Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy Holidays from TheCinemaChick.

            Hey guys, you know me as TheCinemaChick and that won’t change any time in the near future.  Tonight, I’m bringing you a short but sweet message.  It’s Christmas Even and we’ve all got things to do.  I just stuffed the stockings with care.  By that I mean I hung candy canes on them.  Everyone loves peppermint.

            Anyway, I’m just stopping by to wish all of you a very happy, safe holiday, whatever you celebrate.  Whether it’s Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, or Festivus, I sincerely hope it’s enjoyable for you.  I’m celebrating Christmas with my stepfamily and Fry this year.  It’s going to be fun watching my nephews and niece play with all their new toys.

            New Year’s is coming up and you know what, I’m going to share my three resolutions with you.
  1. I’d like to eliminate all fast food from my life and if I do go out, I must get a salad.
  2. I will stop buying concessions at the movie theater in order to save money.
  3. I will continue being TheCinemaChick and improve my writing, which means possibly continuing my studies in film.

            From me and everyone who has contributed to this blog, I thank you for reading, commenting, recommending me to your friends or inspiring me.  There’s one person I wish I could thank personally for giving me numerous ideas and honestly…sort of keeping my ass in line when I felt like giving up.  Poor Kit Kat is probably sick of me talking about him and she knows one thing that she won’t ever share…unless she wants to embarrass me.

            I seriously cannot thank certain people enough.  I have a list of people I am so grateful for, including the incredibly generous folks over at Harkins Theater for asking me to cover two film marathons this year.  I feel lucky and humbled by them.  I honestly still can’t believe they did that.

            All right.  Enough of my sentimental ramblings.  Go be with your family or friends.  If you’re spending the holidays alone, hey, don’t feel bad.  I’m your friend.

            On behalf of myself, Kit Kat, Fry, Butterfly, Just Joe and everyone in my movie watching crew, I wish you a joyous holiday and a prosperous 2012.

            Keep reading and commenting.  You guys are the best.

            I’m TheCinemaChick and I bought you a candy cane.

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