Friday, August 1, 2014

Jersey Boys

Hello fellow movie loving folks, I'm the one you know as TheCinemaChick! I'm always up to something and sometimes, that might involve doing something completely different. No hints about what I've got in store but it'll be fun. I might even have a special guest with me.

But you're not here to see me being all mysterious, you're here because it means I have another movie to discuss. And you would be right, my friend. I have three more movies to cover before I am completely caught up with my list. You see, there are two films I have watched but purposely held off on because they are just so simplistic but brilliant. Actually, tomorrow, it will mean I have to add another movie since Fry and I plan to check out “Begin Again”. What can I say, she thinks Adam Levine is attractive, I like Mark Ruffalo...we couldn't resist.

But now, in THIS review, let's look at “Jersey Boys”.

First off, this movie was not what I expected. I mean, I knew it was a (semi?) biography...I'm not sure how much is truth and how much is fiction in this. It's about Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. What I did not expect was the incredibly high amount of cursing. I'm comfortable with mild cursing but this was beyond that. The language is extremely inappropriate, so don't take the kids to see this one. Leave them with the babysitter for this. There's no violence, no sex, occasional drinking and lots and lots of swearing. I don't care if it was really like that, I'm sure there were several spots where we could have left out some F-bombs.

Overall, I did enjoy it. The story was good, though the method of telling it confused me a few times. It starts off with one person's point of view, then it'll randomly switch to another person's, then back, then to someone else, so you never know who's going to start talking next. It does also take a while for the story to get going since there is a lot of background information to get through before we even get to the music. Again, some of this seems like it could have been left out and have no effect on the film. There's a scene where Frankie and his wife get into a fight about raising their daughter then suddenly he has three. There is no mention of them previous to this and they are only seen once more, during a funeral.

One thing I really enjoyed about this movie is that most of the main actors are from the Broadway show. That's right, they aren't regular actors. I think that's really awesome and not done often, if ever. Christopher Walken is also in this, but he is not on screen much. His name is thrown around a lot but for the most part, don't hope to see him dancing.

Sorry, guys but this will be a short one. I didn't like “Jersey Boys” but I didn't hate it. It's not my preference but I do recommend it because the story is compelling. It gets a little confusing because the perspective tends to shift between the band mates. Most of the characters were unlikable as well, so I had a hard time really getting into the story. For the fans of the Broadway show, this is apparently just as good. Having never seen it, I can't say.

While I don't see if being a huge box office success, it has done fairly well. It has had some very stiff competition from newcomers.

I'm TheCinemaChick and I could be invisible right now.

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