Friday, November 11, 2011

Ye Gods! Immortals!

            Hello all you wonderful readers out there!  I’m often called TheCinemaChick and I review movies.  Though, I guess you know that by now since I always say that in my opening remarks.  You know, people tell me I’m a bit repetitive.  I guess they’re right.  Strange that I noticed this three years after taking Advanced Nonfiction…
            But you’re not here to read about me reliving of my college days, you’re wondering what I’m going to tear into today.  Well, since its 11/11/11, let’s all gather round the computer screen and enjoy my review of Immortals.

            I have to admit, I have a fondness for Greek mythology.  I do study it for fun and I took a class over it as well.  If I had my choice, I’d love to be a daughter of Eris, the goddess of chaos.  Now, before I go in depth with this, I have to warn you: If you are not familiar with the myth of Theseus, I would advise you to brush up on it before seeing the movie.  I’m not familiar with the story but now that I’ve thought about it (and used Wikipedia) disregard the previous statement.  I’m not sure if researching will help much because it seems to be a mash up of stories.

            Now that I have thoroughly confused you reader, let’s press on.

            I have to admit, I was incredibly excited to see Immortals.  I set aside money to see it in 3D and everything.  So, Fry and I arrived at the theater, ironically at 11:11 AM (which was purely coincidental) and set out on our own fairly, sort of, not really epic quest.  And by that I mean we made sure to get to the theater in time because we were running late.  The Fates smiled upon us and we made it barely on time, but as punishment, the movie was a little out of focus.


            I will be spoiling the movie a little in this review.  You’ve been warned.

            I have to admit, it wasn’t the mind blowing experience I had hoped for, but it was still pretty damn awesome.  The opening sequence got me hooked immediately.  The music is intense, the scene is set and a narrator is giving a short background on the Titans.  Then you see them.  I’ve seen many interpretations of the Titans in other media, but these guys looked insane.  I don’t mean crazy, I mean fear inducing.  They’re lined up in a box and look like they have swords in their mouth.  This is also where we get the first glimpse of King Hyperion (played by Mickey Rourke).

            Keep this scene in mind when you watch the film.  It does come into play later.

            After this, the film focuses on Theseus…a lot.  Like, ninety percent of the movie has Theseus in frame.  He’s played by Henry Cavill, who I know nothing about.  I’m sorry, but I don’t see movies specifically for actors, though I have to admit that I do tend to lean towards films with actor I like in them.  Case in point, Straw Dogs.  And…yes, I was swayed towards this slightly because Kellan Lutz is in it and as everyone knows, he is my Hollywood Crush.  Right now, Mickey Rourke is in a close second.  Oh yes…Mickey Rourke…great actor and great looking.

            If you liked 300 or even Suckerpunch, you’ll like the style of Immortals.  It has the same feel, along with the overdone action sequences.  I don’t mean overdone in a negative way.  For me, I don’t do well with it because the sight of blood and gore makes me nauseated.  Immortals does have slow motion blood splatter.  There are also a few scenes where I had to look away, such as when a guy has his eyes gouged out.  And men…there is a scene involving a large mallet that may disturb you.  It’ll crack your nuts and not in a good way.  I saw that and groaned.  Thankfully, the blackscreen shields us from actually seeing what happens but the sound effects let you experience the pain.

            I have two main complaints about this movie.  The first one is that the ending felt a bit rushed.  I watched the movie create a masterpiece and give me great amounts of artistic and technical detail, then the ending felt abrupt.  The second thing is that it sets it up for a sequel.  Immortals is a great film that can easily stand on its own, so why ruin it by making a sequel.  While another movie might not be a bad idea, think about how many movies have had a second one made, only to cause damage to the reputation to the first?  Think Sex and the City, Speed, Kung Fu Panda, almost every Disney movie ever made…yeah.  I would welcome Immortals 2 with cautious optimism.

            I don’t think I’d pay to see this again in 3D since as usual, it did nothing for me.  I would like to see it again because to be honest, the visuals are just amazing.  The costumes were breathtaking, the sets were authentic and oh yes, THEY SPOKE GREEK!  I’m a total nerd and I do speak Latin, but I would also love to learn Greek, though I’ve heard it’s much harder than Latin.

            I think that sums up my feelings on Immortals.  I hope it does well because it is a visual masterpiece.  The costumes alone for the gods…I would go so far as the say it should earn rewards for best costuming.  Trust me, after you see it, you’ll understand

            Oh and one last thing…it is rated R, something I did not realize until I had bought my ticket.  I know it doesn’t matter to most people, but I thought it was only PG-13.  Then again, looking at the violence and sexual content, I can see why it has earned its rating. 

            So there you have it readers.  Immortals is definitely worth checking out and I’m glad I went and saw it on opening day.  Up next for me is the Twilight marathon out at Harkins Theater on Thursday.  I’m thinking about taking my video recorder so I might make my first video ever.

            Don’t forget, I am doing a giveaway through my blog.  That’s coming up really soon, so be sure to keep reading.

            I’m TheCinemaChick and you can twitter me @TheCinemaChick.  (Wouldn’t mind it if Kellan Lutz tweeted me.  It would make my year.)

1 comment:

  1. I just watched Immortals. I love Greek mythology too, that's why I just had to see it. I thought it was okay. Not quite what I expected. It looked really nice visually, and the action was good, although some blood splatter shots looks dumb. Something threw me off in the movie, and it may have been hair and make-up. I never thought I would use that as a reason, but something didn't look right, but costumes were good, so, I feel that it has to be hair and make-up. I also didn't like Mickey Rourke in the film. I just think he was out of place. He doesn't fit in the Greek era. The name Henry Cavill is familiar, and will have to look him up. Overall, the movie didn't impress me as much as I wanted.
