Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Obligatory Future Blog

            Hey guys, my name’s TheCinemaChick.  The other night I brought you a slightly intoxicated review of Pan’s Labyrinth.  Tonight, I’m sober and well, I haven’t really eaten today but I have no intention to eat now.  This is something I’ve been meaning to tackle for months and never did.  Tonight, I bring you the Obligatory Future Blog.

            The month of December will be a very quiet month for me.  I normally see about five or more movies a month, but I will only see two, maybe three if I’m lucky.  I looked at the money in my budget and decided to give it to a worthy cause.  If you read my entry, “Of Coffee and Shirts and Things”, you’ll know that my stepsister, her husband and their children plan to welcome a child they are adopting into their family soon.  Well, instead of using my money to see a bunch of films, I’m giving it to them.

            Don’t worry, I’ve set aside money to see Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows and The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.  Beyond that, I won’t see a movie unless I magically discover another $20 bill while cleaning.  

            I have begun renting a lot of DVDs on Saturdays, so I might just do some reviews on older films that I watch.  Like Pan’s Labryinth, there are movies I just never got around to seeing, like Inception.  Remember, I do take requests.  If there’s some film out there that’s absolutely worth seeing, please let me know.  I’d like to see it.  However, don’t tell me I need to go out and watch Avatar.  I’ve no desire to ever watch nor do I intend to see it.  So…other than that, feel free to suggest away.  I like indie films, horror, fantasy…anything but romantic comedies please.  Those have become so formulaic that I can’t stand them for more than maybe 20 minutes.

            I still intend to upgrade to vlogs, most likely in 2012 because I’m still trying to figure out how to use the camera and edit videos.  I’m a slow learner for the most part so I’ll figure it out around the time my birthday hits.

            Yeah, my birthday is coming up too.  I’m a January baby, along with my niece, so that’s always a fun time.  We’re a week apart.  She’s going to be two and I’ll be twenty seven.  Yes, I’m old.  Now you know my age.  Maybe someday, I’ll be comfortable enough to tell you my name.  Keep in mind, I use a pseudonym when I write so when the people who actually know me see a different name, it’s just a pen name.  I like that better than my real name, but that’s another story for another night.

            I haven’t mentioned my movie watching buddies in a while, but in all honesty, if I don’t see a movie with Fry, I’m seeing it with Butterfly.  Kit Kat is still around to help me go over bad movies but everyone has pretty much disappeared.  It’s no big deal.  I know I had several, but I’m not going to explain in detail what’s happened.

            My list of movies for 2012 is growing longer and longer.  I think I’ll keep at this, despite my growing unhappiness.  I looked back at my earlier entries and I’ve seen no improvement in my work.  It’s stayed at the same basic quality, which there’s no one to blame but myself for that.  I should have tried harder, but you know…I’m dealing with a lot right now and I don’t exactly have anyway of dealing with it.  I can make people feel better about themselves but when I need a little nudge, I normally get nothing.

            Sorry, I’m bitching.  I’ll try to be better about that.

            So there you have it.  I’m not going to be seeing anything at the theater unless someone takes me of gives me the money to do so.  Christmas is coming, so maybe I’ll get a gift card.  If you want to send me one…ha ha, I’m kidding.  I don’t get presents, but I’m no a huge fan of the holidays.  Yes, it’s a joyful time of year but I tend to get rather depressed.

            Bitching again.  Sorry

            Oh, and if anyone’s interested, I did have a winner for my giveaway.  He earned a Harkins Loyalty Shirt and two cups.  I have no idea if he’s gotten them yet.  I hope so, I mailed the things out last week.

            Bummed that you didn’t win?

            Guess what?

            I HAVE MORE!!  I wasn’t aware that I’d be getting multiple shirts and cups to give away.  So…I can spread the love around and we can say it’s a Christmas present from TheCinemaChick.  Well, my winner can’t have anymore.  They’ve already gotten their prize so…yeah…no more for you, winner.

            And to my winner, thank you for pointing out my lack of math skills.  I’m terrible with numbers, which is weird considering I come from a family of math majors.  Seriously, two math majors and a finance major and I somehow suck at math.  It doesn’t make sense as to how I somehow excelled at liberal arts.  I’ve been published…but I think that happened because I happened to know the editor, was friends with him and wrote about some controversial topics.  I mean…I dropped the F word in one of them and people loved it.  

            And now I’m way off topic.  Again.

            I hope everyone has a safe holiday and I hope you get everything you asked for.  As for me, I’ll be babysitting and watching holiday crap.  It’d be nice to get a present, but oh well.

            I’m TheCinemaChick and I’ve lost my TV remote.

           Wait...I found it.  Somehow snuck into my purse.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I got them. Thanks! I'm a January baby too! I also don't like the holidays. Don't get yourself down on the writing. You do what you do, and enjoy it. I look forward to your future reviews.
