Monday, October 24, 2011

One for all and all for Orlando Bloom!

            Hey guys, it’s your friendly local movie critic, TheCinemaChick.  As a warning, I’m not in the best of moods and I’m not going to censor what I say like I normally do.  See, in order to keep this whole thing PG rated or lower, I keep my cursing to a minimum.  Like I said, right now, I don’t care.  I’m annoyed because I recently found out two of my closest friends don’t read this.  It hurts because they know how much I love doing this and how this blog is one of the most important things to me.

            Plus, there’s the whole “damn near no one reads this shit” aspect.

            Enough of my bitching.  You’re here because you expect a review.  Well, I’m not going to bother with Johnny English Reborn because it is nothing more than a stupid comedy.  That’s not to say it was bad, which it wasn’t.  It’s just a lighthearted piece of fluff full of laughs that I greatly enjoyed.  I haven’t seen the first one and I’ll admit, I didn’t know about the first movie until the second one came out.  If you want something that won’t require you to think, see it.  It’s got some great jokes and visual puns that are highly enjoyable.  

            Now, the real reason for this post.  While I did see Paranormal Activity 3 and Johnny English Reborn on Friday, I saw The Three Musketeers on Saturday.  Fry and Butterfly joined me.  We opted for a 3D showing since that was the only time we could all agree on.  Sadly, it doesn’t seem to be doing well at the box office, which is a shame.  True, it looks like it’s bad but to be honest, it is.

            Wait a second.

            It’s corny, cheesy and the cast was horrible, but it was that kind of movie that’s so bad it’s enjoyable.  The dialogue is seriously terrible.  Whoever wrote it wasn’t trying to keep it canon to the book at all.  There were some awful jokes thrown in there.  What made it worse is that every time the characters had a conversation, I felt like there was a reference to another movie.  For instance, D’Artagnan (played by a horribly miscast Logan Lerman) makes a comment to Rochefort apologizing to his horse.  Maybe it’s just me, but I immediately thought of a Hidalgo reference.  The sad thing is, the horse apology comes back into play at the end of the movie.  It’s almost like everyone used modern language in a historic setting, which is never a good idea.

            While I’ve got Logan Lerman on my mind, who’s bright idea was it to cast him?  The Three Musketeers is set in France, a fact that is mentioned repeatedly.  I can understand most of the cast having British accents but Lerman makes no effort to even try to be European.  He’s just a plain old American guy stuck in a bunch of English actors, which bothers me.  The movie has a specific setting, so at least fake a British accent to make it more believable.  It didn’t work for Kirsten Dunst in Marie Antoinette (which could have been such a magnificent film if someone else had been cast) and it didn’t work here.

            I’ll give Lerman some credit.  His fight scenes were excellent, but I wish he’d made more of an effort to actually be the character, not some actor pretending to act like a fictional character.

            Logan Lerman, I’ll give you another shot.  However, if you screw up The Perks of Being a Wallflower, we’re done.  I love that book and I’m already scared to see how bad it’s going to be screwed up.  However, you are doing Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters.  Because I love that series, I’ll forgive your poor performance in The Three Musketeers a tiny bit, but not much.  You’re still on probation with me.

            Well damn, I forgot what else I wanted to touch on…let’s move on to Orlando Bloom.  This man SHOULD have been in the movie more.  The film runs a good hour and fifty minutes, but Bloom appears for maybe twenty minutes total.  It’s a shame because he’s so good.  It’s his first role (that I know of) where he plays a villain.  Bloom was over the top, almost bad for you kind of way.  His performance was so rich it’s like warm chocolate cake.  Ok, bad analogy.  My point is, he’s freaking perfection in this!  While the entire movie had the over the top feel, he managed to capture it the best.  He plays Buckingham, the man who’s trying to bring down the king of France.  Bloom oozes cockiness, arrogance and a slight hint of sexuality that makes sure he steals every scene he’s in.

            Like I said, the movie is bad, but it’s so bad it’s good.  I’m sad that it won’t do well because it is a visual treat.  The 3D was actually worth it this time and as you all know, I normally don’t care for it.  The costumes were pretty accurate, the settings were brilliant and despite being in a foul mood while watching it, I enjoyed it.

            Yeah, the CGI is pathetic and it’s obvious when the actors are on a set and when they are in front of a green screen.  You’d think production would try to make that look good, but no.  

            The worst thing about the movie?  It sets itself up for a sequel.  Yeah, I’m not kidding about that and I apologize for that spoiler.  If it means more of Orlando Bloom’s flamboyant acting, I’m all for it.  Give me less Logan Lerman.

            I’d say check out The Three Musketeers during a matinee showing and go ahead and swing a 3D showing.  But what do I know?  I’m just some chick who reviews movies as a hobby.  That’s putting my degree in English to great use.

            I do apologize for my bad mood tonight. I’m sure I have more to say, I’m just not up for being nice.  I love The Three Musketeers, I really did, I just can’t be my usually perky and snarky self.  This blog really does mean that much to me and to know people I consider extended family don’t read it…it hurts.  I love them dearly and I don’t think I could function without them though.

            So there you go.  I loved it, I’d see it again and now…I’m freaking excited to see Puss in Boots.  Yes, I’m a twenty something adult, but I’m still a cat person.  Also, Anonymous, the Shakespeare mystery drama, is coming out.  The literary geek in me is jumping for joy about that one.  It’s also got Rhys Ifans, the actor who played Xenophilius Lovegood in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One.  

            Well, I’m TheCinemaChick and I still cry every time Snape dies.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Silly demons

            Hey everyone, they call me TheCinemaChick.  I don’t know who they are but that’s what they call me.  I know I’ve been a little quiet for a while but now I’m back and ready to review.  So prepare yourselves for more sarcasm, more insight and a lot more of me going off topic.  As of right now, I’ve got two movies on my plate, but there is a possibility of a third one being added.  Fry and I are currently discussing this.
            I haven’t been super excited about anything in theaters until this week, so of course I jumped at the opportunity.  First on my list of films is Paranormal Activity 3, followed by Johnny English Reborn.  I might be seeing Three Musketeers tomorrow with either Fry or Butterfly, that hasn’t been decided yet.  After that, I don’t think I have anything I really want to see again until October 28.  Sadly, the fall movie season is usually full of duds.  Around Christmas things should pick back up again but for now, don’t expect to have a huge blockbuster come out.  I suppose the exception to this would be the Breaking Dawn movie but I’ve already gone into detail on why I couldn’t care less about that movie.
            Let’s get started with the review, shall we?
            Paranormal Activity 3 is the third in the series of the false documentaries about demonic possession.  Unlike the first two installments, this one is a prequel.  If you haven’t seen any of these films, please stop reading here because I will discuss them, therefore giving away spoilers.  I won’t give away too much about the newest film but since the first ones are out on DVD, I have no problem talking about them.
            The series revolves around two sisters, Katie and Kristi.  In the first movie, Katie slowly succumbs to a demon, eventually killing her boyfriend Micah.  The second movie takes place around the same time, only showing how the demon affected Kristi and her growing family.  At the end of each film, an epilogue is given, stating that Katie (who was the last one to be possessed) has vanished, taking her sister’s firstborn son with her.  Their whereabouts are unknown. 
            While I’m a huge fan of horror movies, I also respect more technical aspects of the cinema.  All the Paranormal Activity movies don’t disguise the fact that it’s supposed to look homemade.  While I’m sure the budget isn’t minuscule, they still seem to make the effort to keep it realistic.  The first two are told by security cameras and handheld devices.  The new one does use the huge, clunky cameras from the 1980s and it feels like an old home movie.  In fact, everything about this movie captures the era, right down to the bad fashion.
            Now, if you are thinking “Oh, the trailer tells me everything I could need to know about the movie”, you are incredibly wrong.  I’d say majority of what’s in the trailer isn’t even in the film.  The movie alone was great but trust me, the previews gave nothing away.  
            I’d also like to point out that I have a healthy obsession for the horror genre, the paranormal, the occult and other things that scare the hell out of people.  I do believe in demons, ghosts, things of that nature, so with that said, I admit my slight bias.  Because I am a believer in such things, the Paranormal Activity movies are more suited for me.  If you don’t believe in such things, it won’t affect you as much.  However, movies with vampires and curses don’t do anything for me.  The closer to home a movie can hit, the more fear it can create, the scarier it becomes.
            Normally, I can sit through a horror flick and come out laughing but I’ll admit.  I jumped several times during Paranormal Activity 3.  At one point, I actually asked Fry if I could hold her hand because I was so freaked out.  While it does follow the formula of the first two, it adds it own little twists in there.  I cannot give away the ending but trust me, it was amazing.  I’d like to see it again honestly and I might do that in the future, when it hits the dollar theater.  Actually, I’d like to watch the first two over, then see this one again.
            If you’re not a fan of this type of movie or the series, go ahead and skip it.  I am a fan and I would actually like to see a fourth in this series, perhaps taking place between the time frame of the third movie and the first one.  Unlike most series that get stale, this one has managed to keep me interested.  Yes, it does feel like it’s the same movie over and over and over, but each one is a different story.
            I liked it and I do recommend it, but again, it’s not everyone’s cup of coffee, or tea if you prefer.  Some people don’t like being scared, some people hate the fake documentary and some people just find the whole idea repulsive.  Then there’s me.  I’m weird, I’m out there and damnit, I’m perfect the way I am.  Love me, love my obsession with horror and macabre.
            So if you’re a single man who doesn’t mind that…call me.  Let’s talk.
            Well, that’s all I really have to say about this movie without going in to the plot.  There’s so much I could say about it but again, I don’t believe in ruining a movie before someone’s had a chance to see it.  And since this came out today, I can’t be “that critic” who tells everyone what happens.  I’m sorry but I think people just want to know if somethning’s good or not.  If I wanted to know what happened in a movie, I would make the conscience effort to go out and see it.  I’m sorry, but I assumed that of my readers as well.  

            So, if you would like me to cover plot more or maybe say cautionary things about a movie, let me know.  I’m adaptable and I’m here for you.  I don’t do this for my health.  Well, I might be, but I’m not sure.

            I’m TheCinemaChick and I love scary movies.

Monday, October 17, 2011

TheCinemaChick saves money

Hello everyone out there, call me TheCinemaChick!  I review movies and let everyone know what’s good out there and what’s not.  Well, this week hasn’t been a great week for movies, plus I’m low on cash so…no review.  If you’d like to take a moment to lament the lack of my snarky comments, go ahead.  I’ll wait.

Have a tissue.

In lieu of a review, I’m going to do something a bit different.  It’s something that’s been on my mind but it’s a topic near and dear to my cinema obsessed heart. 

Today, I’m going to give away my tips and tricks on how to save money at the movies.

I know it seems like I always spend a lot of money on movies and I do, but I have things to help me save money when I go out.  Keep in mind, not all of these ideas are available in all areas, so if your theater does not offer it, don’t blame me.  I warned you up front.

  1. Use Coupons
Today, several theaters have email coupon deals.  If you sign up, you can get great deals sent to your computer.  All you have to do is print them out and take them out to your local theater and use them.  Most of the time, they refer to snacks or they may not even be worth your money.  However, it can’t hurt to take a few seconds to check your email and see if there’s something good in there

  1. Social Media
I know what you’re thinking.  How does social media help me save money?  Believe it or not, many theaters offer deals through places like Facebook and Twitter.  If you “like” them of Facebook, they might have a meal deal or a ticket sale that they are only advertising through that site.  It’s the same thing with Twitter.  Theaters sometimes offer contests or coupons through that site.  If you’re not on either site, well it’s time to join the world and get out from under that rock.  Even my mom, MovieMamma, has a Facebook.

  1. Coupon Sites
There are hundreds (possibly thousands, I haven’t really checked into that) websites out there dedicated to nothing but coupons.  Places like Groupon and Living Social do nothing but offer daily deals for things.  The one downside is that they don’t always offer something for the movies.  A lot of them are geared towards fine dining or interesting getaways.  The deals for movies are few and far between, but when they come up, jump on them.  It’s usually something really good and worth the money.

  1. Special Events
When there are huge movies coming out, theaters tend to hold marathons.  For instance, a few months ago, I attended a week long Harry Potter movie marathon.  I know, I promised to write about each night then didn’t…sorry about that.  I ended up getting wrapped up in a cosplay thing.  Me, Fry and Butterfly wanted to dress up.  Fry was Hermione, Jack was going to be a Snatcher (he sadly twisted his ankle and was unable to attend) and I went as Bellatrix Lestrange.  I helped make their outfits and made mine.  Not only that but I crocheted a purse for Fry to use.  Yeah, I’m awesome like that. 
Back to my original point.  These marathons are a bit pricey.  The Ultimate Twilight Marathon I’m attending in November cost $30, which SEEMS like a large amount.  I broke it down in a previous blog so I won’t do it again here, but I can safely say that it’s incredibly cheap compared to what it would have cost if they were all separate.

  1. Promotional Items
Yes, you read that correctly.  Several theaters out there have special cups that you can purchase and bring in for a cheap refill.  I own two of them.  One is for a Cinemark theater and another for a Harkins theater.  I have a love/hate relationship with these cups.  I love the Harkins one because a refill cost me a dollar, but the cup is too small for my preferences.  The Cinemark one is big but costs three dollars.  Also, my Cinemark cup has a noticeable crack in it (which did not happen at my hands) and I could not get a replacement.
There may be similar items for popcorn, but I’m not a huge fan of the stuff.  I admit to liking it, but theater popcorn always has too much butter, leaving my hands disgustingly greasy.  What I do like is how there are now tiny shakers for sale at the concessions stand.  Instead of butter, you can get a powder in ranch, caramel, cheese or I think garlic flavors.  I’ve only tried the ranch but it’s a nice alternative.

Those are my top five ways to save a little cash on your next trip to the movies.  I use them when I can and I also do other things, like ask around, talk to employees about possible deals and at the concession stand, they have meal deals which do save a tiny bit of money but don’t really save you that much.

If you guys out there have any suggestions, let me know.  I may be watching movies all the time, but I like to save money too.

I’m TheCinemaChick and I like to be frugal.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hitting my Sweet 60th review...with a bad movie.

            Hey everyone, call me TheCinemaChick!  Welcome to my 60th blog about films!  I review the new releases in theaters so you know what’s good out there.  Believe it or not, I’d written these reviews days ago, but they have somehow disappeared from my hard drive, so here we go with round two!

            Dream House is a fairly new movie, about two weeks old at this point and it’s being sold as a thriller.  I have some good news about this movie and some bad news.  The bad news is, it’s terrible and boring.  The good news…there is a house involved.  I’m glad it at least had that since some horror movies claim they have something then it’s never even mentioned.

            As I said before, they’re calling this a thriller but it’s not.  I personally found it long, overdrawn and rather confusing.  It stars Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz.  This is the project that brought them together, leading to their marriage.  While I’m glad for them…this movie made you fall in love with each other?  Again, I’m not meaning to insult their relationship, but they both refused to advertise this movie.  Granted, there was a disagreement with production that caused some friction, I still think it’s sad when your lead actors will not promote their own work.

            The main plot is a man (Craig) leads a perfect life, only to realize it’s all a lie.  The family he adores is actually dead and his house is in shambles.  There’s a tiny little side plot involving his neighbor and her ex husband fighting over their daughter.  As if that’s not enough, the movie tries to blur the lines of fantasy and reality so one moment, we’re in his imagination, then suddenly we’re back in the real world.  It get so confusing that I lost interest altogether. 
            The sad thing is, if you’ve seen the trailer, you’ve seen all the exciting parts of the movie.  I wanted to like the movie but it was just so boring.  Craig is flat and barely speaks, Weisz always sounds like she’s about to break into tears and the children don’t even play a huge part.  So many of the things that are supposed to be huge players are so unimportant, I forgot they were there.

            And the ending was pathetic.  Craig has accepted that his family is dead, but his neighbor’s ex husband was the man who killed his family.  It took two hours to build up to that?  It was all done by a man we’ve seen twice before?  While it is an unexpected twist, it’s done in a manner that makes little sense to the overall film. 

            It’s so bad that I don’t want to talk about it anymore.  It was a waste of my time and money for a complete letdown.  At least Real Steel was mildly better.

            I’m TheCinemaChick and I’m moving on to something that was an improvement over a boring movie.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

There's a 50% chance you'll love this.

Hello all you people who may or may not be staring at a computer screen!  I say that because someone might be reading this to another person.  You never know and TheCinemaChick is an equal opportunity critic.

That sounded inappropriate.

Well, I’m here to talk about a lovely little dark comedy called 50/50.  It stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Seth Rogen.  I haven’t seen anything Levitt has been in recently and I don’t really like Rogen, but this movie was more than worth the money. 

As you’ve seen in the previews, it’s about Adam (Levitt), a young man who has cancer and how his life is turned upside down after hearing the diagnosis.  He has his best friend Kyle (Rogen) by his side through the ordeal as well as a girlfriend who leaves the picture shortly after the diagnosis because it turns out she’s been cheating on Adam.  We also get Anna Kendrick as the psychiatrist.  Well, she’s an intern and not fully licensed so she’s not exactly good at what she does.  Anjelica Huston is also in this film, as Adam’s overbearing and at times, smothering mother.  She’s not in the movie much at all but when she’s onscreen, she steals the spotlight.

The movie does seem like it might come off as depressing because it’s about a guy who has cancer but it’s actually a very lighthearted film.  There are moments where it gets dark, like when Adam begins to question his own mortality or when you watch his mother try to juggle caring for an ailing son and a husband with Alzheimer’s.  It’s beautiful but sad in its own way.

What I loved about the film is that it’s a realistic slice of life from what could be a typical family.  They’re just trying to keep it together while the world is crumbling around them.  For a while, the movie seemed to be slow but I suppose that adds to the awkward feeling.  I mean, how do you react to someone admitting they have cancer?  Should you be sympathetic or promise false hope?  Is there an appropriate way to respond to that?  Granted, a lot of things happen during the first half that turn out to be crucial to the story later.

The second half is a gut wrenching, heart breaking emotional roller coaster.  Adam is still wondering if he’ll die or not while he believes Kyle is using him to score women.  Adam leaves therapy thinking it’s not helping and still has to deal with his mother.

I don’t want to tell you what happens towards the end because it was so incredible, I cried.  It’s intense, it’s emotional and you are swept into the moment.  There were several other people who were sniffling in the theater, so I don’t feel as bad about shedding a few tears.  And the ending was left slightly open but you leave knowing Adam has a bright future ahead of himself.

I have to go over my favorite scene.  Adam and Kyle have had a fight while Kyle is drunk.  Adam takes him home to sleep if off and while in the bathroom washing his hands, he spots a book.  It turns out Kyle has been reading a book about how to help your friend through cancer.  Adam flips through the pages, smiling as he sees notes and certain things underlined.  So now, Kyle is no longer the insensitive jerk, he has substance and you end up liking him.

50/50 was a beautiful film.  It’s a shame not many people have heard of it see it as purely and indie film.  I guess in a way it is an indie film, but it could be a real contender when award season comes around.  Rogen was flawless, Levitt brings you to tears with his performance and Huston was amazing.

In fact, while I was at the theater this morning buying some passes (see previous blog about that) I got to talking about this movie with the manager on duty.  He said he wasn’t sure if he wanted to see it or not, so I persuaded him to watch when his shift was over.  I love it when someone takes my advice.

Well, that’s all I have to say about this film.  It’s incredible, it’s lovely and it’s emotional.  I’d recommend it if you think can watch it.  It’s not for everyone because it does have strong language running throughout the movie, there are a few sexual situations and innuendos thrown around and the two main characters smoke pot a few times.  If you can look past that, you’ll enjoy this dramatic, comical, bromantical movie.

Kyle reminded me a lot of Butterfly because we’ve been through a similar thing.  I was in the hospital for a pretty massive surgery and Butterfly was there every night.  Well, he had to drive my mom up there to see me but the fact that he did that was enough to let me know that he cared.  However…he was a little too interested in my morphine drip.  Good things those lock after a single dose.  Otherwise, I would have had way too much in my system.  He stuck with me through the surgery, the rehab and the complications that came up because of all this.

All the single ladies…Jack is available.

I’m TheCinemaChick and I have a bromantic relationship with Butterfly.

Ultimate Twilight Marathon!!!

Hello to you, on this lovely autumn day!  It’s not even 80 degrees outside so it’s nice and cool.  Now, I’m a little behind things as usual but once again, I have been presented with a wonderful opportunity.

I know, I know for months I have been claiming I would not even consider going to see Breaking Dawn because of my disdain for the series as a whole.  Hell, there is even a five part rant about how much I dislike it.  However, I must confess now that I am now a sell out.  That’s right dear reader, I am a sell out.  You may be asking yourself, why would I ever call myself that?

Well, a few hours ago, I was at the lovely Harkins Theater out in Southlake, purchasing tickets for The Ultimate Twilight Marathon.

Feel free to pause here and express your anger with me.
I’ll wait.

The thing is, I’m not a fan and have made that perfectly clear.  What I do like is that I have been given a chance to promote and review a major event that will undoubtedly have a major impact on cinematic history.  While I’m not exactly excited to sit through four movies with Edward and Bella, I’m all for the theater.  I’m a critic; therefore I must take an unbiased stance with this film.  While I may give it positive feedback, that doesn’t mean I’m in love with it.  Remember, every film has its good and bad points to it, just like life.  

For instance, Twilight has Emmet Cullen AKA Kellan Lutz.  Yeah…I’m a Team Emmet girl.  Can you blame me though?  Look at his smile and the twinkle in his eye…he’s freaking dreamy!  So, Kellan…if you ever chance upon my blog…email me.  Let’s chat.

And I know Kit Kat feels the same.  She likes the series more than I do, but she’s not one of those obsessed fans like some people who will not be mentioned.  I know there are girls out there who swoon when they hear Edward Cullen’s name but come on, he’s a fictional character!  Kit Kat is Team Jasper so I can understand her feelings.  We could both do without, but we’re fans of our respective characters so we’ll go see the movies for them.

So yeah…Jackson Rathbone, this blog also supports you.  
Yes, we’re Team Emmet and Jasper here.

I do have a point to this blog entry today, I promise.  While I could go on and on about how I’m a sell out or how much I loathe Bella Swan as a person, I won’t.  I’m actually here on business.

Hundreds, if not thousands of movie theaters are having major events just for the midnight premiere of Breaking Dawn Part One.

You know, now that I think about it, that movie has a freaking long title.  Officially, I think it’s called:
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part One.

Yeah, yeah Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One is longer, but we don’t have to announce that it too is a series.  That would be kind of redundant, wouldn’t it?  Let me just see how it looks written out.

The Harry Potter Series: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One.

I’m not feeling that but I stand by my case.  Why is Twilight even a saga?  By definition, a saga is a narrative or legend of heroic exploits.

I rest my case with that last sentence.  It’s not a saga, it’s merely a “quadrilogy”.  

Seeing as I have once again gone off topic on my dislike of this series, let me once again get back on track.  The whole point of me writing this article today is actually to promote the event going on at a local theater.  They have contacted me and asked me to cover the event for them.  I even have the press release to prove it, but I digress.  

As I said before, lots of places are having huge affairs for this event.  I’m going to Harkins 14, a lovely little theater in Southlake, Texas.  I do like it there.  The seats are comfortable, the place is always clean and the employees are super friendly.  No, I don’t work there so don’t think I’m trying to promote myself by promoting them or something.  I just genuinely enjoy the theater and the only reason I don’t go there as often as I’d like is because of distance.

They are hosting a massive Twilight movie marathon on November 17th.  At 4 P.M., they are going to show every movie in the series back to back leading up the midnight showing of Breaking Dawn.  There will be trivia contests and prizes throughout.  Don’t ask me what they’ll ask or what the prizes are because I have no clue.  I may have the press release and the blessing of the guy in marketing to do this, but that’s it.  I don’t get to know things beforehand. 

Tickets are a bit steep, costing $30 a pop.  Well, let me rephrase that, a PASS is $30 while a ticket is normal price.  The reason for the increase is simple.  Let’s break down the price and look at what all you get for your money.

4 movies
2 small popcorns
1 Loyalty Cup, good for $1 refills until 2012
2 free refills
A commemorative Twilight lanyard
A Harkins/Twilight goodie bag (no idea what’s in those, so don’t ask.)

Now that I’ve done that, let me point out that the movies alone make this a great deal.  If you had to pay for all this separate…it’d cost a lot.  I won’t go into exact numbers because I can’t recall the price of popcorn and soda at the theater since I rarely buy them.  So yeah, that’s not too shabby.  Hell, it’s a downright steal.

I sound like a used car saleswoman.

I’m going to be there so if you’ve ever wondered who I am, here’s your chance.  I won’t make myself obvious because…well, I don’t like to.  I can honestly say that I will be wearing a hoodie, carrying a notebook and possibly a camera.

Sneaky CinemaChick is sneaky.

So, if you can make it, come on out and join the all day marathon. 

If you can’t come due to personal reasons that are none of my damn business, pick up a ticket for the midnight showing.  I don’t know, maybe you have to work but you want to be a part of the Cullen fandemonium.  

I had to pause a moment because even I’m shocked I said that.

Yes, it’ll be crowded and you’ll be surrounded by fangirls, but I go for the experience.  Also, I’m hoping people are smart enough to not take their 12 year old daughters to this.  I’m all for a midnight showing but seriously?  Those children have school in the morning!

Gah, I’m ranting again.  Sorry.  It’s just that, for Eclipse I actually saw two very young girls came outside a movie theater two days before the movie came out.  This was around 10 at night and they had one guy there as their chaperone.  Granted, this was smack dab in the middle of their summer vacation but still, I thought that was a little extreme.

So there you have it.  The Ultimate Twilight Marathon is coming and I’ll be there along with Fry and some chick I’ve never met.  Let’s call her…Unown, like the pokemon. 

Well, I’m still working on my review of 50/50 so I better get to that before I go really far off topic again.

I’m TheCinemaChick and I’m incognito right now.