Sunday, March 4, 2012

Of vlogs and ice cream and things

            Hey guys, it’s me, your friendly neighborhood theater lurker, TheCinemaChick!  As I mentioned many blogs ago, I do plan on incorporating video reviews into my blog in the near future.  Well, that time has come.  I finally have a decent camera and can start recording my thoughts.  Before I jump into the vlog bandwagon, I want to ask my readers for their opinions on this.

            I mentioned in my “Stupid Courage” blog that I am very aware of how people perceive physical beauty.  I’m not a supermodel and I don’t find myself particularly attractive.  Because of that, I am incredibly nervous about making a video and posting it on the site. Yeah, yeah, I know, it’s silly to think people would stop coming to my blog over something so trivial.  Let me put it this way.  I’ve had guys stop talking to me because I wasn’t pretty.    And honestly, sugar coating it only makes it worse.  I don’t know how many times I’ve heard “but you have a great personality” at this point.

            Yeah, that’s EXACTLY what a girl wants to hear.  I have a lovely personality.  Even though I claim I don’t care what others think of me, there’s always some lingering fear that everyone is judging me.  And let’s be honest.  We all look at other people.  No matter what you say, if you see someone dressed in a manner different than your own, you’ll look at them and make a comment whether it’s good or bad. 

            I’m guilty of it.  I will be totally honest with you, reader.  Granted, most of the time, I’m talking about some teenage girl who’s dressed like she should be standing on a street corner at midnight.  What parent lets their young daughter out in public wearing short shorts and shirts that leave almost nothing to the imagination?  Ok, ok, I’m guilty of wearing low cut tops on occasion but I don’t do to an extreme.  

            So, let’s talk about attraction again.  We all have different tastes.  People are like ice cream: they’re all in different colors and flavors.  One person might like mint chocolate chip and another may like rocky road.  So with that in mind, even though it’s a little weird, let’s discuss clothes.  Dressing like a hooker does not automatically mean you look sexy.  It just means you look trashy and you like showing off skin.  And honestly, some of you girls should consider going up a size.  I know, you’re a medium and would die if you had to be a large.  Look at it this way, you’re wearing a shirt that’s too tight and emphasizing that little belly of yours.  Every time you take a step, the world sees it jiggle.  So, would you rather go up a size and hide it or let us all be very aware of your flab?

            I have a few shirts that are a tiny bit tight, but I also only wear them in cooler weather when I can put a jacket on over it.  Then again, I’m insanely picky about my clothing.  If you look in my closet, you’ll see lots of jeans, some nice clothes and lots of black shirts.  I wear black shirts because I have no idea what looks good on me, but I’m not about to run out and buy a pink shirt.  I’m not a fan of bright colors so I have no idea why people enjoy neons.  Every time I think about neon colors, I think about the 80s.  Are we really bringing that era back?

            As a chick with curves, I have to admit, I’ve taken some major risks.  I have some low rise jeans and yes, I have a strapless top.  Before you get a bad mental image, it’s very classy.  It’s long and I wear a shirt over it so it looks very good.  The only problem is, I loaned it to Fry and haven’t gotten it back yet.  I think I need to steal it from her closet in the near future.  So I think curvy girls should take some risks, just not ones that’ll make you look bad.  Try a color you never thought you’d look good in or maybe try a different cut of jeans.  Instead of bootleg, try flare.

            While I’m on the topic, why do all the plus size clothes all look so boring?  I looked around and nothing was cute.  It was all something I’d never wear.  Like…animal print of floral print.  Not every looks good in flowers.  Some people look absolutely horrible in animal print.  And never ever mix prints!  Why would you wear stripes with plaid?  That’s not an appealing picture!

            And now, let’s talk about men.

            Men, I know you don’t have the same amount of things to worry about as women.  You don’t have to worry about bras or makeup.  However, wearing tattered shorts and a holey t-shirt isn’t flattering.  Nice jeans and a button down shirt is one of the sexiest things you can wear.  Seriously, think about it.  Do you want a girl who goes out in shredded jeans and a nasty top or do you want her in nice jeans and a nice top?  I know, the ripped look is somehow trendy but I’ve seen a girl wearing jeans with a tear right under the butt cheek.  And she was around small children!  How inappropriate can you be?

            Think about it.  We dress to find jobs or attain a higher ranking at said job.  We dress to find a mate.  Clothes are important to every day life…unless you’re a nudist.  That’s a topic I won’t even touch.  I can handle living in an all girl dorm where the walls are paper thin but nudity makes me uncomfortable.

            And the whole thing about proper fit applies to you too men.  Women don’t want to see that beer gut sticking out.  Just saying.

            Also, I want to throw this out.  Just because someone is hot, it doesn’t mean they are dating material.  For instance, I happen to think one of my guy friends (who I see movies with on occasion) is hot but I don’t want to date him.  We’re way too different, but he’s still hot.  I think he’d be great for one of my friends but again, I’m not interested in him like that.

            I prefer guys with long hair, shoulder length of longer.  My last ex had gorgeous hair, then he cut if off and our problems started.  Coincidence?

            So, in a very roundabout way, I think I’ve covered everything I wanted to touch on.  Granted I took the scenic route instead of the direct one but hey, I’m allowed to rant every so often.  I’ve explained my reservations about making a vlog and ranted about appearances.  In a strange way, I’ve accomplished a lot.  Well, accomplished a lot in this blog, not in my life.  I’m such a loser.

            I’m TheCinemaChick and I’m depressed again.


  1. Hey there. Your long lost sis here again. And to answer your question about doing a vblog I think you should. I honestly believe that a person like you that's not the supermodel skinny or perfect according to a magazine is the type of thing that needs to be shown. For once, the world needs to see that different is beautiful and cookie cutter is boring.

  2. In my onpion, I think you should do it because this is about you reviewing movies, not people reviewing you. I even think it has potentil to be really good because people can see your true feelings about the film.

    I mean, when people read things, they use thier imagination to think of how you're saying it. I've gotten into arguments and such with people because of impressions they get from the way I write, and it's not impressions they should get at all, "they're reading it all wrong".

    Doing a vlog can leave it open for you to go into better deatail about some aspects of the film, and body language and they way you say things have an impact as well. Who cares what other people say about your appearance, it shouldn't matter because what should matter is the review. I can't promise that there won't be stupid inconsiderate people, but in those cases, you really have to be able to say "fuck 'em".

    I'm down to watch your vlog, and it I may even do the same at some point. I'm surprised I haven't done one already. Keep progressing in your feild. I'm looking forward to making movies and having a critic quote from you on the cover of my long as they're positive quotes, of course :)
