Monday, May 11, 2015

Theater Reviews: Harkins Southlake

                Hey everyone out there behind a computer screen!  Happy Monday from me, you’re (probably not) favorite reviewer, TheCinemaChick!  I've had a rough weekend, so I’m setting aside a few things for now.  Don’t worry, I’m still going to do my look at the summer movie season.  You see, yesterday was Mother’s Day and for me, it’s not an easy day because I lost MovieMomma in 2012.  I did go through grief counseling this year but if anyone else has ever lost a parent, you know how hard it is to have holidays like this.  Yes, I have OtherMother and TenMom (KitKat’s mother has accepted me as her daughter and they live in Tennessee) but it will never be MovieMomma.  Don’t get me wrong, I love all of the maternal figures in my life.  There’s just no one else like your mother.

                Enough about my sadness.  I've been mulling this over in my head a while and I've decided that I want to take a look at the theaters I frequent.  That’s right, I’m reviewing the theaters themselves.  I've thought about what I would base my criteria on and I think I've got it.  I’m going to base my opinions on the following five factors: Lobby/Hallway, Theater, Management/Staff, Snacks and Cleanliness.  I've been to a lot of cinemas in the area and everyone’s got an opinion on which one they prefer.  I can honestly say, I've been to some amazing places but there is one theater that I will never go to again.  You’ll understand when I write about that one.

                What’s my rating system?  Let’s make one up…I suppose a five star system would work.

                Also, keep in mind I am not affiliated with any of these businesses.  I’m not employed at any of them.  At most, I’m a patron.  If they like what they read, fantastic.  If they don’t, I’m sorry but I’m entitled to my opinions.

                The first theater I want to visit, metaphorically, is Harkins Theater.  It is in Southlake, Texas which isn’t too terribly far from me.  It’s a bit of a drive, whether I take a highway or the back roads.  But that’s not their fault.  I’m more than willing to make the drive out there to see a movie.  So, let’s look at each of my criteria, one at a time.

1.       Lobby/Hallway
The building itself is fairly small.  There’s just one long hallway and a medium sized lobby.  Even when it’s full of people, it never feels like it’s small because there’s plenty of room to maneuver through the crowds.  Granted, there are always those people who stop in the middle of the area to chat but that’s not anyone’s fault but their own.  And remember, it’s hard for me to get around because I do require a cane to walk.  I've never felt like I was going to be shoved aside or knocked over.  And they are well lit, so navigation isn't an issue.  Overall, I give it my highest rating, five stars.

2.       Theater
The theater itself is bright both before and after the show.  A lot of people leave as soon as the credits start, which is ok but if you’re like me, or it’s a Marvel movie, you wait.  However, I've been to some theaters where you can’t see anything until well after the credits end.  It’s like the want you to be in the dark, pun intended.  A lot of the time, I am terrified to move around in a theater because it’s dark and having a cane, I need to see where I am stepping.  I’m also visually impaired, so I can’t see outlines in dark places.  I love that Harkins actually makes sure people can see where they are going.  I personally feel safer going up and down the steps, knowing I can clearly see what I am doing.
Rating: Five Stars

3.       Management/Staff
You know how some places have employees that just look like they’d rather be doing anything else at that moment?  Or how it reflects in their attitude?  I never see that with the workers at Harkins.  I’ll admit, sometimes they do seem tired but they work hard and I cannot fault them for showing signs of exhaustion.  They are genuinely friendly, gladly help out if you have a question and are incredibly helpful.  I've had issues with an employee…never actually.  And the management?  Bravo Harkins management!  You guys are the best.  I went to a midnight showing and asked a manager about possibly going in like, 2 minutes earlier so I could get a seat.  When he asked why, I explained how most people rush in at once, run past me, etc and that I had been knocked over before during a marathon.  I was just asking because of my personal safety.  Since that night, I've noticed there has been a “no running, no pushing” rule enacted.  They’ve even said if you get caught doing that, it’s the end of the line for you. 
I am incredibly impressed that they took a concern from a customer (I’m sure it wasn't me, other people have probably said things in a similar manner before) and made it a rule so everyone can be safe.  And yes, I do feel safer at Harkins.  I feel I am less likely to trip, be knocked over, fall…I just think they raised the bar here.
Rating: Six Stars (Because they are that good.  I’m not kidding, they are amazing.)

4.       Snacks
Honestly, just about every theater I go to has a subpar snack bar.  I’m normally unimpressed but everything.  However, they have a great selection.  I've never had stale popcorn either and believe me, some places I've been have no shame in serving leftover stuff.  Don’t like the amount of butter you got?  They have small stations to the side where you can add more.  They also have the plastic jars with seasoning in them if you want a different flavor.  Did you know other theaters charge for it?  I've seen it sold for about a dollar other places but here, they give it away.  And if you haven’t tried ranch popcorn, you’re missing out.  They have a huge variety of candy as well, if that’s what you want.  They even offer pizza and small burgers if you’re really hungry.  I’m not a fan but that’s because I've never understood getting a full meal at a movie.  If you’re at a movie tavern, I understand but a normal movie?  Don’t get me wrong, I've eaten probably everything they offer because I've attended marathons there and if you’re there all day, you don’t just want popcorn.  Personally, I go for the pizza but to each their own.
Rating: Four Stars (sometimes the lines get really backed up and you end up waiting a long time to get to the counter, and I don’t mean during marathon events.  Even then, it’s worth the wait)

5.       Cleanliness
Not going to lie, I've never seen this theater dirty.  Yes, after a movie, people leave their trash all over but that’s it.  The bathrooms are always spotless, even during marathon events when they are in high use.  How is it possible that they keep it so clean?  The lobby and halls may have the occasional piece of popcorn or ticket stub but that’s it.  It’s just…clean.  Once again, it’s good for me because I feel safe, knowing I can’t slip on someone’s spilled popcorn.  They take care of things in a very timely manner.  Oh and during marathons, if you’re too tired or too stiff to make it to the trashcans in the hallway, they come around with a bag so you can dispose of your garbage.  Is there anything they won’t do?  Well, I mean, yeah they can’t do everything for you but still, they’re pretty impressive by my standards.
Rating: Four and a Half Stars.  They’re not perfect and there are some people who just leave the trash all over and it’s possible that sometimes, something might be overlooked.  However, by far, Harkins is the cleanest theater I go to.

                There you have it, folks!  My first theater review!  What do you guys think?  Do you want me to write about more places I go?  Would you want to know what I think about some of the local theaters?  And by local, I mean the places in the Hurst, Euless, Bedford, Grapevine, Southlake, Colleyville, Arlington area.  I live in the Dallas/Fort Worth suburbs so I tend to stick with what’s closest to me.  Sorry, I don’t see the need to drive to downtown Dallas for 3 hours.

                Also, as I've said before, I am not affiliated with any of these places.  They are simply theaters I go to and like going to.  If they like what I say, great, if they don’t, I’m sorry.

                Until next time, I’m TheCinemaChick and I think I’ll make a sandwich for dinner.

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