Well, here we go. Time for some show and tell.
Kit Kat will be asking the questions and I shall respond to the best of my ability.
Why did you start reviewing movies as TheCinemaChick?
I thought TheCinemaChick sounded pretty cool and I figured I have tons of opinions on movies coming out, so why not share them with the internet? Plus, it keeps me off the streets and away from drugs.
When you started reviewing movies, did you ever think that it would lead to anything beyond just writing a blog for fun?
Honestly, no.
About the other people that help you review the movies on your blog, how did those people become involved in your blog?
Most of them had no choice. I'd see the movie with them, then start quoting them and probably two weeks later, I'd mention it to them. After a while, I just told them "Whatever you say about the movie will end up in the blog" and they're all cool with it. Everyone has given verbal consent and I use strange names to keep them anonymous. 99% of my movie crew is located in a 10 mile radius of me, except for Kit Kat, who lives up in Tennessee . She and I have met, she spent New Year's with me and Fry. We saw Tangled together. Fry is my main movie buddy, followed closely by Butterfly and Just Joe. Kit Kat does Bad Movie Bonanza with me and Zaden is a contributor. She's awesome and has some recipes worth checking out.
Do you actually have a cycle of themes you rotate on, do you simply review movies as they come out, or is it just random when it comes to movies you review?
I review new releases mostly because people are curious about them. If a movie is bad and not worth wasting money on, they have a right to know. Granted, I don't expect people to take my word for it. If you are genuinely interested in something I hate, go see it. Just because it's not in my favorites doesn't mean someone else loves it.
Also, I review movies I like that are older or maybe unheard of. There are so many movies that get looked over that are worth checking out.
And of course, I do Bad Movie Bonanza, which is like spitting on my childhood. Sure, the movies were awesome back then, but looking back, they were terrible. Kit Kat is my accomplice with that and we have different tastes. Sometimes it takes us days to pick a movie to destroy.
Speaking of movies to destroy with a review, what is the worse movie you've ever had to review? And then on the flip side what was a movie that you loved to review?
Worst movie to review...so far, I'd have to say Source Code because I absolutely hated it. It was like watching the same two scenes, both of which are ten minutes, and replaying them over and over and over and over for two hours.
As for best, that one is difficult. My favorite review right now is for "Season of the Witch" because I created a drinking game for how many times Nicolas Cage changes accents. The movie was so bad it turned into a comedy, but that just made it fun to discuss later.
Is there any particular genre of movies that you like best?
Fantasy, horror and animated. I loathe and abhor romantic comedies. Those have all become so predictable and don't even get me started on the "why I don't like Katherine Heigl" rant.
You mentioned before the movies from your childhood, are there any specific ones you'd like to go back and review for better or worse and why?
Specific ones, probably Ferngully and TONS of old Disney movies. I want to rediscover their older animated movies and possibly look at some claymation if possible. As for why...why does anyone do anything? Why are we here? *goes philosophical*
What movies will be coming up for a review in the near future?
It's the summer movie season so there are movies coming out every week. I'm going to see the new X-Men in about 10 hours, I have plans to see the final Harry Potter film, along with whatever appeals to me or whatever Butterfly drags me to see. I am resisting seeing Breaking Dawn because I'm not a fan but sadly *sighs* I know I'll see it. Fry and Butterfly want to see it so between those two...guess who's going to be in the theater with a bunch os sparkly vampire loving tweens?
As far as your blog is concerned, where do you hope that it'll be in the next 5 to 10 years?
I hope to one day be as awesome as the Nostalgia Critic. I aspire to gain internet fame.
How have you been able to try and gain people to come and read your blog?
Word of mouth mostly. I sort of badger my friends into reading it, I have a fan page on Facebook, I have a Twitter account and people who search for movies online can come across my blog in their searches, so that helps.
If you could be any character from any movie which one would it be and why?
Any character Helena Bonham Carter has played because it's Helena Bonham Carter
Have you ever been a fangirl for a movie or series of movies?
*unashamedly fangirl of Harry Potter and X-Men*
Have you ever given a girly squeal at a character in a movie?
...yes. I squealed for Cedric Diggory, shirtless Jacob Black and Wolverine.
Is there anything else you'd like to reveal or say to those who read your blog?
If Film Brain or Todd in the Shadows ever see this, I would love love love to collaborate with them. I'm a total nerd for them and I'd love to make this blog into a vlog in the future. Perhaps more people will join with me and hopefully I'll have more people reading this.
Well guys, there you go. That’s a little more info about me. Thanks to Kit Kat for providing the questions.
On behalf of my movie crew, I’m TheCinemaChick and I bid you all a pleasant theater experience.
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