Sunday, May 29, 2011

Hangovers don't always suck

Hello everyone, I'm TheCinemaChick, you're local neighborhood stalker.  Well...only if you're in my neighborhood.

Tonight (or this morning as it is 1:18 AM.  I've been having trouble sleeping lately), I'm going to discuss the newly released film, Hangover 2.  Once again, since it is very recent, I can't discuss the plot, although it you've seen the first one you already know what happens.

Quick note:  I did not see the first Hangover.  If you are wondering if you need to see it before seeing the new one, you don't have to.  You'll miss a few jokes at the beginning but that's it.  After that, it's all good.

To my surprise, I liked Hangover 2.  I did not expect to enjoy it, thinking it was purely a guy's movie.  Granted, I did see this with Butterfly and Just Joe.  They have seen the first movie and assured me that I did not miss out on much.  Hangover 2 is pretty much what you expect from what you've seen in the movies.  It's raunchy, it's lewd and it's hilarious.  There are parts I didn't like that I won't give away because I'm sure a bunch of you plan to go out and see it.  I'm still surprised I liked it so much, though when I returned home, I had an overwhelming urge to shower.

Do not take the kiddies to see this movie.  I kid you not when I say a woman brought her eleven year old to see this.  Seriously?  This movie is rated R for violence, language, nudity, drug use...why would you allow a preteen to see this?  If I were a parent to a teen, I'd feel apprehensive about letting them see Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides!  As I am not a parent, I want to inform others of what is family friendly out there.  Sadly, there is nothing for the kids though I have heard good things about Rio.  I didn't see it but I heard good things.

So what's next for me?
Actually, Kit Kat and I are going to introduce ourselves and let you guys know a little more about us.  I assume you read this because you are interested in what we have to say, so why not learn more about us?  I will admit, one of my followers is a family member, so she already knows everything about me.

Coming up soon:
X-Men: First Class
Green Lantern
Captain America
Super 8
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (I will be cosplaying as Bellatrix Lestrange)
Transformers: Dark of the Moon

Suggestions?  Any movies you want reviewed?  TELL ME!  I live at the theater folks and I'm paid to watch these films.

Yes, I am now a paid film critic.  I'm awesome like that.

Well, it is past 1:30 so I am going to attempt to sleep.

On behalf of Butterfly, Kit Kat and Just Joe, I bid you a pleasant movie watching experience.

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