Sunday, August 10, 2014

Trailer Trash - Fifty Shades of Grey

****We are once again discussing Fifty Shades of Grey!  Be warned!****

 Hello everyone, what's going on? I'm the one you know and love as TheCinemaChick. Today we're going to do something that hasn't been seen here in a long time. You haven't had had a decent “Trailer Trash” in so long that we figured it's a good time to have one. I've got Kit Kat on standby and we're going to talk about the hottest trailer out there. Ladies and gentlemen, let's take a look at “Fifty Shades of Gray”. Or as I like to call it “Twilight Porn”.

Alo everyone. Kit Kat is back at last. Excited to do some Trailer trashing. And I think this is the perfect trailer to come back with and review. It was one of the bestselling book series and now it’s going to be a movie. Although, this is admitting a remiss in my literature duties, I haven’t read the series myself but I did a little searching and discovered the general “storyline” of the book. So, I will get to give my opinion from the perspective that some of you may be coming from who haven’t read the books. But time for the trailer.

I personally am surprised they can show this in theaters. That final scene's just her tied up, blindfolded and moaning. It makes me uncomfortable. They sort of drag out this sexual tension up until that point. And even the trailer shows just how much like “Twilight” this story is. If you've seen my rant about this series, you know that I see this as thinly veiled Twilight porn. The characters aren't even different from the originals. They're just...I'm trying not to go into a nerd rage about this but let's face it, it's fanfiction. Not even good fanfiction at that. We have our Edward, Bella and even though you don't see it, there is a Jacob.

I completely agree. I was rewatching the trailer just to refresh my memory about what I was seeing. I literally had to pause the video and look to Cinema Chick and let her know all I could think was “Twilight”. With lines like: Grey – “I’m incapable of staying away from you.” Followed by Ana saying: “Then don’t.” I can’t help myself. I nearly checked the title of the video to make sure I was really watching a trailer for “Fifty Shades of Grey”. The whole trailer can lead an unknowing person to think it’s not completely about the sex. As if they are going to underplay it in the movie. However, it’s more than likely that they aren’t. I’m honestly wondering how much are they going to try and get away with in the movie itself based upon the comments I’ve heard people making about various scenes in the book.

I have to admit, I really dig the new arrangement of Beyonce's “Crazy in Love”. It's probably my favorite part of the whole trailer. It does actually fit perfectly with the scenes but even then, it just looks bland and boring until he appears to molest her in an elevator. And if anyone cares, that's a scene from the book when he's debating his paperwork to sleep with her then says “Fuck the paperwork” and makes out with her anyway. I'm not kidding. This really happened, along with other things. You can't really get a sense of how screwed up this truly us unless you've read the book. Like, the part where Christian shoves some guy out of the way...looks harmless, until you find out he drove like...30 miles or so to see her after she drunk dials him. I seriously wish I was making this up.

People who haven’t read the books and go see this movie are not only going to be lost but they might actually feel a little uncomfortable once things get rolling. Pretty much anything beyond the beginning “calm” part of the trailer left me confused. Well, unless the sex started popping up. That’s pretty self-explanatory. I’ll admit, I have seen some movies with “PG sex” in it. And if somehow I had been living under a rock during the book’s reign and only seen the trailer recently, I might not think anything untoward about the trailer until the BDSM aspect shows itself.

I can say that this book/film does not portray BDSM in the proper way. I've read some articles that have popped up since the book's release and from what I can discern, Christian Grey is not actually a true “dominant” and Anastasia is not a true “submissive”. Everything I've looked at points to abuse and him being controlling of her. Again, I know I've claimed that Edward and Bella had an abusive relationship but that pales in comparison to what I've seen in “Fifty Shades of Grey”. And in the trailer, you barely get a glimpse of what is to come with him picking up the blindfold and her...moaning...

All in all, what I see here is an almost painfully obvious attempt to simply get “butt in the seats” at the movie theater by trying to appeal to as many people as possible. Keeping the sexual/BDSMish nature tucked away (mostly) appeals to those that aren’t used to seeing those kinds of movies while hinting at more to the story than just sex. However, those who know the books and looking forward to seeing them “live” might have their curiosity poking at them to see more than the trailer is revealing. All of this just for a movie that is only not called a fanfiction simply because it’s not being covered in obscurity on some fanfiction website.

Basically, there are three types of people who are going to be dying to see this one.
  1. The housewife type who used “Fifty Shades” as the thing called “mommy porn” and are seeking their own Mr. Grey.
  2. People who haven't read the books but want to see the sex.
  3. Grown up Twilight fans.
As for me, again, I try not to let bias and personal opinions ruin a movie for me. So yeah, you will probably see me at the theater, trying not to laugh. Or, possibly with a stiff drink.

Actually, I’d be interested in hearing about the type of audience you see in the theater when you go and if your prediction will be true to form or if there are a few surprises in the audience.

Well, we will have to wait until Valentine's day of 2015 to know this for sure. I'm certain I will have another long, ranty review for it when it comes out. I honestly expect to see a sea of middle aged women, hormonal eighteen year olds and me...who's just there. Or, do what a friend of mine suggested. Take a shot for every Twilight reference and die of alcohol poisoning.

Interesting choice for a release date for this movie I have to say. And I look forward to the drunk call you might make to me after you get out of the theater. I personally will not being going to see this movie but knowing my good friend here I will be told more than enough to make up for that fact after it comes out in theaters. Always have to spread the joy around.

Kit Kat will never forget two things from our past: The “Magic Mike” call and the fox waffles incident. Neither of which we will go into. I think a drunk “Fifty Shades” call might be in order. I can have a Valentine's Date with Jack...Jack Daniels. All that aside, final thoughts about this semi pornographic, possibly offensive and definitely uncomfortable trailer?

Well, I think you’ve pretty much said it all right there. The beginning seems fairly standard albeit boring. Some of the moments are semi-interesting but seem to bear rather little on the inescapable fact that my mind automatically connected it to “Twilight” and found myself in a very uncomfortable frame of mind wondering about how many former “Twilight” fans will be attending a showing of this movie and literally get a similar experience without a supernatural angle.

Regardless, this will be a cash cow. However, it will never beat “The Avengers” opening weekend and I can take some comfort in that. Time to say good night, Kit Kat.

I can honestly say this has been a blast being back for Trailer Trash. I’m sure the time will come again for another round so time to rest up. See everyone again soon I hope.

I'm TheCinemaChick and you can find me at Wizard World Nashville in September.

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