Friday, August 8, 2014

Farewell Aquaman

 Hello everyone. I'm TheCinemaChick and right now, I'm going to step away from my reviews to make a very important blog. I have finished my other reviews, from “Begin Again” up to “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” but I am setting them aside. I will post one a day for the next few days however, there's something far more pressing I wish to discuss with you.

As you all know, I am a member of the cosplay community. My costumes may not be the best or flashiest, but I take pride in what I create. I have always been self conscious about going out in public, mainly because I often get funny looks. Most of the time, it's probably because I am not the skinniest of women and the rest of the time, probably because I am disabled and try to incorporate my crutch as creatively as possible. No matter how hard I worked on my outfits, I always felt like I looked horrible in comparison to the girls who were skinny and showing off a lot of skin. For a while, I considered leaving the community because of my deep seated insecurities.

Then I found Aquaman.

His name was Jonathan Vela, a cosplayer from San Antonio, Texas. His outfit of choice was always Aquaman. Let's all remember the Lycra and spandex are not forgiving materials. They don't camouflage anything. This man, however, did not shy away from his orange and green outfit. He stood out amongst the crowd of Princess Leia's and all of the store bought costumes. This Aquaman did not have six pack abs or a chiseled chin or even the yellow blond hair. The first time I ever saw him, I heard a lot of people making fun of him because of the tight fitting attire. At another con, I got a chance to listen to him talk. I wish I'd had the nerve to speak with him or even compliment him but sadly, I'm painfully shy.

So, now that you know that, you may be wondering why I'm writing about a man I have never actually met.

To be honest, because Jonathan Vela was someone I aspired to be. He had a smile that lit up his face. Even when people said bad things about him, he still held his head high. Most importantly, he took pride in his cosplay. He is proof that just because you aren't the smallest person or the most “ripped”, you can still dress up as the person you love. Every time I saw him, he seemed positive and upbeat, never once listening to the comments said about him. He exuded confidence in every sense of the word.

Another question you may have: Why am I writing this? Why speak so fondly of him? What's going on?

Here's the answer. On July 25th, he suffered a brain stem stroke. It was catastrophic. People donated money to help with this medical bills. If you wish to donate, I will leave a link at the end of this blog, but please, stay with me. So here we are on August 8th.

It is with a heavy heart that I must say ladies and gentlemen...Aquaman has passed away.

As I just said, the stroke did a lot of damage and he never recovered. Facebook and Tumblr are lighting up with words of praise for him, sympathy for his family and memories of him. So here I am, mourning a fellow cosplayer who inspired me in so many ways. I will never have the chance to tell him that his dedication to being Aquaman made me feel determined to stay with my craft. Just because I am not small doesn't mean I can't pay homage to my fandom in costume.

In fact, let me tell you a story. As I said, I never officially met Jonathan Vela. At the Sci Fi Expo this past year, I wanted to do a Radagast the Brown cosplay. However, the pieces I'd ordered never arrived or were put on back order. With a week to go, I was scrambling to assemble something semi decent. I mean, I was going to meet Radagast himself, Sylvester McCoy, I had to look amazing. I was already upset because I wouldn't look good and because I would still have my crutch to deal with. Part of me wanted to just give up completely. What was the point of going in a half assed cosplay that people would just make fun of?

Then I remembered Aquaman.

If he could walk through the convention with his head held high, why couldn't I? He was proof that cosplay isn't about who's the prettiest or who looks the best. Cosplay is about having fun and making costumes while putting your own spin on it. It's about meeting new friends who share the same nerdy things.

Who cares if I'm not a perfect Radagast? So what if my Dalek is a little rough? And if my TARDIS is a little frayed...well, that adds to my charm.

And you know what? After I spent all that time worrying about looking stupid in my makeshift Radagast cosplay, I found out all my fretting was pointless. To my surprise, I was a hit. I had people complimenting me all day. Everyone knew who I was dressed as without having to ask. For the first time, I had the courage to walk the red carpet, to let myself be photographed by everyone. I finally felt pride in my craft.

The best part of all that was hearing Sylvester McCoy himself praise my costume.

None of this would have been possible if I hadn't learned from Aquaman. I wish I had the courage to speak with him before losing him. I wish I could tell him how much he has inspired me to keep at my craft. Because of him, my love for costuming has been rekindled. I may never have the best costume and I will probably still thrift all of the things I need for it, but I don't care.

Aquaman is my hero.

Aquaman...wherever you are, I hope you know how many people miss you. I am one of them and I can only hope that I will inspire someone as much as you inspired me.

For now, I will pass along what I have learned from him. Cosplay is about having fun. It's about being silly or interpreting a character in new ways. Size and shape don't matter as long as you're happy with who you are. Don't be scared of what others think about you. In fact, if they are staring at you while you are in costume, its possible they are impressed with what you've created.

To the family and friends of Jonathan Vela, I extend my deepest sympathies and just want you to know that he was loved by so many. He will be missed.

I'm TheCinemaChick and I am now proud to say, I am a cosplayer.

Here is the article from Big Fan Boy:

If you are interesting in donating, here is where you can help:

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