I'm TheCinemaChick and I love to watch movies. I watch a lot of them and figured, why not share what I think? In the coming days, I plan to do reviews for some that I've seen recently. Movies I plan to include are: 127 Hours, The King's Speech, Black Swan, The King's Speech and Tangled. Sounds like a weird mix, doesn't it? Well, I don't discriminate. If it looks good, I'll see it.
I'll admit, I am biased towards certain films. I am not a fan of romantic comedies or westerns. Fantasy, horror and well, cult classics are my favorite. Perhaps I'll throw in my commentary on Repo! The Genetic Opera later. It has a cult following and, in my opinion, was refreshingly original. Blood and deception and murder...all with very catchy music. That's not exactly for everyone, so if you're squeamish, don't go out and rent this. I suppose I can do a mix of old and new in here, though I want to stick more to the newer ones.
Here's what's on my list of things to see:
The Green Hornet
The Green Lantern
Thor (which I really look forward to)
Blue Valentine
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part II (I am a Harry Potter fan, so this one will be biased.)
Breaking Dawn, Part I (I am not excited to see this at all. I don't want to see it, but someone else has offered to pay and he is a good friend, so since he's paying, I'll see it.)
Hi TheCinemaChick!