enjoyed the series so far, because the last one honestly made me jump a few times.  However, the movies have been declining in quality.  The longer the series goes on, the less effort they seem to put into it.  In all honesty, this last one did not seem like they really cared about the content.  This was created as a cash grab.  I really didn't enjoy it.
Here's the thing.  They got incredibly lazy with so many elements.  The script was uninspired, the special effects weren't that great and the acting was sub par.  And to make things more awkward, they tried to stick a teen romance in the middle of it.  I'm sorry, what horror movie does that?  It had potential, but it was wasted on terrible horror tropes.  There could have been so many ways this movie could have gone but no, they went with something that's been seen and done so many times before.
This time, we don't even have the Warrens on screen for long.  They conveniently go out of town for something, leaving their daughter with the babysitter.  I'm wondering if some budget cuts were made for this one because it felt cheap.  However, the one thing that really got to me was the fact that they couldn't maintain a sense of consistency.  Like, it's really not that hard to fix small things between takes.  One of the most annoying things was just that, a little thing.  There was a scene in a bedroom, where there's a rocking chair in the background.  A blanket is draped over the chair and next shot, the blanket has fallen down.  Next shot, it's back up.  They seriously couldn't go back and take maybe ten seconds to fix this?  Or when one of the main characters says a cake is burnt, but not even five minutes later, it looks perfect?
Small things like this irritate me.  It shows that the crew is lazy and uninterested in this picture.  If you don't want to put pride into you work and don't give a damn about the final product, why should I?  Don't get me wrong, I understand that mistakes happen.  Every movie has them but this was ridiculous. 
I've liked the franchise up until this point.  They tried a little too hard in this one and it fell so short it's not even funny,  Not only was the set design a mess, the characters were one dimensional and they introduced a slew of new characters that probably will never get brought up again.  Not only that, but the characters are interesting.  I would love to learn more about them but no, they are relegated to cameos.  The Bride is brought in and briefly explained.  Show me more of that!  Give me a movie about her!  There's also a freaking werewolf??  I think it's a werewolf?  It may have been a dog.  I couldn't tell because it was a blur and never fully shown.
The plot was also easy to predict.  Two teenagers in a creepy house with haunted objects and no adult supervision?  Clearly, there will be shenanigans!  I never got a sense of tension or fear.  I wanted to be scared, that's the point of going to a horror movie, right?  ?  Give me a jump scare, give me a sense that I'm being followed, give me anything!  Don't just rely on the tired old ideas because they aren't working anymore.  And to make matters worse, there is going  to be another Conjuring movie.  Yes, apparently we are milking this series for all it has.  Did we learn nothing from Insidious?  The first one was good, then they started going downhill to the point where I stopped caring.  Stop beating franchises to death like this.  Let them go out on a good note for once. 
And the ending made no damn sense!  Jude, the daughter of the Warrens, is an outcast at school.  They make this painfully obvious.  It's a plot point they devote about twenty five minutes to.  Yet, at the end, everyone who has shunned her at school shows up to her birthday party?  Kids don't have a change of heart overnight like this.  Let's be honest, some kids are assholes.  The bullies won't just decide to be nice for no reason, but in this universe, she becomes popular?  I know this movie isn't one for realism but can we get a little realism here?
      I don't know guys.  I was just so let down by this movie.  It wasn't memorable and it couldn't capture the spooky feeling from the others.  The franchise is rapidly losing steam and I can see why.  I didn't see The Nun or The Curse of La Llorona, but my trusted friends at the movie theater said they weren't worth the money.  Most people who did see them, hated them.  Maybe I need to see them in order to appreciate this one, I don't know.  I have no plans to see them in all honesty.  I know, as a critic, I should keep an open mind, but this is getting out of hand.  Give me something good for once.  Give me a movie that will freak me out and make me think about it days later.
I'm TheCinemaChick and hopefully, I'll catch up on my reviews this week.  Up next, Spiderman: Far From Home and Hobbs and Shaw!

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Cora's Poetry Corner "Faithful"

I worship a material god,
a deity I cannot please
though I am a faithful pilgrim.
I cling to the doctrine that I must worship
at an altar of regret, just so I may hear a few sweet
but stinging words that remind me of my worthlessness.
Though I yearn to break the bindings, forcing me
to stay in the comfort of my panic,
I remain in my misery because it is all I know.
My scripture comes in the form of pamphlets,
facts and information and side effects and warnings
because I must ingest gallons of holy water every day so I don't get poisoned
but also this pill may cause your suicidal thoughts to worsen
and maybe destroy your vision, but you'll be fine!
The Good Word tells me this will boost my serotonin,
it will also create more chemicals in my brain which will level me out
so it'll be like I never had borderline personality disorder at all, such a miracle!
Until all I know is blind faith, grasping for an answer I will never have
yet if I believe hard enough, I might have some relief from the demons in my head,
while also appearing normal, happy and smiling.
I remain devout, not question the sanctity of the doctors I come to trust
but following their medical sermons as if they are the bread I need to live.
The pill stop working
and I am left in a void of confusion and chaos, unsure of what to believe anymore
those medications were all I knew, they were my everything, how can I live without them, what will become of me?
Now I see what I've become.
No longer can I live off these precious gems.
With my eyes open, I leave the Church of Antipsychotics,
breaking the chain of my addiction
and discovering peace.

Hey guys, it's Cora!  I know, still not a movie review, I fail to live up to the moniker I chose for myself, right?  The thing about that...I'm also a writer.  Poetry was my specialty and lately, I was inspired to write about my addiction to medication.  I was on anti depressants and other psychiatric drugs for about 15 years and I honestly thought I needed them.  I took them and loved how I felt, but I also felt bad.  I began to hate relying on pills, to schedule my days around when I had to take what.  I made the decision to stop taking all of my medicine.  For a while, I was bad.  I discussed it with my friend Shadow and...I regret who I was.  I don't recognize that person now. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm still flawed and I have bad days like everyone else.  But being off all of those pills has made me infinitely happier.  Maybe it's not the best decision for everyone, yet I feel like it was in my best interest to face my mental illness head on.

I'm not cured.  I never will be.  I fight it every single day and so far, I'm winning against my depression and anxiety.
I'm proud of who I am today. 
And if Shadow could hear me say those words, well...I can imagine the smile on his face.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Can We Talk About It -- Struggling

Hey guys, I'm a little behind on my reviews right now but I need to address something and it's kind of a serious topic.  So today, I am not coming to you as TheCinemaChick, the girl who's obsessed with film.  Today, I am merely Cora Valentine, the girl behind the cinephile persona.

I'm going to get a bit personal today, so if you're not into a personal blog, that's fine, you can skip this one and wait until I finish the Annabelle Comes Home blog.  I won't be offended.  You see, I rarely talk about my personal life, because as I've said before, I prefer a degree of anonymity in my life.  I enjoy separating my film critic self from my normal life.  It helps me keep a balance.  With that said, let's talk about something that happened to me yesterday, that I'm still in disbelief about.

For those who know me, truly know me, I don't ask for help.  I was raised to believe that if you're struggling, it's your own fault and you have no choice but to save yourself.  This has been my case for several months.  I'm not in the best place, I won't lie.  Yes, I work and see movies and visit friends when I can, but money is always extremely tight.  I have not been able to guy groceries for a long time simply because I couldn't afford to do so.  And when I did have some money, I would buy dog food because Hammy has to eat.  I mean, I would eat at work, so I wasn't starving myself.  At least, not all the time.

I also normally don't talk about my struggles because they're mine to deal with, not yours.  So, last night, I was in a stream.  A stream is when someone plays a video game and you watch, interacting with the player and a chat.  I'm not saying I'm prominent in the streaming community, but people know who I am.  I'm a moderator for three people, all of which I consider friends.  In one particular stream, my friend Shadow, I admit that I haven't been eating and I've been scraping my money together to get food for my dog.

Geez...I'm going to start crying again...

Immediately, I had people asking if they could help.  At least half a dozen people offered money or food or encouraging words.  I declined all of them.  As I said, I was told accepting help means you're weak or a failure.  It's been drilled in my head for as long as I can remember.  Taking donations or stuff means you can't support yourself.  While I did desperately need the help, my pride wouldn't allow me to take any assistance.  So, another person in chat said, "Hey, I'm going to help.  I'm making a donation for you."

I'm not going to use their name or say how much they gave.  That's private information really.  Plus, I don't use names in here unless I have permission from that person.  In this case, I don't know them.  They did this out of the kindness of their heart.  I got up and left the stream for a few moments because I'm human and needed to use my bathroom.  I was gone for maybe five minutes since I figured I'd switch my laundry over as well.  When I got back, everyone in the chat was calling my name.  My phone was ringing and I was clueless.  I had no idea that my world was about to change in the best way possible.

While I was up, the person made the donation and Shadow called me to let me know that he was sending the money my way.  I cried several times as I am crying now.  I have never seen such an amazing display of generosity.  Words fail me as I try to talk about this.  I am absolutely floored by this person's act of kindness.  Thanks to this person, to Shadow's community, to the people I can proudly call my family...I am able to relax today.  I do not have to worry about how I am putting gas in my tank tomorrow.

I am beyond thankful.  I cannot express my gratitude enough.  It makes me ashamed that I felt like I had to hide my life from the people I love.  I have not been able to be open with them, as they have been with me.  It also showed me that it's okay for me to say, "Hey, I'm struggling and I need help".  Whether it's a few dollars or a kind word, asking for help is nothing something you should be ashamed of.  Everyone has problems, everyone needs help, so there shouldn't be that negative stigma attached to it.  I'm just now understanding and accepting that I cannot make it through life on my own.

This is the lesson I want everyone to learn before it's too late.  I've caused myself so much stress and grief because of my stubbornness.
Please, don't go through the bad things alone.  Find your family, learn to trust and swallow your pride.  Struggling doesn't mean you've failed.  It simply means you're doing your best and maybe, things aren't going right.  It could be a bad day, a bad week or just a period of time when you're down on your luck.  Don't be like me.  Don't be too proud to talk to someone.

I can recall a time in high school, back in 2003, when I should have spoken up and didn't.  My home life wasn't great.  My parents fought constantly and I was suffering from severe depression.  I was suicidal and had attempted to kill myself at least three times before I had turned eighteen.  Instead of talking to a teacher or counselor about it, I kept it all inside.  Right before I graduated, I spoke to one person about it, the teacher I talk about often in my blogs, Mrs. Whiteside.  When she heard about my parents divorce and me having to move so quickly, she asked why I didn't tell anyone.  I didn't think it mattered to anyone so it just never came up.  Mrs. Whiteside sympathized with me in a time when I felt alone, scared and sadly, accustomed to suffering in silence.

You don't have to go through everything alone. I don't care what's going on in your life, ignore the fears and doubts you have and reach out to someone. If I had taken my own advice, I wouldn't have been forced into a mental hospital after my last suicide attempt in 2014. I could have saved myself several sleepless nights because I was up late crying about money or suffering from a bout of depression. So many panic attacks could have been avoided if I'd just stopped and said, "I'm not okay, please help me."

      I also want to take this time to directly address my Shadow family. Yes, MY Shadow FAMILY. You guys know who you are. You heard me say what's going on in my life. You guys all know my struggles. There's still more I haven't told you, but I can never thank you all enough for the support and kindness you've shown me. Without you, I would be in a much worse place. I feel I have people I can trust, who won't judge me, who will honestly offer me the encouragement I need. I wish I could be a fraction of the people you are. My family. My friends. My support system. I love you all. Thank you for being there for me, for being my shoulder to cry on, for talking to me when I feel like I can't go on. To the person who donated to me...I am touched by your generosity. To anyone who's given to me, be it financially or emotionally, thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I hope that I can one day return the kindness.

      I want to do something for all of you to show how much you have all touched my heart. Maybe words aren't enough. I can barely keep my composure as I type this. I have spent the past few hours in disbelief because I didn't think I deserved such a show of kindness. And now, at the age of 34, I am realizing that everything I know is wrong. I do deserve love and kindness. I deserve this amazing family that has accepted me. So Shadow, Pink, Chris, Yuki, Nadina, Cati, Hvy...I know I'm forgetting so many names but I am sobbing like an idiot over here so my brain's a little foggy. I love you all. Thank you...for so much, for everything, for giving me a family, for giving me a home.

     I know this post is a hot mess.  I'm all over the place today.  I genuinely cannot express how much each and every one of you has affected me.

     My name is Cora Valentine.  I am blessed with good friends, a good doggo and the most incredible family a girl could ever ask for.  I have cried twice while writing this because I am so overcome with emotion.

     Thank you all.  For reading, for sticking with me, for seeing me through the tough times, for celebrating the good with me, for everything.  I could not, and cannot do this alone.  Thank you, dearest reader, for taking the time to read this.
     I love you all,
            Cora Valentine.

Monday, June 24, 2019

X-Men: The Dark Phoenix


Guys.  This one...this one's going to be painful.  I've found a movie that's going on my Worst Of for the year.  And this is coming from my first ever fandom.  AND it's one of my favorite story lines but once again, they manage to screw it all up.  This is the second time we've gotten this specific plot but at least this one was closer to the source material.  Even then, that's not saying much.  There was so much wrong with this...before I get into it, let me tell you about something that happened to me.  Maybe then you'll understand why I'm so disappointed.

As many of you know, I'm part of a trivia team.  I go almost every Wednesday.  Once or twice a month, the place has a theme.  So far, I've competed in Game of Thrones and Marvel, both times I failed miserably.  When I heard there was going to be a X-Men themed trivia night, I got excited.  By the way, guess what I'm reviewing?  Anyway, I love the X-Men.  I have comics, graphic novels, visual guides, seen all the movies...I'm borderline obsessed.  Seriously, I know more than the common person should know.  My point is, this was my first fandom and I dove deep into it. 

So, I won trivia last week.  Not my team, literally me.  I beat out all the other teams to win $50 and some various prizes.  Like I said, X-Men is my thing.  That's how much I love this stuff.  So I was excited when I knew Dark Phoenix would be adapted into a movie.  I mean, yes, we got the Phoenix story before, but we all like to pretend that X-Men: The Last Stand didn't happen.  I could go on and on about how much I disliked that movie, but that's another story for another day.

Let's talk about the latest Dark Phoenix offering.

I don't even know where to begin with this one.  It was plagued with rewrites, reshoots and lots of problems.  And believe me, it shows.  The story was choppy, the characters were one dimensional and a lot of it felt strange.  The villain, if you can call it that, is barely even present and if you took it out, the movie might have improved.  A lot of elements are introduced, then left unfinished and the movie feels incomplete.  They don't really have a sense of finalty and as far as I know, this is the last movie in this current franchise.

Well...I did some research and they're going to do more movies.  They want to focus on the younger mutants so...this *might* be good.  I am worried about their next endeavor, "The New Mutants" because it was scheduled for release this year and was pushed back to next year.  I really hope they don't mess this one up as bad as they have films in the past.  Don't get me wrong, the first iteration of the X-Men movies were good.  X-Men and X2 were actually good.  The Last Stand was trash.  The Logan films were both good and disappointing as the completely messed up Wolverine's backstory.  Plus, there was some terrible CGI.  Don't even get me started on the "introduction" of Deadpool.  We don't talk about that.  So when I heard they were doing an origin series, yeah, I was excited.

Needless to say, I'm disappointed.

I mean, come on.  They hinted at a huge story line in the end credits scene in "Apocalypse".  They teased Mr. Sinister.  For those of you who don't know, Nathaniel Essex (the briefcase they showed had the name Esssex on it) is better known as Mr. Sinister.  And if you don't know who this baddie is, well, sit down kiddies, I'll tell you.  Essex is a villain who was so bad that even his wife knew it.  She's the one who called him Sinister and the name stuck.  Not only that, he had a massive role in another very popular mutant's life.  Did you know that Remy LeBeau AKA Gambit was adopted?  Mr. Sinister hired Remy do to some dirty work and trust me, this led to more shenanigans.  But my point is, they had so many things they could have touched on but nope, they left all that ignored.

So what we got instead was a 114 minute snooze fest that couldn't live up to expectations.  And no, I'm not being harsh because I'm an X-Men uber fangirl.  I'm saying this as your average movie goer.  To make matters worse, they give away huge details in the trailers.  For instance, before I saw the film, I already knew Mystique would die because they basically already showed it to me.  So when the scene rolled around, it wasn't shocking or heartbreaking because I was already aware of it.  What could have been a beautiful send off for a beloved character was ruined.  Yet, it then raises some questions.  Mystique shows up in later films, the ones that are set in a more current time so...plot hole.  And don't use the Days of Future Past logic.  I mean, it could explain every plot hole but that would be such lazy writing.

Dark Phoenix had almost no enjoyable moments.  In fact, it was quite forgettable.  Nothing really jumped out at me or made me excited.  It was mostly me being confused by the characters and not being sure what the actual story was.  Was it an attempt to show Jean dealing with past trauma?  Was it the Phoenix saga?  Were we going to get a history of Genosha?  Who were the other mutants on Genosha?  Who were the mutants who went with Erik to New York?  Is this why Kurt Wagner decided to become a priest? 

While I'm discussing certain characters, I want to address something mildly spoilery.  Nicolas Hoult plays a decent Hank McCoy, I'll give him that.  However, in Apocalypse, he mentions he's created a drug that suppresses the mutant gene, allowing Charles to walk again or something.  I don't remember, I haven't seen the film in a while.  He uses it on himself to appear human, but that wears off.  In Dark Phoenix, he's able to shift between his human and blue form, which is something that's never been addressed before?  So is he a shapeshifter?  Because he's always been big, blue, furry, Beast.  I wish these things got clarified.

Now, let me touch on Vuk, the villain of the story.  She's barely visible.  We get a weak backstory about her people dying because of the Phoenix force and that's it.  That's all we know about her.  She has no other qualities to her, other than being bland.  If Vuk had been removed, I wouldn't have minded.  Seeing Jean struggle with her powers and inability to control them was enough story, but nope, we had to add an additional, somewhat pointless layer to it.  Vuk and the D'Bari are maybe in 20 minutes of the movie.  But we have no backstory so I can't view her as sympathetic.  Vuk comes off as vengeful so I really couldn't find a reason to like her as a character.

I wanted to like this movie, I really did.  But once again, the story was butchered.  And now that Disney has acquired Fox, who knows what will happen next with this franchise.  I mean, they've done a decent job with Marvel but Fox tends to be a bit more edgy with their choices.  I don't know if this means we're going to have all future X-Men films watered down to make them more family friendly but I sincerely hope that is not the case.  X-Men makes it a point to touch on issues that people don't want to discuss, like discrimination, racism and even homosexuality.  It's always been this way.  Don't believe me, have a look at my autographed copy of X-Men that has the first ever gay wedding on it's cover and yes, Stan Lee (God rest his soul) signed it.

So, New Mutants has the potential to be good, as all films do.  The constant push backs have me worried because some times, many of the times, all the add ons can really destroy a film.  For example, in Thor: THe Dark World, Loki was supposed to die.  But, people reacted so negatively that they brought him back.  And you all know I love Loki and Tom Hiddleston, but I though having him die in the noble way he did was perfect.  Bringing him back felt like a mistake and honestly, he really didn't have anything to do in Ragnarok, then just got killed off again in Infinity War.  Movies can't decide between being good and pandering to the audience.  Not everyone is going to like your finished product, that goes for everyone.  At least create something you're proud of.

Trust me, this is a lesson I've had to learn in a very hard way.  It's the reason I lost all confidence in my skills as a blogger and film critic.  I was trying to write things I thought people would want from me, not write what I wanted to.  I made posts I wasn't proud of because I felt I had to churn stuff out.  The truth is, I have to do things in my own time so I can be proud of what I'm posting online for you, my lovely reader, to read.  Otherwise...why do what I do?

Dark Phoenix isn't the worst X-Men film out there.  The Last Stand is.  However, it still doesn't know what it wants to be and that was its downfall.  Instead of creating something that was potentially amazing, we got a generic, confusing mess that didn't have a satisfactory ending.  Hell, they left it wide open for a sequel.

Dear cinematic gods...don't let there be a sequel.

I know this review seems like it's been a little...off and maybe cut abruptly short, but I am rather ill at the moment.  I've been working on this review for a week and I really wanted to finish it because I also plan to review Shaft, which I saw.  My friend Sin surprised me and took me to see it, so I'd like to talk about that too.

Plus, I was talking to some other friends, Shadow and Pink, about Disney and princess and things like that and they gave me some very interesting ideas I want to talk about in a future blog.  So, there's something for everyone to look forward to.

I'm Cora Valentine, better known as TheCinemaChick and if I had a mutant power, I'd be an empath.

Love you guys and I'll see you in the next blog.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


Hello everyone who reads blogs on the internets!  My name is Cora Valentine, most of you know me better as TheCinemaChick because I'm a girl who reviews movies a lot!  I meant to write this review last week but you know, sometimes things just slip away from me and I don't get around to doing them until the next week.  I'm such a procrastinator, really.  I admit to it.

But you don't want to hear about that, do you?

...do you?

Nah, we're gonna skip over my personal problems (for now) and focus on the movie that is causing me a mixed reaction.  I was incredibly excited to see it but after seeing it, I honestly don't think it lives up to the hype.  It's not a disappointment by any means, I just don't think it knows what it wants to be yet.  There are so many messages and conflicts that are presented that it just got muddled.  Unfortunately, it also caused the plot to suffer.  While it was visually stunning and overall entertaining, it just didn't live up to the standards I had set in my mind for it.

Let's go back a bit before we dive into this new film, shall we?

I love the Godzilla movies.  I remember watching the old claymation ones as a kid and honestly, I still love them.  When I heard they were getting remade for a more modern audience, I was excited.  There were so many possible stories and it could have done almost anything, but I feel it is holding back for some reason.  The first Godzilla movie, which came out  in 2014, was enjoyable.  Fry, Butterfly and I all saw it together.  We came to the general conclusion that it needed more Bryan Cranston in it.  However, it had a cohesive plot that worked with the monster attacks.  The plot didn't suffer for the action.  I would say it was a solid film.  Let's...let's just not talk about the Matthew Broderick film from 1998, okay?  Can we all just agree to let it go and bury it in the sands of time?

Then, in 2017, we had another addition to this revamped monsters series.  Kong: Skull Island was also enjoyable, however, it was also problematic.  Bear with me on this one, it's going to get a little strange.  Again, overall, I liked the movie.  It was fun and set me up for future movies.  The cast worked perfectly, with one exception.  This is where I'm going to nitpick.  I love Tom Hiddleston, I really do.  He's one of my favorite actors but damnit, I got sick of seeing him in the Kong movie.  I get it, he's a main character, but they shoved him so far to the front that he overshadowed the giant ape the movie was about!  After seeing it with Fry, I told her that the movie was basically just Tom Hiddleston arm porn.  They really wanted us to look at his arms as he fought in slow motion and I freaking HATED it.  I loved the movie and it's post credit scene, but I could not stand Hiddleston in the film.  And it's not his fault.  He's the victim of poor writing and truthfully, I think they pushed him so far into the foreground as a cash grab.  Put his face on something and people will eat it up.

Tom Hiddleston, you deserve better.

Which brings me all the way back to 2019 and the new release Godzilla: King of the Monsters.  Again, I enjoyed it.  I had a lot of fun with the film, even though the run time wasn't the best.  I understand why it's well over 2 hours but there are times when it just drags and you feel the run time.  For the most part, I couldn't take my eyes off the screen because there was so much going on.  Now that I've time to think about it, I have some issues with the movie as a whole.  As always, I'll try to be as spoiler free as possible.  I won't talk about any major plot points, just stuff you've probably seen in the trailers.

Fry and I saw this last Tuesday and to my surprise, the theater was fairly empty.  I thought there would be more people there since the summer movie season is in full swing now.  It didn't bother me because no one was around us, so I admit, I cracked a few jokes during the film.  I KNOW, I KNOW, I'M A HYPOCRITE!  DON'T @ME!

Yes, I'm extremely, anti talking during movies.  I make no secret of it.  I am the person that will throw something at you tell you to STFU if you won't shut up.  But the theater was empty except for like 3 people way at the top, okay?  It's not something I do normally...except at Aladdin because I was singing along.  Not helping my case, am I?  Damn.

Anyway, this Godzilla picks up after the events of the last one.  I'll admit, I must have forgotten a few details because I didn't remember this family from the last movie.  But sure, they were there.  Let's go with that.  You've seen them in the trailer, Eleven is now the daughter of the woman from The Conjuring series.  The thing is, and this might be a bit spoiler-ish, the characters don't really matter.  There are maybe 2 you should pay attention to, everyone else is just there.  First, we have Emma Russell, who is the...protagonist?  Nah...she's more like an anti hero...I think...she's doing what she believes is right, but for the wrong person.  She's inciting chaos because she believes her actions will bring about peace.  What's that called?

Mrs. Whiteside, help me out here?  I'm drawing a blank!

The other person you should remember is Ishiro Serizawa, played by the always amazing Ken Watanabe.  Really, those two drive the plot.  I mean...if you can call it a plot.  I'll get to that in a moment.  Emma and Serizawa are sort of on the same side because they both want to protect Godzilla.  However, Emma choices end up screwing her over and basically, she's an idiot.  Never ally yourself with the guy who identifies as any kind of terrorist.  Even if it's Tywin Lannister (Charles Dance).  Another problem with this movie: Charles Dance is clearly billed as the antagonist but he's barely in the film!  I legit forgot he had a role until he popped up at the end.  If you're going to highlight someone and push them as the bad guy, don't shove them so far into the background he's forgettable.  That's what happened here.  I didn't even know his character's name until I looked it up on IMDB. 

Let's start off with what I enjoyed about Godzilla: King of the Monsters.  The visuals blew me away.  Props to the special effects team on this one.  I was awed by how good they made the creatures look.  Remember, I'm not a fan of CGI, but in this case, it worked out beautifully.  Even then, the non animated scenes were also brilliant.  They paid attention to small details and it worked.  I was sucked in because there are moments on screen that are truly breathtaking.  For instance, when they introduce one of the monsters, they way they did was so well done, I was speechless.  I would even go so far as to say this may be a contender for Best Special Effects. 

The cast was decent.  Millie Bobby Brown managed to separate herself from her role in Stranger Things.  I mean, I did look at her and think of Eleven, but that was only in passing.  She is branching out and kudos to her.  What is a kudos, by the way?  Anyone?  Help a girl out here?  Anyway, I thought she did a great job and I look forward to seeing her future endeavors in the acting world.  Charles Dance, though not very present, does give off the bad guy vibe. Granted, I don't know if it's because he's just born to play bad guys or if it's because I associate him with Game of Thrones.  Like Brown, Dance also managed to shed the persona of the role he will forever be known for.  Yet, he really didn't get a chance to shine as the villain, which is sad.  You guys know I love a good villain.  Maybe he'll have a bigger role in the sequel? (**MASSIVE SPOILER ALERT THERE**)

What didn't I like about this movie?  The plot.  They had a good solid plot in mind but they chose visuals and action scenes instead.  Like, yes, I get it, you have to do this thing for that thing to happen, but they stop bringing up the thing!  The catalyst for the war of the monsters disappears during the second act.  While I love how good the film looked, I cannot believe they sacrificed what could have been a damn good story too.  The second act is mostly just the (**SEMI SPOILERYISH**) introducing new monsters, having monster battles and the humans trying to kill said monsters.  And no, I haven't said monsters enough.

Like, I didn't even get the names of all the titans they introduced, so I had to make up names for them.  We get Godzilla, obviously.  We get a slew of monsters I won't name so I don't spoil anything else for you but again, they are barely shown.  Angry Fawkes (not the creature's real name but I don't know what it was so that's what I'm calling it) had one good fight scene before disappearing until the finale.  Mega Mamoswine (again, no idea what it's called) was nothing more than a cameo.  Same with the Muto from the last movie.  It showed up once.   Then we have Aragog's American Cousin, Gary.  Who are these Titans?  Why are the relevant?  How did they get released?  How were they captured or suspended or whatever?  It's never mentioned!  It's basically "Oh hey, there's Gary, let's release him".  They never stop to explain how important, if they are important, these creatures are.

I get it though.  You're on a time constraint, but it would take, what, like 4 minutes to give me some exposition?  Not only that, you spend so much time setting up this family, only to basically ignore it and occasionally show some teen angst.  Again, Brown did amazing but she can do better.  And they give a huge middle finger to the audience because they set up one ending, then just go "Nah, let's just change it all up last minute".  Again, it works, but why do it that way?  It felt like a last minute re-shoot.  And okay, I can buy that there might be an alternate ending, but it didn't feel organic to the character at all.  She spent the entire movie trying to do a thing, realized she lost another thing then just up and did something else?  I know it all sounds confusing but if you've seen the movie, you understand it.  Or, I'll explain it to you in private so I don't spoil it for someone else.

Overall, I would say yes, see Godzilla: King of Monsters.  It's a visual treat and it's just a lot of fun to sit through.  Despite the weak plot and the lackluster characters, it wasn't too bad.  I loved seeing all the monsters depicted on screen together.  The CGI is just perfect and oh yes, the ending was well worth the two hour wait.  Plus, they have really awesome call backs to their previous films.  So you do see bits from the previous Godzilla and from Kong, which help tie the series together as a whole.  Granted, my stupid self said, "so that means more Tom Hiddleston?"

Don't ask okay?  Just let me have my moment.

There's also an end credit scene you need to stick around for!  Fry and I were the only ones who wait because I said, "Kong had a post credits scene, this one's going to pull a Marvel and have one too, I just know it."  And BAM, I WAS RIGHT!  The employees at the theater confirmed it as they cleaned.  And it's kind of important because it sets up the next film and if they are going off what they showed in that scene, then the next one is going to be so freaking good!  The monster battle scenes were so good in this one, I can't wait to see what's in store for the next one.

So, I did a little research on the internet and apparently, the next movie is going to be a prequel, "Godzilla vs. Kong" which is slated for a March 2020 release!  I just found all this out and got really excited.  Wait, a prequel.  That really does mean there's a chance for more Tom Hiddleston!!  I just really love Tom Hiddleston, okay? 

You know what, I'm satisfied with my review.  I'm getting back into my own personal groove and it feels good.  I feel like me again.  And since, I've written a lot, I'm going to end things here.  If you're curious, it took me an hour and 45 minutes to write this, this includes checking IMDb and the internet for various sources, proofreading and editing. 

But I'm happy with how this has turned out.  I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

I'm Cora Valentine, AKA TheCinemaChick and in my next blog...I have some big news to share with everyone.

I love you all, thank you for sticking with me all these years, through my highs and lows, my many hiatuses and all my self doubt.  Whenever I have someone asking what movie I'm doing next or when my next post will be, it makes me feel like I'm finally doing something right.  Film is my passion.  Thank you for sharing this with me.

In the immortal words of Eicca Toppinen of Apocalyptica: Take care of each other.  Love each other.  Love yourself.

See you guys next time.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Summer Movie Season 2019!


It's almost June and you know what that means, don't you?  It's time for the 2019 Summer Movie Season!  For those of you who don't know or possibly have lived under a rock all your life or whatever, the summer movie season is when production studios launch some of their biggest titles.  People are going on vacation or are out of school for a while, so this is when the movies see some of their biggest profits.  I mean, yeah Avengers: Endgame kind of topped all the charts this year and nothing will beat that but we have some really good things coming out this year, so let's take a look at a bunch of films I want to see (and hopefully will!)

Ah, where are my manners.. I have to do my obligatory introduction!  Hello everyone out there currently reading this!  My name is Cora Valentine, some of you know me as TheCinemaChick, but either way, I'm your guide to what's hip and hot this summer!

Okay, you know what, that didn't feel natural.  I'm not cool enough to try and talk like the teenagers do. 

But, I digress.  You get my point.  There are a bunch of movies coming out this summer, some of which sound like absolute blockbusters, some of which might be worth a watch and some...well...let's be honest.  There are some movies that just don't ever make the cut, doomed to fall into obscurity.  Case in point, the Uglydolls movie.  Don't remember that one?  It came out around the same time as Avengers, maybe a few weeks before.  It bombed so spectacularly that it was out of theaters pretty fast.  The sad thing is, they marketed this movie so heavily.  I saw dozens of commercials and they had a star studded cast as well.  And even all that couldn't save this.  In my defense, I don't know what an Uglydoll is.  I'm pretty sure this movie was marketed at people much younger than me.  Maybe my niece would have liked it.  She's six.

I've already watched a few movies this year, some of them good, some of them just okay.  Yet, some of the best stuff is yet to come so I cannot wait to visit my local theaters and see what the movies have to offer me this year.  So, let's dive into a list of movies I want to see, probably review as well and enjoy.  Here we go, in no real order, a list for you to read!

Godzilla: King of Monsters
I love the Godzilla franchise.  I remember watching the old school claymation ones as a kid.  I saw the last one with Fry and Butterfly, we all liked it.  This one looks to top that one because literally, they are bringing all the monsters.  I'm excited because it's been a really long time since we've had a good old fashioned monster smackdown around here.  Based on the trailers I've seen so far, the special effects look pretty good.  And you guys know I am so picky when it comes to CGI.  In a handful of cases, it's done well and adds a lot of a film.  However, many times it's painfully obvious that there are special effects and it really detracts from a movie for me.  Then again, Fry says I've become a bit of a snob when it comes to cinema so...she's not entirely wrong there.

Spiderman: Far From Home
We all knew this one would be on here.  I never miss a Marvel movie.  And this one gives us our first glimpse of life, post Thanos.  I really want to see what the MCU has turned into, now that we've seen that world change so dramatically.  And we get to see how Peter is coping with that one major thing from Avengers.  I won't spoil it because some of you may not have seen it, but you know exactly what I'm talking about.  And we get a new villain and perhaps a new world we haven't seen yet.  And no, this part isn't a spoiler because it's in the freaking trailer guys.  Don't believe me, look it up.  You guys know that I will not ruin a movie for anyone else, UNLESS the movie is so bad I don't think you should waste your money on it like I did.  Don't be an idiot.  Listen to me and learn from my mant cinematic mistakes.

The Lion King
I'm a little wary of this one.  Disney has been hit or miss with their live action remakes.  While I enjoyed Alice in Wonderland, I thought the sequel was awful.  Beauty and the Beast, while visually stunning and well cast, failed to hit the mark.  Many of cast members sang their own songs and many of them should have used a professional singer.  Sorry, Emma Watson, I'm looking at you for this one.  Speaking in a melodic manner does not constitute singing.  Take it from the girl who's had a decade of professional training.  Then, Aladdin surprised me because it was amazing.  Quick side not: JUST BECAUSE IT DOESN'T HAVE ROBIN WILLIAMS DOESN'T MEANT IT'S NOT WORTH SEEING!  WILL SMITH DID A FANTASTIC JOB AND DISNEY HONORED ROBIN WILLIAMS IN A VERY TASTEFUL WAY.  IF YOU'RE ONE OF THE "BUT IT'S NOT ROBIN WILLIAMS" PEOPLE, DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND GET OVER YOURSELF AND SEE THE MOVIE!!
I do like The Lion King.  It was a favorite movie of mine growing up, but like I said earlier, CGI makes me wary.  Since they couldn't use real animals in this, it's going to be very CGI heavy.  However, the cast they have so far sounds amazing.  Hell, James Earl Jones is back as Mufasa.  That's freaking awesome!  I do know that if I see this one, I'll be going solo since Fry has no desire to see it and my new movie buddy Sinat doesn't like live action remakes...even though we all saw Aladdin together.  Yeah...
Hobbs and Shaw
Yes, I'm a fan of the Fast and Furious franchise.  I've seen most of them and I've gotten to where I really like the cast.  This is a spin off starring Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham in a solo flick.  While it looks like it might be a little cheesy and a little over the top, there were scenes in the trailer that made me really want to see it.  I mean, it has Idris Elba, who I adore as an actor.  And I don't think I've ever seen him as a villain, so this should be interesting.  Plus, there was something from the trailer that spoke to my heart.  In it, they go to "home", where it appears to be a lovely island nation.  They don old school weapons like spears and do a traditional war dance.  To some of you, it may seem odd.  Remember, Dwayne Johnson makes no secret of his heritage.  It's called a haka, a dance done to intimidate your opponent.  For me, I went to a school where the majority of the students were Polynesian, so I learned a lot about their culture.  Before every sports game, they would perform a haka.  So as soon as I saw that haka on screen, I was sold.

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark
Everyone knows by this point that I love horror.  I have a huge collection of horro games, I love horror films...I just love scary stuff in general.  I remember this book from my childhood.  The macabre drawings always made me uneasy and the stories were so creepy.  So naturally, I've read them all about ten times.  Plus, Guillermo Del Toro is the one bringing this thing to the big screen and you know I love this man's work.  He always finds a way to mix fantasy with horror with a touch of social commentary.  I'm really hoping this movie does justice to the book series.  And, I really hope it does scare me.  It's been so long since a horror movie has actually been able to make me jump.  I mean, Annabelle: Creation was good but...the main character had my name and the same disability as me so I couldn't take it seriously.  According to that movie, I'm the root of all evil.  Sorry?

It: Chapter Two
I loved the first one.  I hate clowns.  I love Stephen King.  Pennywise makes me freak out but damn, you have to admit it was a good movie.  It had me on the edge of my seat from the start.  And it wasn't just pure horror.  There were elements of romance, drama and a good coming of age film mixed in and they all worked together.  Chapter Two takes place in the future, when all of the kids come back to Derry.  I haven't read the book, so I don't know what to expect but if the trailer is any indication of what's in store, then I can't wait.  I should probably buy the book so I can read it and see how it compares.

Downton Abbey
Confession time: I haven't watched all of the series.  I don't particularly enjoy it.  However, I promised Fry I'd finish the show and see the movie with her.  I mean, I just didn't like watching a show about stuck up rich people being mean to the help.  I deal with that enough at work so why would I want to see more of it?  But, I don't go back on promises so I'll suck it up and see it.  Who knows, maybe it'll be good.

So guys, let me know, what movies do YOU think I need to see?  Is there something out there that you want to see but just aren't sure of?  Let me know!  I will sit through a movie for you so you don't have to potentially waste your money!  If I can find it local, I'll go see it.  Plus, it gives me a chance to broaden my cinematic horizons by seeing something I might not normally choose.  I love getting feedback and suggestions, so please, feel free to talk to me.  Find me on Twitter @TheCinemaChick, I'm on Discord and oh yeah, I have a page on Facebook where I post all my blogs!  I don't bite...at first...kidding.

I'm TheCinemaChick and if you'll excuse me, I have a panicked pupper to attend to.  
(We're about to have some storms come through and there's thunder, lightning, tornado warning...he's nervous.  Some treats and belly rubs and he should be okay.  Hammy is a spoiled old boy)

Monday, May 27, 2019

We're going to back to my childhood...I mean Agrabah!

Hey, so, I haven't been active since 2017, but you know, I need that break.  I got to a point where I was really burned out.  I couldn't go to a movie without being hypercritical.  Movies weren't enjoyable anymore.  I tried making vlogs but honestly, I don't enjoy them as much.  I wanted to step away so I could get back to a place where I could see a movie and enjoy them. 
Fortunately, I am back to that place.  I am able to sit through a movie and actually have fun again.  Part of that is because I took time away from my blog, part of that is because I have been fortunate enough to make new friends who enjoy film as much as I do.
With that said, allow me to have a proper introduction.
Hello all you lovely people out there in Internetworldland!  My name is TheCinemaChick and as you can tell by my moniker, I'm a girl who loves movies.  I've been doing this little blog since 2012 and have no plans to stop again any time soon,  Have I seen a lot of movies this year, absolutely.  Will I see a lot more?  Yes I will.  I'm already making plans to see the new Godzilla when it comes out next week and at some point, I will see John Wick 3. 
So, you're probably wondering what movie managed to revive me.  What film was so good that it made me want to write again?  Truth be told, it's a movie we've all seen before.  I grew up in the 90s, like many of you did.  So, like many people, I've watched all of the animated Disney films.  Wouldn't you know, they remade a bunch of those classics.  I have seen all of the live action remakes up to date.  I liked Beauty and the Beast to an extent.  The first Alice in Wonderland was good, didn't care for the sequel.  Well, The Lion King is coming out later this year but Aladdin is back in theaters.  Let me tell you, it was worth the wait.
Like a lot of people, I was apprehensive about seeing this one.  I had the same prejudices.  Robin Williams wasn't the Genie and I really wasn't sure Will Smith could measure up. 
I was extremely wrong,
Will Smith absolutely shines as Genie in the live action flick.  He brings some of that old school Fresh Prince attitude to the character.  So yes, he is not Robin Williams, but instead brings a wonderful and exciting new take to this familiar character.  He has a charm and sincerity about him that I really liked.  While most of his scenes are done with CGI, I still enjoyed it because I could see elements of the animated movie in there,  If the whole "But he's not Robin Williams" thing is what's stopping you from seeing this, do yourself a favor and get over it.  You won't regret it.
The casting in general is also perfect.  Normally, production companies tend to whitewash a movie.  Let's never forget the live action adaptation of Ghost in the Shell.  In this case, they didn't.  They chose highly skilled actors who managed to truly embody their animated counterparts.  Mena Massoud was brilliant as Aladdin.  Naomi Scott shined as Jasmine.  Not only that, but they really turned Jasmine into a badass.  Instead of just being compliant, she has a voice and takes a stand for what she believes in.  Hell, they even wrote new songs just for her. 
The story is the same as it was back in the day.  Jafar wants the lamp so he can have absolute power.  Aladdin happens to be the diamond in the rough.  You know, I feel it's okay to talk about the plot since the first version of this film came out so long ago.  If you haven't seen it, where have you been all this time?  Like, it's been shown on television thousands of times.  Anyone who's ever had to babysit has had to watch this.  It's a classic Disney animation now.  Everyone should have seen it be now.
One thing I really liked is how this iteration of the story managed to combine Bollywod and hip hop.  While the movie stays true to the Middle Eastern feel it's always had, there are some new, more modern elements added in.  I don't want to give away too many of those details because they really were amazing to see.  There are a few dance sequences in the film that honestly, were the best parts.  The duet between Genie and Aladdin was worth the wait.  I mean, I planned to see this movie so I could ooh and ahh over the costuming, but overall, I loved it.  Yes, the costumes are breathtaking.  I really want the chance to see them up close so I can admire the intricate details more. 
If this is what we can expect from the Disney live action remakes, then sign me up.  From the beginning, I was having fun.  I sat with Fry and we were singing all of the songs because for us, this is nostalgic.  Neither of us were fully on board going into the movie but after seeing it, we agree that it doesn't deserve all the negative press it's been getting.  If you enjoy bright, colorful scenes, well fleshed out characters and a touch of nostalgia, Aladdin is definitely worth checking out.  I'm glad I did because maybe if I hadn't seen it, I wouldn't be inspired to return to my passion.  And yes, I consider film blogging to be one of the biggest passions in my life. 
I know this review is going to seem a little short and maybe a little choppy but I'm getting back into the swing of things here.  I'm ready to return to this blog, maybe look at getting my own domain again and who knows, maybe there will be a film so good, I can't even put it into words.  I mean, it happened with Avengers: Endgame.  I cried 4 times during that movie, no lie.  But for now, I think I'm going to sign off and let you all enjoy the magic of the newly released Aladdin.
      As always, I'm TheCinemaChick, I'm back in my natural element and for all you know, I have a magic lamp in my backpack.  What three wishes should I make?