Wednesday, February 15, 2012

This Means WAR!

            Hey all you people who enjoy seeing movies!  I’m the girl in the shadows, possibly hiding under a grey hoodie, TheCinemaChick!  I know, I know, I said I’d take the month off, but things change.  Believe me, this is a huge chance for me that I’m not going to pass up.  You see, a local radio station, 102.1 The Edge (for those in the Dallas Fort Worth area) is having a contest to find a movie critic.  I’ve entered it and I’m really hoping I have a shot at winning.  My fingers are metaphorically crossed and I’m dying to see if I’m even in the running.  Can you imagine it?  My little blog…*sigh*

            Now, as you all know, my last blog was my stupid and courageous one where I did admit some things.  I will say this now.  That type of thing will NEVER appear again.  It’s done and over with.  And for those of you that did read it and wonder how Mumford reacted…well…he’s another Butterfly.  We’re friends and that’s it.  Like Butterfly, we’d probably see a movie, hug and go our separate ways.  I will admit that I think Mumford would be a blast at a concert.  He’d probably go in the mosh pit with me.  Yeah, I rock like that.  Though, I would like to point out, I did say he could do better than me.  Technically, I was right.

            I want a hug…

            Oh wait!  This is my 100th blog entry!  That’s right, this will be my 100th entry and I am so happy about it.  You see, I had thought this would just be a little hobby, but I actually have a small fan base, international readers and a theater that often contacts me to write about their events.  More importantly, this blog has helped me learn so much about myself.  I’ve thought about quitting and just walking away several times but then I feel like if I did leave this, I’d be letting people down.  I know no one’s sitting by the computer, waiting impatiently for my next review, but knowing that you are reading (and I know you are since I check my stats) makes me feel good about myself.

            So, thanks to you readers, I have gained more confidence in both myself and my writing abilities.  The continued support really helps and again…thank you so much.

            Hugs for everyone!  Share the love!  Don’t say you hate hugs because it’s like impossible to hate them  Hugs are like…little drops of sunshine and sparkles on a dreary day.  They’re a moment of warmth on a frosty day.  Hugs bring a smile to your face when the day seems like it’ll never get better.

            And now…the whole reason you keep coming back to this blog.  I actually do have a movie to review.  Yesterday was Valentine’s Day, a day that I could honestly live without.  Well, Fry, Unown and I had planned to see The Vow.  Unown fell ill, so she was unable to make it.  I realized that The Vow would be packed because it’s basically the perfect date movie, so instead, we went to a sneak preview of This Means War, the new Reese Witherspoon, Chris Pine and Tom Hardy movie.  Now, it will be released on Friday, so I will try not to give too much away.

            I’ll tell you this straight off, if you’re going into this thinking it’s an action packed spy thriller, you will be sorely disappointed.  It’s actually a romantic comedy with three scenes of action.  The previews are fairly misleading because it sells This Means War as something exciting when its not.  Most of the film focuses on Tuck (Tom Hardy) and his best friend, FDR (Chris Pine).  Don’t ask me why his name is FDR, it just is.  They end up fighting over Lauren (Reese Witherspoon).  This is what you’ll see most of the time.  Two CIA agents fighting over a girl by using government tactics to spy on each other.

            And remember, I’m not a romantic comedy person.

            The whole thing is misleading.  It started off with an incredible action sequence, then went straight to the romance stuff, which brought the movie to a jarring halt.  After that, it never managed to pick the pace back up.  For two hours, I sat through immature jokes, bad pranks and some really creepy stuff.  Honestly, who spies on their best friend on a date?  Plus, isn’t there some sort of guy code about dating?  Oh yeah, it’s called “bros before hos”.  Girls have a similar saying, but we say “sisters before misters”. 

            I could have done without Chelsea Handler.  She plays Trish, Lauren’s best friend but she is wildly inappropriate.  I’m not a fan of the raunchy comedy and she really laid it on thick.  Sure, for about five minutes it’s funny but after that, it’s just annoying.  The character of Trish could have been left out entirely and the movie would have been just as good. 

            As if that weren’t bad enough, there actually is a villain in the film who is rarely seen.  He shows up for a grand total of maybe fifteen minutes but once again, this angle could have been completely left out and it wouldn’t have affected the movie at all.  I’m not even sure why the villain was even brought up again since he does absolutely nothing until the final ten minutes, where he dies.  Sadly, I couldn’t even take the big climax seriously because of the dialogue.

            Despite all that, it was worth seeing.  It was cute, it had some moments of good humor and Tom Hardy has a sexy accent.  That last thing won’t appeal to men, but hey, men have Reese Witherspoon to stare at.  While This Means War has obvious flaws and the plot is paper thin, it’s a good way to waste time.  The jokes are sometimes funny so it’s not a total loss.  It’s forgettable after a while because I’m trying to think of something that’s truly funny without giving anything away and I got nothing.

            Don’t discount the film because it’s not the best thing out there.  It’s not going to make my best movies of 2012 list but it was enjoyable.  I didn’t leave feeling like I’d wasted my money, so there’s a plus

            So there you have it, guys.  I’m back and I’m reviewing like I’ve never reviewed before.  Next on my list is the upcoming Ghost Rider sequel.  I haven’t seen a Nicolas Cage movie since Season of the Witch, so let’s hope he can redeem himself in this one.  Granted, I wasn’t a huge fan of the Ghost Rider movie and I didn’t think it even needed a sequel.  I guess I was wrong then.

            I’m TheCinemaChick and I have an industrial piercing.

1 comment:

  1. The first Ghost Rider was horrific, but the trailer makes the sequel seem really freaking cool. Yay 100th blog!
