Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Don't Miss The Rainbow Connection

            Hey guys and gals, I’m TheCinemaChick and I come to you on the eve of Thanksgiving.  So before you overdoes on turkey and dressing, here’s a nice little holiday review for you.  I hadn’t intended to go see a movie today, but there was a sudden change in plans, I had some free time, plus I found money.  Finding money is always a great time, so I took it and plopped my happy butt down to watch the Muppets.  Yes, The Muppets is now out in theaters and I couldn’t be happier.

            I grew up watching old reruns of The Muppet Show, so I knew Kermit, Miss Piggy, Gonzo, Fozzie and all the rest.  They were a source of kid friendly, clean comedy so it was something my parents actually let me watch.  True, the Muppets never really truly went away.  They’ve always been present.  Case in point: Sesame Street.  I know it’s not the same, but it’s the same basic concept.  

            The movie was about what I expected.  The catch is, I had some very high expectations for this film.  It was delightful, filled with comedy and if you like the Muppets even a tiny bit, go out and see it as soon as you can.  I’d prefer it if you waited until after my review to do so, but I don’t control the masses…yet.

            Fair warning, I did just get some rather…surprising news a few moments ago and I’m still reeling from that, so apologies is this review isn’t up to par with my others.  There are some things that I never expected to happen that just happened.  I have to leave it at that.  It’s a personal thing full of mixed emotions but I don’t like discussing my life on here because most of you have no idea who I am and the rest of you want to hear me talk about movies.

            So, The Muppets movie was absolutely wonderful.  I was really excited to see it, thinking of how it would be a nostalgic throw back to my childhood.  The thing is, I wasn’t nostalgic.  It’s a modern take on them and full of modern stuff.  Like, there’s a reference to Pink’s Hot Dogs, which is a Hollywood landmark.  I haven’t been there, but I do like California.  I may have driven by it but I haven’t been in the Los Angeles or Hollywood area in…twelve or thirteen years.  Wow, just saying that makes me feel old and I already normally feel old.  I’m not old…I’m not 30 yet.

            The theater wasn’t packed, which wasn’t a surprise to me since most people are still suffering from Breaking Dawn fever.  Honestly guys, if you’ve seen it once, you’ve seen the whole damn thing.  There’s nothing subtle about it, so move on.  With the Muppets, however, there are subtle jokes and humor that you probably won’t get the first time around.  There’s some humor aimed at little kids, then there’s some stuff the kiddies won’t get but the parents will.  And the demographic in the theater was just that: small children up to grandparents.  I guess I fell on the younger side this time.

            There was singing and dancing…even a very awkward sing along rap.  To steal a phrase from the Nostalgia Chick, the rap was nothing but a Big Lipped Alligator Moment.  For those of you who don’t know what that means, it’s a scene in a movie that makes absolutely no sense, serves no purpose to the plot and is never mentioned again.  For instance, Kermit is talking to Tex Richman (the villain who’s trying to destroy their theater) and Tex has this elaborate musical number.  When he’s done, the conversation resumes and we move on.  It made no sense whatsoever to me but it was funny.

            My other favorite scene was towards the beginning.  Mary (Amy Adams), Gary (Jason Segel, who also co wrote and co produced the film) are trying to help Walter (the new Muppet) find Kermit’s house.  This technically isn’t a spoiler since it does pop up in the trailer.  Gary throws Walter up, only to discover an electric fence.  Walter demands to be thrown again when Kermit shows up.  The green frog has a bright light behind him and you hear a heavenly choir, only to see that a bus happens to be driving by with a church choir singing inside it.

            That, my readers, is humor.

            There are so many scenes I want to talk about but I can’t.  It’s definitely worth the time and money to see.  There are several moments where the characters break the fourth wall.  If you don’t know what that is, the fourth wall is sort of an unspoken rule where there is an invisible wall separating the movie from the audience.  It’s applied usually to plays, but it works with almost anything.  I don’t know if I could even begin to discuss how much I loved The Muppets.

            Also, there are tons of cameos.  There are so many that I stopped counting.  I know Selena Gomez pops up, so does Whoopi Goldberg, Neil Patrick Harris, Dave Grohl (and trust me, his cameo is borderline epic its so awesome) even Mickey freaking Rooney.  Mickey Rooney is in this!  Seriously, that’s how awesome this film is.  Legends like him are in this.  Plus, anything Neil Patrick Harris is in is a winner for me.  Oh, did I forget, a singing Jim Parsons?  Yes, Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory is even in the movie!

            Now that I’ve given away half the cameos in this movie…

            Seriously, I can’t get over how happy this movie made me.  I have been in a huge rut for days (again, personal reasons) and seeing The Muppets literally pulled me out of my funk.  You cannot go watch it and leave feeling sad or angry.  If you can, I’ll…do something…maybe.  Because I saw it today, I will end up seeing it again because I promised Fry we’d see it together.  Which means we might end up going tomorrow night since we’re both free.

            I don’t want to prattle on forever about how much I loved seeing The Muppets, though trust me, I could easily do it.  This is another rare movie when I’d even say spring for a full priced showing.  It’s more than worth the money and you will not leave disappointed.  I do wish I had more people to see movies with or even an art house theater to see some indie films, but oh well.  I’m always looking for new people to watch movies with.

            Interested?  Call me.  Let’s talk.

            One final thing before I sign off.  I love Miss Piggy.  She’s a style icon, she kicks ass and oh yes, she’s curvy.  So many celebrities are stick thin skeletons that it’s nice to see one who isn’t anorexic.  And yes, I know Miss Piggy is a Muppet and a pig, but she’s still an icon  As a woman with curves and hips and…well, a figure, I applaud anyone who’s willing to stand up and say, “I have a body and I like to ear, deal with it!”

            Well, I’m not a fan of eating.  I’m always paranoid that people are staring at me when I eat something.

            I’ve got nothing more to say and I think it’s time for a last round of caffeine for the night, despite the fact that it’s nearly nine at night.  Plus…I’m a bit moody.  I keep hearing about people’s relationships and I’m not in one, so that saddens me.  I hate that I find a fellow blogger attractive but know that it’ll never happen.  I may not be a Victoria’s Secret Model, but damnit, I’m fun and I’m great to have a conversation with.

            Great…now I’m making what sounds like a desperate personal ad.
            I’m ashamed of myself for that.

            So there you have it guys.  Go out and see The Muppets.  It’s just that great.  I’m TheCinemaChick and I wish you and yours a very happy Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't even have to read this, and I'm sold on this movie.
