Hello to you, on this lovely autumn day! It’s not even 80 degrees outside so it’s nice and cool. Now, I’m a little behind things as usual but once again, I have been presented with a wonderful opportunity.
I know, I know for months I have been claiming I would not even consider going to see Breaking Dawn because of my disdain for the series as a whole. Hell, there is even a five part rant about how much I dislike it. However, I must confess now that I am now a sell out. That’s right dear reader, I am a sell out. You may be asking yourself, why would I ever call myself that?
Well, a few hours ago, I was at the lovely Harkins Theater out in Southlake, purchasing tickets for The Ultimate Twilight Marathon.
Feel free to pause here and express your anger with me.
I’ll wait.
The thing is, I’m not a fan and have made that perfectly clear. What I do like is that I have been given a chance to promote and review a major event that will undoubtedly have a major impact on cinematic history. While I’m not exactly excited to sit through four movies with Edward and Bella, I’m all for the theater. I’m a critic; therefore I must take an unbiased stance with this film. While I may give it positive feedback, that doesn’t mean I’m in love with it. Remember, every film has its good and bad points to it, just like life.
For instance, Twilight has Emmet Cullen AKA Kellan Lutz. Yeah…I’m a Team Emmet girl. Can you blame me though? Look at his smile and the twinkle in his eye…he’s freaking dreamy! So, Kellan…if you ever chance upon my blog…email me. Let’s chat.
And I know Kit Kat feels the same. She likes the series more than I do, but she’s not one of those obsessed fans like some people who will not be mentioned. I know there are girls out there who swoon when they hear Edward Cullen’s name but come on, he’s a fictional character! Kit Kat is Team Jasper so I can understand her feelings. We could both do without, but we’re fans of our respective characters so we’ll go see the movies for them.
So yeah…Jackson Rathbone, this blog also supports you.
Yes, we’re Team Emmet and Jasper here.
I do have a point to this blog entry today, I promise. While I could go on and on about how I’m a sell out or how much I loathe Bella Swan as a person, I won’t. I’m actually here on business.
Hundreds, if not thousands of movie theaters are having major events just for the midnight premiere of Breaking Dawn Part One.
You know, now that I think about it, that movie has a freaking long title. Officially, I think it’s called:
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part One.
Yeah, yeah Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One is longer, but we don’t have to announce that it too is a series. That would be kind of redundant, wouldn’t it? Let me just see how it looks written out.
The Harry Potter Series: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One.
I’m not feeling that but I stand by my case. Why is Twilight even a saga? By definition, a saga is a narrative or legend of heroic exploits.
I rest my case with that last sentence. It’s not a saga, it’s merely a “quadrilogy”.
Seeing as I have once again gone off topic on my dislike of this series, let me once again get back on track. The whole point of me writing this article today is actually to promote the event going on at a local theater. They have contacted me and asked me to cover the event for them. I even have the press release to prove it, but I digress.
As I said before, lots of places are having huge affairs for this event. I’m going to Harkins 14, a lovely little theater in Southlake , Texas . I do like it there. The seats are comfortable, the place is always clean and the employees are super friendly. No, I don’t work there so don’t think I’m trying to promote myself by promoting them or something. I just genuinely enjoy the theater and the only reason I don’t go there as often as I’d like is because of distance.
They are hosting a massive Twilight movie marathon on November 17th. At 4 P.M., they are going to show every movie in the series back to back leading up the midnight showing of Breaking Dawn. There will be trivia contests and prizes throughout. Don’t ask me what they’ll ask or what the prizes are because I have no clue. I may have the press release and the blessing of the guy in marketing to do this, but that’s it. I don’t get to know things beforehand.
Tickets are a bit steep, costing $30 a pop. Well, let me rephrase that, a PASS is $30 while a ticket is normal price. The reason for the increase is simple. Let’s break down the price and look at what all you get for your money.
4 movies
2 small popcorns
1 Loyalty Cup, good for $1 refills until 2012
2 free refills
A commemorative Twilight lanyard
A Harkins/Twilight goodie bag (no idea what’s in those, so don’t ask.)
Now that I’ve done that, let me point out that the movies alone make this a great deal. If you had to pay for all this separate…it’d cost a lot. I won’t go into exact numbers because I can’t recall the price of popcorn and soda at the theater since I rarely buy them. So yeah, that’s not too shabby. Hell, it’s a downright steal.
I sound like a used car saleswoman.
I’m going to be there so if you’ve ever wondered who I am, here’s your chance. I won’t make myself obvious because…well, I don’t like to. I can honestly say that I will be wearing a hoodie, carrying a notebook and possibly a camera.
Sneaky CinemaChick is sneaky.
So, if you can make it, come on out and join the all day marathon.
If you can’t come due to personal reasons that are none of my damn business, pick up a ticket for the midnight showing. I don’t know, maybe you have to work but you want to be a part of the Cullen fandemonium.
I had to pause a moment because even I’m shocked I said that.
Yes, it’ll be crowded and you’ll be surrounded by fangirls, but I go for the experience. Also, I’m hoping people are smart enough to not take their 12 year old daughters to this. I’m all for a midnight showing but seriously? Those children have school in the morning!
Gah, I’m ranting again. Sorry. It’s just that, for Eclipse I actually saw two very young girls came outside a movie theater two days before the movie came out. This was around 10 at night and they had one guy there as their chaperone. Granted, this was smack dab in the middle of their summer vacation but still, I thought that was a little extreme.
So there you have it. The Ultimate Twilight Marathon is coming and I’ll be there along with Fry and some chick I’ve never met. Let’s call her…Unown, like the pokemon.
Well, I’m still working on my review of 50/50 so I better get to that before I go really far off topic again.
I’m TheCinemaChick and I’m incognito right now.
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