Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Limitless Dance!

Hey everyone, I'm your local, friendly movie reviewer, TheCinemaChick.  And today, you, my lovely reader are in for a treat.. Not only am I joined by my usual movie buddy, Fry, but I also have butterfly contributing to this post.  And on top of all that, I'm introducing a new friend to the mix.

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm proud to announce that Butterfly's friend Joe is now a contributor.  So, welcome Joe!

Our first movie is Limitless.  I'll admit, I was fairly apprehensive about seeing this.  It wasn't something I was dying to see and I wasn't thrilled at the price I paid for the ticket.  Even as the movie began, I was wishing I was seeing something else.  As the film progressed, I was hooked.  It was freaking awesome.  I mean, there were twists and turns that I couldn't predict.  The previews do not do it justice.

Limitless begins with Bradley Cooper as Edward Morra.  He goes by Eddie.  Eddie is trying to write a book, which isn't going so well and his girlfriend leaves him.  While walking down the street, he runs into Vern, his ex-wife's brother.  Vern use to be a drug dealer but claims to be legitimate now.  Well, Vern offers to help Eddie with his little problem.  There is a tiny clear pill, called NZT, which looks like a button.  Eddie takes it and his mental capacity skyrockets.  He's smarter, more focused and organized.  So, NZT is pretty much super-Ritalin.  The movie goes on and he becomes so incredibly successful that major financial moguls are trying to get him to work for them.  Robert De Niro lands that honor.

However, there is a major downside to NZT.  Like any medication, if it's not taken properly, it will cause harm.  Not eating or taking it on a regular basis causes intense pain, vomiting and memory loss.  Eddie learns this the hard way.  I can't say what he did or how you see this because this film literally just came out and I want people to have the opportunity to experience for themselves.

I really, really want to say so much more about Limitless, but like I said, it just came out.  I can actually find very few faults in it.  It does drag and there are some scenes that felt like they'd last forever and population control would have been nice.  Other than that, the plot is killer and the visual effects were genius.  I normally don't approve of the use of a fish-eye lens, but the way it was used here was genius.  I loved it and I would gladly see it again.

Butterfly, Joe and I agreed that we loved the film, though the ending left us unsatisfied.  It is left open for a sequel, which I hope never happens.  The ending gave us closure and a sense of finality.  I know, I know, I've been hating everything I see lately, but then came Limitless.  It may be early to declare this, but I would say this movie deserves and Oscar nod for adapted screenplay and for visual effects.

We agree that everyone should see Limitless.  It's just that good


And now for a movie you probably wouldn't expect me to see...Lord of the Dance 3D
Fry talked me into this one and once again, I loved it.

It started off without a roughly 20 minute interview with Micheal Flatley.  Well, more like a narration of how he came up with the dance troupe and how he chased his dream and succeeded.  It was quite surprising and very inspirational.  Then the rest of the film is the actual Lord of the Dance show.  I'll admit, the 3D didn't exactly add anything to the overall movie, but damn was it awesome.  I'm also not a huge fan of the show, but again, it just looks so cool.  Flatley delivered an amazing performance, along with the entire troupe.  There was a storyline (I assume that's what it was) and different types of Irish dance.

Side note: I'm going to be more detailed on this film because it is on a limited run.  Plus...I saw it today whereas Limitless was last night.  I have a lot going on.

Fry comments that she "like the Irish step dancing stuff, the plot was confusing at times, Michael was bizzarely fascinating."

Like I said, there is sort of a plot.  There is a villain who doesn't get a name until the credits and even then I don't know what it is.  He looks like a swat team guy with a spiked helmet and a sleeping mask with eyeholes.  Fry named him Bowser, I call him Captain Charisma (not to be confused with Christian from the WWE).  We also have Frenchie, who is a woman who wears what appears to be latex costumes and the White Swan, who was a blond woman who always wore white.  And of course, Micheal Flatley.

The set was incredible and the dancing was amazingly fantastic.  Those dancers are like machines.  I did notice a couple of tiny errors but overall, they are flawless.  The costumes are so cool, though when Bowser/Captain Charisma's dancers show up, they're a mix of SWAT and Tron.  Still cool.
I forgot to mention Skittles.  She (possibly he, I'm not sure) shows up at random times with a pennywhistle.  It becomes an important feature later on, during the "fight" scene.

Oh yes and if you are having a dance fight, don't twirl around like a ballerina.  You lose about 50 points of masculinity.

As I type this, Fry and I are already making plans to see it again, which is something we rarely ever do.  It may be silly and it may just be a movie about a guy dancing, but it's just so darn cool to watch.

Still on the menu is Suckerpunch with Butterfly, possibly The Lincoln Lawyer, Hanna, Thor...the possibilities are endless!

Well, this has been moderately short, compared to my other reviews, but please do stay tuned!

I'm TheCinemaChick and on behalf of all my movie buddies (Butterfly, Kit Kat, Fry and Joe) I bid you a pleasant movie experience.

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