Hey everyone, I’m TheCinemaChick and tonight I am joined by Kit Kat as we discuss X3: The Last Stand. I admit to being a comic book geek and I have a vast and often useless knowledge about the series. I’m a Marvel, not a DC. As you’ve guessed, I’ve also seen every movie about this out there. So lets get one thing straight: I didn’t hate X3, but the movie just tried to do too much at once. It was confusing and didn’t leave me with a good sense of finality. All right Kit Kat, say hello to the nice people.
Hey everyone. I’m right there with TheCinemaChick. I’m usually around to bash a movie. However, I didn’t completely hate this movie either. For me, I had way too many moments where I was left going: “But wait, what just happened? Where is this person or that person?” Just rather confused all around with good visuals to stare at.
Let’s address the obvious question. Where the hell is Nightcrawler? He was such a big part of the second movie then they didn’t clarify what happened to him and doesn’t even show up in the third film? He is a fan favorite so why take him out. Here’s a juicy tidbit for you. Nightcrawler had a cameo in the third film, but it was deleted! I want to see this now!
That’s the question I’ve been asking all along. Save for Rogue, Nightcrawler is one of my favorite characters. If nothing else they should have one of the characters at least a mention him. If nothing else, he could have been very helpful in the battle against the mutants fighting Magneto. Then, of course, you have the X-men video’s usual jumping around from storyline to storyline with no real reason for any of them save for Rouge’s reaction to them having a cure.
Here’s another tidbit I have discovered. Let’s look at the end fight between Jean and Wolverine. Her…aura, I guess we’ll call it…is destroying everything. It’s ripping Wolverine’s flesh from his body and his shirt disintegrates. So…how are his pants still on? Don’t think I’m a pervert, this is pointed out on IMDB and it raises a valid point. If she is strong enough to shred his skin, how can his pants still be on?
That is a valid question. One I’ve thought about as well. However, the only thing I can come up with is the fact that by the time the top half of his uniform is shredded is after he is close enough to Jean that her focus narrows onto his top half. Cause, if you really want to kill someone, I doubt you are going to aim for their legs first. More the head and heart. The main issue I have with the scene itself is that all of the others in the area disintegrate instantly when her power touches them. And while Wolverine has some amazing regenerative powers it usually takes longer for him to heal something serious. How is it that now that process has sped up more than enough to heal against a power that can disintegrate on contact?
He was saved by love, Kit Kat...saved by love.
Yeah well, if love was that strong then apparently Scott aka Cyclops didn’t really love Jean at all.
Minor details aside, my main issue with this film is that it wanted to tell too many stories at once. Let’s look at the plots going on: Angel and his daddy issues, Rogue and the Cure, Mutants against the Cure, Magneto’s war on humanity, Magneto’s army, Jean and the Phoenix Saga (WHICH IS COMPLETELY WRONG!!) and Scott’s and Professor Xavier’s deaths. That’s eight. Eight storylines to cover in 104 minutes…one hour and 44 minutes.
And with that many storylines going on no one can do them any kind of justice in one hour and 44 minutes. It’s impossible. Hell Titanic had less going on and it took two hours of movie.
Wasn't Titanic like 4 hours long?
194 minutes, more like 3 hours
Here's an idea. This movie could have worked with it's storyline. If they had broken it up like a collection of short stories. Give each person their own chapter and give us what we want, the story and how it ends. I will cut the movie some slack. It didn't have the original director and producers, it was hastily made due to scheduling conflicts and budget problems
Very true. At least, in my eyes, that those moments that have to be made with CGI or models, they look real if you buy into the mutant powers and the lore behind it. To me, it looked like the Golden Gate Bridge was flying through the air. It really looked like the destruction of a building with water shooting up in the air all around. They took the time to make what they had as good as they could make it.
I’ll agree with you there, Kit Kat. I did like the effects. Plus, I admit freely that I love Wolverine. I am a little annoyed that they had so many characters thrown in and almost none of them were introduced. Apparently, they had Spike (who was created purely for the X-Men Evolution animated series), Psylocke, Phat and Leech. Don’t know who those characters are? Don’t worry, only true, hardcore geeks like me know about them. My point, however, is that they were grossly misinterpreted. For instance, the purple haired chick with a labret piercing is Psylocke. She seems to have super speed, when in the Marvel world, she is a telepath and British! WTF?
Another good point, why put in characters that you’re never gonna give names to that play any role in the series at all? If you are going to add in these characters at least get them right in appearance and backstory. In any case, the parts that didn’t confuse me or make me wonder for the wrong reasons I loved.
I wanted to like this movie, I really did. I just left feeling so confused and frustrated. It didn’t give me the satisfaction a movie should give a watcher. Plus, there is a scene after the credits that hints at a fourth movie in the franchise. Originally it was going to have Charles playing chess with Magneto at the end, only Charles would be in a different body. Instead there is a hidden scene where Moira MacTaggert is spoken to by a comatose patient with Xavier’s voice. But nope, Charles Xavier is dead, along with the original X-Men franchise.
Well, I think I’ve hit all the points I can about this movie. I don’t see me going to any movie that connects to the end of X-men 3. It would just be pointless to me. I’ll be back for the next episode of the Bad Movie Bonanza. I’m Kit Kat and no movie is too good or too bad for a review.
And I’m TheCinemaChick, ready to stop bad films everywhere.
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