Saturday, June 11, 2011

Super 8 is super awesome.

Hello all you lovely people out there in Internetland!  I'm TheCinemaChick and I had the pleasure of seeing the brand new sci-fi mystery flick, Super 8 last night.  Butterfly provided the tickets, though he won't tell me how.  As suspected, there were lines for the film and we got there an hour early.  The theater did not fill up and sell out as I had thought it would.

Also, being an official film reviewer, I do get inside tips.  Super 8 was released on Thursday because the demand for the movie was so great.  Seriously, presales were selling out all over the country so the studio chose to release it one day early but it was not advertised at all.  Only theater employees and critics were made aware of this.  While I did know about the earlier release, I chose not to see it until Friday most because I did not want to drive twenty minutes out of my way for a 2 hour film.

And, as usual, I will not give away the plot because I know people loathe a spoiler.

Going into this, I had very little knowledge of the movie.  I went in knowing there was a train crash and some kids who wanted to make a movie.  Beyond that, it was a complete mystery.  I didn't hate the movie, in fact I loved it.  True, it wasn't the greatest thing I've ever seen because it did leave me with a bit of a letdown, but it has other factors that made up for it.

Ok, so as many people don't know, I am inspired by other film critics, mainly internet celebs like the Nostalgia Critic and his team.  Currently, I'm watching Welshy's reviews of the Scream movies and I have to use some of his thoughts on Scream about Super 8.  One of the things he liked about Scream is that it wasn't a pure horror film, but took the time to create the characters for people to relate to.  It gave real, human moments that made the action look even more intense.  It made them more relate-able.

Super 8 clearly knew that too.

The film gives us Joe Lamb, the son of the local deputy who is having some personal issues and is the make up artist for his filmmaker bunch.  He falls in love with Alice, played by Elle Fanning (who in my opinion, stole the show) and they have a fairly complicated relationship.  It seems strange to have a romance worked into this because it is so mysterious, but it actually helped the movie along.

What I liked about the movie was that it did create the human angle by giving the characters back stories.  Joe lost his mother, Alice's father drinks and you get to experience their emotions.  Super 8 did not jump straight into the action and aliens and whatnot.  It took time to build up the mystery and create a wonderful sense of tension.  By the time the climax hits, you're more than ready to experience it.  And the ending was incredible and it left a good feeling in my heart. also left a lot of questions unanswered.  Why was the thing there?  How did it get captured?  What happened to Joe's mom because they just say "It was an accident" and nothing more.  What's going to happen to the town?  Do Joe and Alice end up together?

I have to recommend it because like I said when I was mentioning Welshy, the movie creates characters that people can relate to.  And because they are likable, you like them even more.  And because we do have moments where we get to know the characters, they become deeper and when the bad things happen, you cheer for them and want them to succeed.  I found myself actually hoping for the happy ending and needing that satisfaction most movies leave me without.

Go out and see it.  I think it was worth it, even with the unanswered questions I have.

Well, I'm TheCinemaChick and coming next week, I'm looking at the special three week showing of the Lord of the Rings trilogy being shown on the big screen with special introductions from Peter Jackson himself.  Since I am a major nerd for this franchise, I'm super excited to go.  Fry's birthday is also in June, so this is sort of her celebration.  Plus, Butterfly has said he'll join us now.

So there you go folks.  I'm still continuing my "back to basics" series, I just have to choose between two films I love.  I'll go over them both, I just don't know which to do first.

Well, I'm TheCinemaChick and on behalf of my movie watching crew, I bid you a pleasant movie theater experience.

(Also, I don't know Welshy and Welshy doesn't know me, I credit him for the things he said about Scream that I applied to Super 8 and had no intentions of plagiarizing him.  He's awesome and I'm pretty sure he'd be cool knowing some random person out there is referencing him.  I don't know...)

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