Friday, October 21, 2011

Silly demons

            Hey everyone, they call me TheCinemaChick.  I don’t know who they are but that’s what they call me.  I know I’ve been a little quiet for a while but now I’m back and ready to review.  So prepare yourselves for more sarcasm, more insight and a lot more of me going off topic.  As of right now, I’ve got two movies on my plate, but there is a possibility of a third one being added.  Fry and I are currently discussing this.
            I haven’t been super excited about anything in theaters until this week, so of course I jumped at the opportunity.  First on my list of films is Paranormal Activity 3, followed by Johnny English Reborn.  I might be seeing Three Musketeers tomorrow with either Fry or Butterfly, that hasn’t been decided yet.  After that, I don’t think I have anything I really want to see again until October 28.  Sadly, the fall movie season is usually full of duds.  Around Christmas things should pick back up again but for now, don’t expect to have a huge blockbuster come out.  I suppose the exception to this would be the Breaking Dawn movie but I’ve already gone into detail on why I couldn’t care less about that movie.
            Let’s get started with the review, shall we?
            Paranormal Activity 3 is the third in the series of the false documentaries about demonic possession.  Unlike the first two installments, this one is a prequel.  If you haven’t seen any of these films, please stop reading here because I will discuss them, therefore giving away spoilers.  I won’t give away too much about the newest film but since the first ones are out on DVD, I have no problem talking about them.
            The series revolves around two sisters, Katie and Kristi.  In the first movie, Katie slowly succumbs to a demon, eventually killing her boyfriend Micah.  The second movie takes place around the same time, only showing how the demon affected Kristi and her growing family.  At the end of each film, an epilogue is given, stating that Katie (who was the last one to be possessed) has vanished, taking her sister’s firstborn son with her.  Their whereabouts are unknown. 
            While I’m a huge fan of horror movies, I also respect more technical aspects of the cinema.  All the Paranormal Activity movies don’t disguise the fact that it’s supposed to look homemade.  While I’m sure the budget isn’t minuscule, they still seem to make the effort to keep it realistic.  The first two are told by security cameras and handheld devices.  The new one does use the huge, clunky cameras from the 1980s and it feels like an old home movie.  In fact, everything about this movie captures the era, right down to the bad fashion.
            Now, if you are thinking “Oh, the trailer tells me everything I could need to know about the movie”, you are incredibly wrong.  I’d say majority of what’s in the trailer isn’t even in the film.  The movie alone was great but trust me, the previews gave nothing away.  
            I’d also like to point out that I have a healthy obsession for the horror genre, the paranormal, the occult and other things that scare the hell out of people.  I do believe in demons, ghosts, things of that nature, so with that said, I admit my slight bias.  Because I am a believer in such things, the Paranormal Activity movies are more suited for me.  If you don’t believe in such things, it won’t affect you as much.  However, movies with vampires and curses don’t do anything for me.  The closer to home a movie can hit, the more fear it can create, the scarier it becomes.
            Normally, I can sit through a horror flick and come out laughing but I’ll admit.  I jumped several times during Paranormal Activity 3.  At one point, I actually asked Fry if I could hold her hand because I was so freaked out.  While it does follow the formula of the first two, it adds it own little twists in there.  I cannot give away the ending but trust me, it was amazing.  I’d like to see it again honestly and I might do that in the future, when it hits the dollar theater.  Actually, I’d like to watch the first two over, then see this one again.
            If you’re not a fan of this type of movie or the series, go ahead and skip it.  I am a fan and I would actually like to see a fourth in this series, perhaps taking place between the time frame of the third movie and the first one.  Unlike most series that get stale, this one has managed to keep me interested.  Yes, it does feel like it’s the same movie over and over and over, but each one is a different story.
            I liked it and I do recommend it, but again, it’s not everyone’s cup of coffee, or tea if you prefer.  Some people don’t like being scared, some people hate the fake documentary and some people just find the whole idea repulsive.  Then there’s me.  I’m weird, I’m out there and damnit, I’m perfect the way I am.  Love me, love my obsession with horror and macabre.
            So if you’re a single man who doesn’t mind that…call me.  Let’s talk.
            Well, that’s all I really have to say about this movie without going in to the plot.  There’s so much I could say about it but again, I don’t believe in ruining a movie before someone’s had a chance to see it.  And since this came out today, I can’t be “that critic” who tells everyone what happens.  I’m sorry but I think people just want to know if somethning’s good or not.  If I wanted to know what happened in a movie, I would make the conscience effort to go out and see it.  I’m sorry, but I assumed that of my readers as well.  

            So, if you would like me to cover plot more or maybe say cautionary things about a movie, let me know.  I’m adaptable and I’m here for you.  I don’t do this for my health.  Well, I might be, but I’m not sure.

            I’m TheCinemaChick and I love scary movies.


  1. I watched the first Paranormal movie, and was very upset. I thought it was horrible. So, I haven't seen the second or third. You should watch 'Insidious', and 'House of the Devil'. I think you'd like those.

  2. Oh, and you didn't talk about Johnny English Reborn. I really want to see that one.
