What’s up all you movie loving, blog reading folks out there? People often refer to me as TheCinemaChick and I love it. I waste my money at the movies so you can know if something sucks or not. Seeing as I haven’t gotten around to watching a movie, I’m going to make yet another list…because I’m a secret List-o-maniac. You know, I don’t think anyone’s getting the song reference there. I digress. With 2012 on the horizon, I decided to make a list of films I’m absolutely dying to see. However, they are in no particular order. I tried to put the in some kind of order but…honestly…it’s almost impossible.
So here we go. The top 15(ish) movies I’m dying to see in 2012
Number 15:
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
Honestly, I have no idea why I want to see this. Something about this just stands out and seems original, if not a little weird to me. Mixing history with the paranormal…sounds like my cup of soda. I know almost nothing, haven’t seen a trailer and have only seen one movie poster but damnit, I’m interested.
Number 14:
The Devil Inside
Ok…I’m a sucker for a film about demonic possession. Don’t ask why, but if it involves witches, demons, ghosts or other malevolent spirits, I’m drawn to it. I do believe in all that paranormal occult stuff, so for me these movies genuinely scare me. Yes, I know these movies are fictional but to a true believer they a freaky as hell. I do think I’ve had an encounter with one of the bad spirits out there, but that’s another story for another time. Ah, enough about me and my weird interests. Moving on.
Number 13:
Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax
Again, I’m not entirely sure why I want to see this. I love that all Dr. Seuss movies have an element of childlike whimsy to them, but they are also geared towards adults as well as children. Typically, movies based on Dr. Seuss books haven’t been bad. I say typically because someone had the bright idea to make The Cat in the Hat…yeah…let’s not talk about that.
Number 12:
The Secret World of Arrietty
Hayao Miyazaki. I don’t need to explain that one any further.
Number 11:
The Raven
As a fan of the horror and macabre, I respect Edgar Allan Poe a lot. So even though this movie is a fictional look at his life, it still has me curious. It’s a murder mystery where his writing begins to mirror reality. As a writer, I think this looks freaking awesome and honestly, I can’t wait to see it. Granted, I’m not as excited as you think I’d be. John Cusack plays the lead and I’m not a huge fan of him.
Number 10:
Once again, this is speaking to the paranormal loving side of me. The trailer has been very vague and from what I can tell, it’s about a boy who’s obsessed with zombies. It does appear to be claymation, similar to the style of Coraline. Anyone who knows me knows I love claymation and find it to be a very underappreciated artform.
Number 9:
The Pirates! Band of Misfits
Speaking of claymation, this is another animated movie that’ll be coming out. It’s a British flick, similar to the style of Wallace and Gromit. Since that’s one of my all time favorite cartoons, I really want to see this. While I don’t expect it to do as well, I still see it making a decent splash. One thing I love about the Wallace and Gromit series is the constant use of subtle humor. Seriously, there are things in the background that are jokes but you have to pay attention to them to get them.
Number 8:
I’m a sucker for Disney Pixar films. I loved Tangled, I’ve seen all the movies they’ve made so far and I’m looking forward to the future films. Granted, I’m a little apprehensive about Tangled Ever After (the sequel to the smash hit Tangled) and I’m not exactly sure as to why they are making Planes…which is basically Cars only in the air. Plus, Brave features a young girl with unruly curly red hair as the heroine. Not to mention, it’s in Scotland . I definitely see potential in this.
Number 7:
Mirror Mirror/ Snow White and the Huntsman
I lumped these together because I sort of see them as the same movie. They’re both Snow White and they both feature actresses I don’t care for. I know they’re supposed to be modern takes on classic fairy tales but I’m just not feeling them. I love fairy tales but as with the vampire craze, I think this will become huge. Eventually we’ll get bored of it. Which is sad since fairy tales aren’t meant to die. They’ve survived this long so hopefully Lily Collins and Kristen Stewart won’t ruin it for me.
Number 6:
Rock of Ages
It’s a movie about rock music and the 80s with Tom Cruise. A masterpiece, no. Something that’ll be worth seeing, oh hell yes.
Number 5:
The Hunger Games
I’ve been reading the trilogy and I’m in love with it. It’s great, refreshing and it’s kept me hooked. Granted, it’s young adult but there’s some pretty adult stuff in there. It has everything, action, romance and oh yes, Lenny Kravitz is going to be in it. I loved the novel and I can’t wait to see how this has been translated from page to celluloid.
Number 4:
The Woman in Black
This is going to be Daniel Radcliffe’s first major role outside of Harry Potter, not counting his time on Broadway. It’s got a historical setting and the possibility of ghosts haunting the house he’s in. I want to see how he fares outside of his comfort zone, since he’s been Harry Potter pretty much all his life. Emma Watson’s doing great, so I see great thing in store for Radcliffe.
Number 3:
The Avengers
I’m a Marvel girl all the way. Plus, this has Iron Man, Thor AND Captain America in it. I also am in love with Loki. Individually, the movies were successful so having them come together can only come off as epic. Also, the little snippet at the end of Thor has me curious. If you’ve seen it, you know what I’m talking about. While the X-Men franchise is slowly going downhill, this saga seems to be going strong. I mean, they’re making a sequel to the Wolverine movie. This one will chronicle his time spent in Japan , which does actually happen in the comics. I’m off topic-ish.
Number 2:
The Dark Knight Rises
I’m not a super huge Batman fan, but damnit, I can’t deny that they’re incredible movies. Well…let’s not discuss Batman and Robin. That’s the one blemish on their near perfect record. While I haven’t seen Batman Begins yet (which I will do at someone’s request…you know who you are!) I’ve seen all the other ones. Yes, I’ve seen the Adam West old school, campy as hell, the Michael Keaton goodness, the so-so Val Kilmer, the abomination George Clooney and the fairly decent Christian Bale. I can’t wait to see this and every time I watch the trailer, I geek out.
Number 1:
The Hobbit
The Lord of the Rings series is one of my obsessions. It’s pretty high up there with X-Men and Nightmare Before Christmas. I read them all in high school and the movies were pretty accurate. There were things I didn’t care for, like the fact that Arwen was featured more than she needed to be or the fact that Tom Bombadil didn’t make an appearance. Overall, I’m in love with the series as a whole and the mythology J.R.R. Tolkien created fascinates me. Peter Jackson did a fantastic job creating the world from the books. Now that he’s doing The Hobbit, I cannot wait to see how this goes.
I know, someone’s going to wonder why The Hobbit ranks higher than The Dark Knight, but remember, these are not in a specific order. These are just movies I’m excited to see.
Also, I will say that I am a tiny bit excited to see Breaking Dawn Part 2, only because Arret and Kit Kat will be joining me to see it. That’s right, TeamCinemaChick is going to see the end of the saga together.
Well, it’s 1:24 in the morning and I’m getting tired. I’ve got things to do tomorrow, like go shopping and do laundry and possibly see Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.
So, by the way, if there’s a movie I haven’t seen that I should see (other than Batman Begins), let me know! The folks at my local Blockbuster love me and I enjoy seeing movies I hadn’t thought of before. Bonus points if you can find a claymation film I haven’t seen yet.
I’m TheCinemaChick and I love you…in a totally platonic way.
I want to see many of these movies as well. If you like Poe, have you seen the most recent movie based off his story "Tell Tale Heart"? This adaptation is really good. Not sure if you'd like it, it's not a horror movie, but still realistically freaky, and I don't like John Cusack either.I love the Seuss movies, except Cat in the Hat as well. I worked at a movie theater when that movie was out, and you wouldn't believe the amount of complaints and bad reviews I heard from that movie...well, maybe you could believe. I want to see the Pirates movie too, because I love Chicken Run. I haven't see Wallace and Gromit, yet. Hunger Games looks great, and I want to read the book. I'm excited about Avengers, and even more excited about Dark Knight Rises, but The Hobbit is definitely my #1 movie to see. I don't even have to express how awesomely beautiful it looks. I'm anxious to see Snow White and the Huntsman, but Mirror Mirror looks ridiculous, and I personally wouldn't put them together. I don't even know why they would have 2 Snow White movies released around the same time. I thinks it's stupid and confusing, but, whatever.