Friday, August 29, 2014

The Purge Anarchy

 What's up everyone, you can call me TheCinemaChick and I'm that girl you all know and fear! Okay, so maybe fear is the wrong word. I'm really not that scary. In fact, I'm actually quite pleasant and sometimes, I'm even funny. I do enjoy a good pun. I suppose you could say I'm rather punny. Don't shoot me for my poor humor. I know it's lame. I also succeed with really bad jokes and often times, my jokes are terrible.

Once again, you don't care about that. You want to know what movie I'm going to talk about since I keep promising to get back on track but never do! I promise, I am working on this and I will do better in the future. After last week's untimely loss of both Robin Williams and Lauren Bacall...I've been in a funk. I don't know why but just talking about my depression can really offset me and depress me. Part of is is ashamed that I struggle with my mental health and another part of me knows this isn't something I'm alone on. I just wish I could be normal for a change. The sad mood, the lack of interest in things, the mood swings....they get so old so fast. After years and years of fighting it, I don't want to anymore.

I'm not saying I want to give up on life, I just want things to be different. So, I've decided that I am going to make some changes. One of them being that I will be starting up vlogs again soon. Tomorrow, well today, DigitalDad and I are going shopping for a wireless card because my brother kindly donated his desktop computer to me. And by donated, I mean he recently moved the Abu Dhabi and left me with a bunch of his stuff. I got my entire kitchen from him. I also got his super awesome ASUS computer that he basically built. It's actually nicer than my laptop, so I plan to start using that soon. Also, I'm getting a camera! I have wanted a real camera for so long, not just my lame little webcam. So things should be picking up in that department.

Now, I have seen quite a few movies this summer, some of them good, some of them just awful. One of the ones I didn't care for is “The Purge: Anarchy”. I enjoyed the first one mainly because of that one character being so freaking upbeat and polite. The second installment was so much worse that the first one. It starts off with three different stories that end up converging into one. And they're still beating us in the head with the “Blessed are the new founding fathers” line. We get it! It's still America, just revamped. No, it's still the same crappy place, just with more violence! And it's the same basic premise, one night with no repercussions. No matter what you do, it's legal. It's the same freaking thing, just with new characters.

In this one, we have a mother and daughter, a married couple and a man with a vendetta. They're all rather bland in my opinion. Even in situations that call for emotions, they all seemed too calm for what's going on. I get that they still showed it but I'd be a little more hysterical if someone had a gun to my head. I wouldn't just cry a little. Also, how the hell did people's makeup never get messed up? Like, everyone who had it on always look flawless. They are running through the streets, sweating and getting into stuff, they should be greasy and grimy.

Again, the story isn't much to tell. As the film progressed, it became incredibly predictable. You knew who would get in trouble, where they'd run to, what would happen, you know the drill. It was a general disappointment. Had there been someone like the creepy Polite Leader from the first one, perhaps this would have been more interesting. I just got bored because most of the characters came off as whiny or just annoying.

The thing is, when the movie should have ended, when things seemed to be resolved, they go off on a completely different tangent. The group gets captured and taken into a random building for a hunt. It's basically an auction for the rich people so they can buy strangers to kill. In the arena, the group manages to survive, just barely though. The husband gets killed and the wife decides that she wants to purge now. And somehow, during all this, the resistance group that was never mentioned in the first film shows up to save them. The movie just ends soon after with no real resolve and no real sense of satisfaction. It was another letdown this summer.

I've heard “The Purge” compared to the video game “Grand Theft Auto” many times. Having never played those games, I can only assume from the descriptions that I have gotten that it is true. Had this film maybe tightened up a little and not had so many characters in such a wide space, this could have been a fairly decent film. But the paper thin plot and overpopulation just bogged it down too much for me to enjoy it.

I'm TheCinemaChick and

As Above So Below

 Hey everyone who enjoys movies and blogs, I'm TheCinemaChick! I go out and watch a lot of movies then report back to you so you know what's worth seeing out there. Sadly, there hasn't really been anything that's caught my eye as of late. Everything just seems...okay. Not good, not bad, just somewhere in the middle. But, as you all know, I do love a good horror movie. So when I heard “As Above, So Below” was coming out, I had to see it. Last night, Fry and I watched the movie and that means I'm here to review it with minimal spoilers.

I'm also still behind on my reviews, so I'll probably do another blog with a bunch of mini reviews again. I don't like doing them but I have a lot going on and I just don't think I have the time to devote to each and every one. It pains me to sum up my feelings for a movie in a single paragraph. But in the interest of time, sometimes it is a necessary evil.

Now, “As Above, So Below” is a supernatural horror that takes place in the Paris catacombs. I'm both horrified and fascinated by them because they are basically a labyrinth under the city made up of human bones. Due to my overwhelming claustrophobia, I will never step foot in there. As you can see in the previews, a group of people are looking for the fabled Philosopher’s Stone, which would grant eternal life. They get lost and scary things happen as they continue on their journey, but is it as terrifying as the commercials would have you believe?

As with most movies that are classified in the horror genre, no. It is another “found footage” film that has a few jump scares but never truly delivers on it's promise to make you jump out of your seat. I'll admit, there was one time I did get startled but I'm chalking that up to “I'm weaning off an anti anxiety medicine so I'm already jumpy as is”. Really, it was just “Paranormal Activity” set in Paris. There are things brought in that are never mentioned later or potential side stories that pop up and vanish almost instantly.

And that bothered me more than it should really. As in the previews, you see a burning car that one person apologizes to. The film never truly explains its purpose. I watched the scene thinking this has to be a moment when a character must redeem himself in order to go on but when he tried to do so, he was killed. However, later in the story, someone does the exact same thing and it works. So why was Scarlet, our determined urban archeologist, allowed to live after redemption but Papillon, the French tour guide, was not? Is there some kind of double standard that I'm not seeing? Perhaps I am over thinking this but most of the deaths in the movie were not needed or really explained. One man falls to his death and it's never shown what caused this fall. Again, why are the men being killed off but not Scarlet? There is one French companion, Susie, who is gruesomely bludgeoned to death but her death is understandable within the context.

There is a scene in the movie where Scarlet keeps assuring George interest...I think, that they are just experience illusions because of the catacombs. I cannot accept this because if it were an illusion as she claimed, then no one should have died. They would not be real, therefore not corporeal and not able to touch someone. Yet all but three die. How does this make sense? I find it hard to take a horror movie seriously if it can't even decide what its doing. There are glaring plot holes and mistakes throughout, this being one of them.

However, I will praise the movie on its scenery. The catacombs defintely come across creepy and sent some chills down my spine. The movie also does a good job keeping the film very tight and focused on the travelers and not much else. There aren't a lot of distractions which helps a little, but can't save this film overall. The characters themselves are flat and one dimensional. There is not change in them, no growth. I found it hard to sympathize with any of them because I didn't get a chance to like them.

I have made one interesting discovery. “As Above So Below” was directed by John Erick Dowdle, the same man who made “Devil” back in 2010. I have noticed that both movies play on ideology, mainly with the ideas of Christianity and sins. While I prefer to refrain from religious discussion because not everyone shares the same beliefs, I will also applaud him on the use of said themes. Both make you question whether or not the devil is real. While the earlier film was set almost entirely in an elevator, it still created an air of paranoia, mistrust and fear. The new release does the same thing just in a new location. If this is Dowdle's style, the close, tight, almost claustrophobic feeling running throughout, I would watch more of his films. I like his style as it is unique. I would advise him to pick better scripts, do more research on his topic and hire better script writers.

It's a subpar movie that might scare some people, but it just left me wondering why they didn't bother to fix the plot holes. I won't mention them because of spoilers, but they are incredibly obvious. The end of the film had me asking if Hell was in Paris or if they were implying that Paris itself is Hell. Toying with the concept of reality worked in the movies favor, but the lack of continuity ruins it. I found it hard to get invested and wound up enjoying my nachos more. Seriously, I could go on about those nachos for a while.

I would like to see more from John Erick Dowdle in the future. I like his style and with some fine tuning, he could be simply amazing. I expect “As Above So Below” to do well this weekend but once word gets out that it's not all it seems, it will quickly fall.

In general, I'd say skip this one. Go see something else. It's not scary and spends too much time trying to force the jump scares on you which just makes it feel...well...forced. I still think “The Conjuring” is a superior horror film and I have recently acquired a collection of fifty horror classics starring people like Bela Lugosi and Vincent Price. Who wants to guess how I am spending my weekend? If you guessed shopping with Fry, you're either spying on me, have been listening to my calls or you just know.

That's about it for me on this go round. “As Above So Below” isn't worth the time or money. It's another “Blair Witch” and “Paranormal Activity” wannabe.

I'm TheCinemaChick and I have just received word that I am going to be published for a second time. That's right, my short nonfiction story “A Flurry of Hands” will be published in “Under the Clock Tower” later this year.

Thank you guys for all the love, support and pageviews. It means the world to me knowing that people enjoy my often nonsensical reviews.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Begin Again and Depression

 Hey all you blog reading people on the internet, I'm TheCinemaChick! You know and possibly love me as the girl who sees way too many movies and then reports back to you. I know I've been gone for a while, but please forgive me. I was rather sick for a while and couldn't even get out of bed. Also, my brother and his family will be moving far away soon so I've been trying to see them as much as possible before they leave. And on top of that...well, I trust you guys enough to say this. When MovieMomma passed away, she was cremated and I plan to scatter them over water somewhere, like the ocean. Well, due to scheduling, financial issues and general disagreements on what she wanted, my brother and I have yet to say our final goodbyes. of now...I am caring for MovieMomma's ashes.

It hit me hard when I received them. It was like another reminder that she's gone, so I was incredibly depressed for several days. I took about two days off to just cry and think about her.

Other than that, things are going quite well. My dog is happy and healthy, which is good because he had some issues for a while but he's over them. I'm pretty sure you don't really care about me just going on and on about my personal life. No, you're here for the movies! Of course, how silly of me.

So, I just counted and there are seven reviews that will be done today and tomorrow. I would knock them all out today but tonight, Fry and I are going to see “Into The Storm”. She thinks it'll be good but I'm only so -so on it. It looks ok, nothing special. We might be joined by my Other Mother, and no, not like the one in Coraline. Fry's family has become like a second family to me over the years. Her mother looks out for me, so she's like another mother for me, hence why I call her my Other Mother. Seriously, I don't know what I would have done without them. They've helped me out in so many bad situations. I will never be able to repay all the kindness they've shown me in the past ten years.

Once again, off topic!

Let's discuss a little known film called “Begin Again”. It's had minimal advertising and it quietly started in theaters a little over two weeks ago. It's nothing special, just another love story with music mixed in. The story itself I didn't care for. The characters were just okay, nothing terribly memorable. I take that back. At one point, Adam Levine sports a massive beard that just looks awful on him. It's like he's an Amish greaser or something. Let that image soak into your mind for a while. An Amish greaser.

It's a typical story, boy gets famous, boy cheats on girl, girl leaves, girl gets over it and becomes independent. Like I said, its nothing new or even interesting. What does help is that Mark Ruffalo is an alcoholic music producer who stumbles upon Keira Knightley at a bar and begins making music with her. And in case you're wondering, that is not a euphemism for anything. However, as they cannot afford a studio to record a demo, they just record wherever they can. One song is done in an alley, another one in some boats, one on a roof, you get the idea. And the music isn't even that original either. But it's got something in there that I have to admit, I really liked.

The songs themselves are quite catchy, especially “Lost Stars” whether you choose the remix or original. Both Knightley and Levine sing a version of it, which makes an interesting comparison. Both renditions are equally amazing in their own right, I will admit. I wish there was something more to the story because then it would have blown me away. My favorite character was Mark Ruffalo's purely because he was just a cranky older guy who liked bossing people around. He wasn't an annoying lovesick person who wanted to redeem themselves. Don't get me wrong, everything works out perfectly in the end. I take that back, because the main characters are left on a very vague note. It's never state if they get back together. She releases the album online but after that, the film ends. So its possible they never, ever, ever got back together. And yes, I did use a Taylor Swift song there.

“Begin Again” isn't for everyone. It's a good movie to watch with your girlfriends. Adam Levine looks good as always, even if he does look terrible with that beard. The songs are catchy and many of them did end up on my spotify play list. It's not for everyone but once you see it, you'll probably a way to find it sneak into your movie collection.

I'm going to end that review on a short note because I've been at a loss for words for a few days. As you all know, Robin Williams tragically passed away. His death was a suicide. I started to write something about his career and how it affected me, but I managed about five paragraphs before I stopped. I, like many people out there, am stunned. I have trouble believing this happened. It was very shocking, very sudden. The funniest man many of us grew up with is now gone. It's almost as if an era has ended. Many of us will never forget him in “Mrs. Doubtfire”, Genie in “Aladdin” and “Hook”.

I had another upsetting event taking place at the same time so losing an actor I highly admired just came at me like a blow to the chest. I knew he had struggled with addiction in the past, he'd battled depression but I thought he was doing just fine. However, this goes to show, you can never know what a person is thinking.

Everyone, depression isn't something that just goes away overnight. You can't just throw a pill at it and deem a person cured. It's a daily war with yourself and sometimes, you lose. I'm not saying everyone with depression will attempt suicide. However, it's harder to live. Normal, every day activities are suddenly uninteresting, friends become enemies for no real reason and sometimes, food might as well be sandpaper. It's hard to function. Getting out of bed might be a huge victory on some of the worse days.

I have been living with severe depression for about half my life. I know how hard it can be to just smile or find a shred of happiness. I also know that pills don't solve everything. In my case, there are certain drugs that increase my negative symptoms. Currently, I take a pill that works but its only a matter of time until I build up a tolerance to that as well. This is why not everyone can take medication and fix the problem. There are so many little aspects to it. For instance, don't criticize someone who does struggle with depression. Telling them to just get over it won't help. It makes them feel like having a mental disorder is their fault, which places a lot of guilt on them.

There are people who are willing to listen and to help. I am one of them, if you wish to remain anonymous. I know where you're coming from and I don't want to lose anyone else to depression and suicide.

Please, if you are feeling suicidal, call someone. Whether its a help hotline, a friend or a family member, just remember that you are loved. I'm reminded of another great man, another man I admired, who also committed suicide, and these words ring true, no matter what the occasion. So whenever you feel like you don't deserve to live or that someone would be happier if you were dead or if you just think you are stupid and unloved, please, please, PLEASE, remember these words:

You know what?
I want you all to look at me.
I want you to look at me because what I'm about to say is important
I been thinking about this a lot lately and I want y'all to know this
This goes out to everybody.
You're not stupid.
You're not stupid.
Don't ever tell yourself you are.
You're important.
What you have in your head may not mean a lot to a lot of people but that's what makes you special
You are important.
You are special
You mean something
You're going to go out there and do wonderful things.
But first and foremost, you're not stupid
You're not an idiot.
Don't ever tell yourself you are.
And if nobody else ever tells you this, I care about you.

Those words came from Justin “JewWario” Carmichal, a contributor to Channel Awesome.

If you don't believe me, then let Nash (also from Channel Awesome) explain depression: (strong language warning)

I'm TheCinemaChick and you are never truly alone.  I'm always here for those who need me.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Trailer Trash - Fifty Shades of Grey

****We are once again discussing Fifty Shades of Grey!  Be warned!****

 Hello everyone, what's going on? I'm the one you know and love as TheCinemaChick. Today we're going to do something that hasn't been seen here in a long time. You haven't had had a decent “Trailer Trash” in so long that we figured it's a good time to have one. I've got Kit Kat on standby and we're going to talk about the hottest trailer out there. Ladies and gentlemen, let's take a look at “Fifty Shades of Gray”. Or as I like to call it “Twilight Porn”.

Alo everyone. Kit Kat is back at last. Excited to do some Trailer trashing. And I think this is the perfect trailer to come back with and review. It was one of the bestselling book series and now it’s going to be a movie. Although, this is admitting a remiss in my literature duties, I haven’t read the series myself but I did a little searching and discovered the general “storyline” of the book. So, I will get to give my opinion from the perspective that some of you may be coming from who haven’t read the books. But time for the trailer.

I personally am surprised they can show this in theaters. That final scene's just her tied up, blindfolded and moaning. It makes me uncomfortable. They sort of drag out this sexual tension up until that point. And even the trailer shows just how much like “Twilight” this story is. If you've seen my rant about this series, you know that I see this as thinly veiled Twilight porn. The characters aren't even different from the originals. They're just...I'm trying not to go into a nerd rage about this but let's face it, it's fanfiction. Not even good fanfiction at that. We have our Edward, Bella and even though you don't see it, there is a Jacob.

I completely agree. I was rewatching the trailer just to refresh my memory about what I was seeing. I literally had to pause the video and look to Cinema Chick and let her know all I could think was “Twilight”. With lines like: Grey – “I’m incapable of staying away from you.” Followed by Ana saying: “Then don’t.” I can’t help myself. I nearly checked the title of the video to make sure I was really watching a trailer for “Fifty Shades of Grey”. The whole trailer can lead an unknowing person to think it’s not completely about the sex. As if they are going to underplay it in the movie. However, it’s more than likely that they aren’t. I’m honestly wondering how much are they going to try and get away with in the movie itself based upon the comments I’ve heard people making about various scenes in the book.

I have to admit, I really dig the new arrangement of Beyonce's “Crazy in Love”. It's probably my favorite part of the whole trailer. It does actually fit perfectly with the scenes but even then, it just looks bland and boring until he appears to molest her in an elevator. And if anyone cares, that's a scene from the book when he's debating his paperwork to sleep with her then says “Fuck the paperwork” and makes out with her anyway. I'm not kidding. This really happened, along with other things. You can't really get a sense of how screwed up this truly us unless you've read the book. Like, the part where Christian shoves some guy out of the way...looks harmless, until you find out he drove like...30 miles or so to see her after she drunk dials him. I seriously wish I was making this up.

People who haven’t read the books and go see this movie are not only going to be lost but they might actually feel a little uncomfortable once things get rolling. Pretty much anything beyond the beginning “calm” part of the trailer left me confused. Well, unless the sex started popping up. That’s pretty self-explanatory. I’ll admit, I have seen some movies with “PG sex” in it. And if somehow I had been living under a rock during the book’s reign and only seen the trailer recently, I might not think anything untoward about the trailer until the BDSM aspect shows itself.

I can say that this book/film does not portray BDSM in the proper way. I've read some articles that have popped up since the book's release and from what I can discern, Christian Grey is not actually a true “dominant” and Anastasia is not a true “submissive”. Everything I've looked at points to abuse and him being controlling of her. Again, I know I've claimed that Edward and Bella had an abusive relationship but that pales in comparison to what I've seen in “Fifty Shades of Grey”. And in the trailer, you barely get a glimpse of what is to come with him picking up the blindfold and her...moaning...

All in all, what I see here is an almost painfully obvious attempt to simply get “butt in the seats” at the movie theater by trying to appeal to as many people as possible. Keeping the sexual/BDSMish nature tucked away (mostly) appeals to those that aren’t used to seeing those kinds of movies while hinting at more to the story than just sex. However, those who know the books and looking forward to seeing them “live” might have their curiosity poking at them to see more than the trailer is revealing. All of this just for a movie that is only not called a fanfiction simply because it’s not being covered in obscurity on some fanfiction website.

Basically, there are three types of people who are going to be dying to see this one.
  1. The housewife type who used “Fifty Shades” as the thing called “mommy porn” and are seeking their own Mr. Grey.
  2. People who haven't read the books but want to see the sex.
  3. Grown up Twilight fans.
As for me, again, I try not to let bias and personal opinions ruin a movie for me. So yeah, you will probably see me at the theater, trying not to laugh. Or, possibly with a stiff drink.

Actually, I’d be interested in hearing about the type of audience you see in the theater when you go and if your prediction will be true to form or if there are a few surprises in the audience.

Well, we will have to wait until Valentine's day of 2015 to know this for sure. I'm certain I will have another long, ranty review for it when it comes out. I honestly expect to see a sea of middle aged women, hormonal eighteen year olds and me...who's just there. Or, do what a friend of mine suggested. Take a shot for every Twilight reference and die of alcohol poisoning.

Interesting choice for a release date for this movie I have to say. And I look forward to the drunk call you might make to me after you get out of the theater. I personally will not being going to see this movie but knowing my good friend here I will be told more than enough to make up for that fact after it comes out in theaters. Always have to spread the joy around.

Kit Kat will never forget two things from our past: The “Magic Mike” call and the fox waffles incident. Neither of which we will go into. I think a drunk “Fifty Shades” call might be in order. I can have a Valentine's Date with Jack...Jack Daniels. All that aside, final thoughts about this semi pornographic, possibly offensive and definitely uncomfortable trailer?

Well, I think you’ve pretty much said it all right there. The beginning seems fairly standard albeit boring. Some of the moments are semi-interesting but seem to bear rather little on the inescapable fact that my mind automatically connected it to “Twilight” and found myself in a very uncomfortable frame of mind wondering about how many former “Twilight” fans will be attending a showing of this movie and literally get a similar experience without a supernatural angle.

Regardless, this will be a cash cow. However, it will never beat “The Avengers” opening weekend and I can take some comfort in that. Time to say good night, Kit Kat.

I can honestly say this has been a blast being back for Trailer Trash. I’m sure the time will come again for another round so time to rest up. See everyone again soon I hope.

I'm TheCinemaChick and you can find me at Wizard World Nashville in September.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Farewell Aquaman

 Hello everyone. I'm TheCinemaChick and right now, I'm going to step away from my reviews to make a very important blog. I have finished my other reviews, from “Begin Again” up to “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” but I am setting them aside. I will post one a day for the next few days however, there's something far more pressing I wish to discuss with you.

As you all know, I am a member of the cosplay community. My costumes may not be the best or flashiest, but I take pride in what I create. I have always been self conscious about going out in public, mainly because I often get funny looks. Most of the time, it's probably because I am not the skinniest of women and the rest of the time, probably because I am disabled and try to incorporate my crutch as creatively as possible. No matter how hard I worked on my outfits, I always felt like I looked horrible in comparison to the girls who were skinny and showing off a lot of skin. For a while, I considered leaving the community because of my deep seated insecurities.

Then I found Aquaman.

His name was Jonathan Vela, a cosplayer from San Antonio, Texas. His outfit of choice was always Aquaman. Let's all remember the Lycra and spandex are not forgiving materials. They don't camouflage anything. This man, however, did not shy away from his orange and green outfit. He stood out amongst the crowd of Princess Leia's and all of the store bought costumes. This Aquaman did not have six pack abs or a chiseled chin or even the yellow blond hair. The first time I ever saw him, I heard a lot of people making fun of him because of the tight fitting attire. At another con, I got a chance to listen to him talk. I wish I'd had the nerve to speak with him or even compliment him but sadly, I'm painfully shy.

So, now that you know that, you may be wondering why I'm writing about a man I have never actually met.

To be honest, because Jonathan Vela was someone I aspired to be. He had a smile that lit up his face. Even when people said bad things about him, he still held his head high. Most importantly, he took pride in his cosplay. He is proof that just because you aren't the smallest person or the most “ripped”, you can still dress up as the person you love. Every time I saw him, he seemed positive and upbeat, never once listening to the comments said about him. He exuded confidence in every sense of the word.

Another question you may have: Why am I writing this? Why speak so fondly of him? What's going on?

Here's the answer. On July 25th, he suffered a brain stem stroke. It was catastrophic. People donated money to help with this medical bills. If you wish to donate, I will leave a link at the end of this blog, but please, stay with me. So here we are on August 8th.

It is with a heavy heart that I must say ladies and gentlemen...Aquaman has passed away.

As I just said, the stroke did a lot of damage and he never recovered. Facebook and Tumblr are lighting up with words of praise for him, sympathy for his family and memories of him. So here I am, mourning a fellow cosplayer who inspired me in so many ways. I will never have the chance to tell him that his dedication to being Aquaman made me feel determined to stay with my craft. Just because I am not small doesn't mean I can't pay homage to my fandom in costume.

In fact, let me tell you a story. As I said, I never officially met Jonathan Vela. At the Sci Fi Expo this past year, I wanted to do a Radagast the Brown cosplay. However, the pieces I'd ordered never arrived or were put on back order. With a week to go, I was scrambling to assemble something semi decent. I mean, I was going to meet Radagast himself, Sylvester McCoy, I had to look amazing. I was already upset because I wouldn't look good and because I would still have my crutch to deal with. Part of me wanted to just give up completely. What was the point of going in a half assed cosplay that people would just make fun of?

Then I remembered Aquaman.

If he could walk through the convention with his head held high, why couldn't I? He was proof that cosplay isn't about who's the prettiest or who looks the best. Cosplay is about having fun and making costumes while putting your own spin on it. It's about meeting new friends who share the same nerdy things.

Who cares if I'm not a perfect Radagast? So what if my Dalek is a little rough? And if my TARDIS is a little frayed...well, that adds to my charm.

And you know what? After I spent all that time worrying about looking stupid in my makeshift Radagast cosplay, I found out all my fretting was pointless. To my surprise, I was a hit. I had people complimenting me all day. Everyone knew who I was dressed as without having to ask. For the first time, I had the courage to walk the red carpet, to let myself be photographed by everyone. I finally felt pride in my craft.

The best part of all that was hearing Sylvester McCoy himself praise my costume.

None of this would have been possible if I hadn't learned from Aquaman. I wish I had the courage to speak with him before losing him. I wish I could tell him how much he has inspired me to keep at my craft. Because of him, my love for costuming has been rekindled. I may never have the best costume and I will probably still thrift all of the things I need for it, but I don't care.

Aquaman is my hero.

Aquaman...wherever you are, I hope you know how many people miss you. I am one of them and I can only hope that I will inspire someone as much as you inspired me.

For now, I will pass along what I have learned from him. Cosplay is about having fun. It's about being silly or interpreting a character in new ways. Size and shape don't matter as long as you're happy with who you are. Don't be scared of what others think about you. In fact, if they are staring at you while you are in costume, its possible they are impressed with what you've created.

To the family and friends of Jonathan Vela, I extend my deepest sympathies and just want you to know that he was loved by so many. He will be missed.

I'm TheCinemaChick and I am now proud to say, I am a cosplayer.

Here is the article from Big Fan Boy:

If you are interesting in donating, here is where you can help:

Friday, August 1, 2014

Jersey Boys

Hello fellow movie loving folks, I'm the one you know as TheCinemaChick! I'm always up to something and sometimes, that might involve doing something completely different. No hints about what I've got in store but it'll be fun. I might even have a special guest with me.

But you're not here to see me being all mysterious, you're here because it means I have another movie to discuss. And you would be right, my friend. I have three more movies to cover before I am completely caught up with my list. You see, there are two films I have watched but purposely held off on because they are just so simplistic but brilliant. Actually, tomorrow, it will mean I have to add another movie since Fry and I plan to check out “Begin Again”. What can I say, she thinks Adam Levine is attractive, I like Mark Ruffalo...we couldn't resist.

But now, in THIS review, let's look at “Jersey Boys”.

First off, this movie was not what I expected. I mean, I knew it was a (semi?) biography...I'm not sure how much is truth and how much is fiction in this. It's about Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. What I did not expect was the incredibly high amount of cursing. I'm comfortable with mild cursing but this was beyond that. The language is extremely inappropriate, so don't take the kids to see this one. Leave them with the babysitter for this. There's no violence, no sex, occasional drinking and lots and lots of swearing. I don't care if it was really like that, I'm sure there were several spots where we could have left out some F-bombs.

Overall, I did enjoy it. The story was good, though the method of telling it confused me a few times. It starts off with one person's point of view, then it'll randomly switch to another person's, then back, then to someone else, so you never know who's going to start talking next. It does also take a while for the story to get going since there is a lot of background information to get through before we even get to the music. Again, some of this seems like it could have been left out and have no effect on the film. There's a scene where Frankie and his wife get into a fight about raising their daughter then suddenly he has three. There is no mention of them previous to this and they are only seen once more, during a funeral.

One thing I really enjoyed about this movie is that most of the main actors are from the Broadway show. That's right, they aren't regular actors. I think that's really awesome and not done often, if ever. Christopher Walken is also in this, but he is not on screen much. His name is thrown around a lot but for the most part, don't hope to see him dancing.

Sorry, guys but this will be a short one. I didn't like “Jersey Boys” but I didn't hate it. It's not my preference but I do recommend it because the story is compelling. It gets a little confusing because the perspective tends to shift between the band mates. Most of the characters were unlikable as well, so I had a hard time really getting into the story. For the fans of the Broadway show, this is apparently just as good. Having never seen it, I can't say.

While I don't see if being a huge box office success, it has done fairly well. It has had some very stiff competition from newcomers.

I'm TheCinemaChick and I could be invisible right now.