Tuesday, February 19, 2013

One Life, Two Chances to Catch It

                Hello world of internet blog readers and potential movie goers!  I am the one and only, TheCinemaChick and I let you know what’s good out there.  Well, I’m behind one review, but when opportunity knocks, you take it.  So today, let’s talk about life and love and birth.  Now, imagine someone much cooler than me talking about it.  Picture Daniel Craig talking to you about all that.  Now, you’re probably going, “CinemaChick, where can I see such an awesome thing?”

                You are in luck because such a thing exists.  There is a BBC wildlife documentary called “One Life” that is a very limited showing.  For some of you, this may be a bit short notice, but if you have the chance to see it, go see it!  If you don’t know what “One Life” is, don’t worry.  I’ll fill you in on the details, so lets get started.

                Put simply, it is a story about the journeys we all face in life.  And by we, I don’t just mean you and me.  If you think about it, don’t humans and animals all have some of the same goals?  We are born and learn how to survive from day one.  We have a nurturing parent (in most cases) and as soon as we can manage ourselves on two feet, life becomes nonstop.  Eventually, it becomes a life long struggle to find yourself, to explore the world and even to find love.  Both humans and animal live to fulfill specific needs.  We’re not so different after all.  That’s what “One Life” is about.

Narrated by Daniel Craig, the documentary shows the struggles and triumphs of all living things, whether they have four legs, two legs, fins, wings or flippers. It goes to show that we really are connected in the wondrous circle of life.  And if you don’t believe me, definitely check out “One Life”.  It’s got some awesome footage in there.  In fact, there was over  10,000 hours of footage taken for this.  So there is a lot you will see.  Think about it, they pulled out the best just for this showing.  There’s no way you can say no now. 

Of course, let’s ask the obvious question, the one I have been avoiding since we began this lovely little blog.  Go ahead and ask it. 

“CinemaChick, where can I see such a beautiful masterpiece?”

Well, I am thrilled that you asked.   “One Life” is showing at Harkins Theaters.  Now, I go to the one in Southlake.  It happens to be the closest one to me.   I’ll admit, I absolutely love going there.  Also, this is seriously just my opinion.  I’ve mentioned before that I have mobility issues due to a complication from spinal surgery.  The managers have actually approached me and asked if they can do anything to help me.  During the Marvel marathon, they made sure no one pushed me over.  I have been to many theaters in my area and I can say in all honesty, Harkins really cares about their customers.  They listen to all suggestions (or at least mine) and improve their theater.  I have never experienced a sticky floor, never seen a dirty bathroom and the popcorn is seriously always fresh.

Now, Harkins is showing this film on February 21. 2013, which is this Thursday, but there is another showing on Sunday, the 24th.  It’s also not rated, which means you can take the little ones to see this film.  There may be some scenes that scare them.  Like I said, it’s a lovely little nonfiction piece that celebrates life and all its adventures.  It’s an in depth look at the diversity and tenacity of the heart.

If you can’t come to Harkins Southlake with me, don’t worry.  Check your local Harkins Theater to see if it is playing, which it should be.  Both showings will be at 7:00 PM.  I know it’s short notice, but trust me, it’ll be worth it.  Think of it as a great educational movie for the little ones.  It’s a great chance for them to see a documentary.  Mothers, there’s also stories about protecting and nurturing their offspring.  No one can say no to adorable baby animals!

If you don’t believe me, read my review on Friday.  I’m going on Thursday, so I will tell you what I think on Friday.  My opinion won’t change.  I will still see it as a fascinating look into the natural world.  The way I see it, no matter what, there is always something to learn.  I’m 28 and I still have tons to figure out.  I know Thursday is a strange day to see a movie, since a lot of people have to go to work and/or school in the morning.  Well, guess what?  “One Life” is 85 minutes.  You don’t have to worry about being out til midnight and if you bring younger ones, they will still be able to make bedtime.

I will leave you with the trailer for “One Life”.  I’ve watched it several times and it just looks amazing.  Enjoy this glimpse into nature:

I'm TheCinemaChick and I believe I'll see you at the show.

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