Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Harkins 2012 Loyalty Cups and Shirts!

            Hello blog readers of the state, nation and world!  I go by TheCinemaChick and I write about movies.  Once again, I don’t have a film to review but instead, I have an announcement.   Trust me, it's a good one too.

            As you all know, I often get notices from Harkins Theater about marathons and stuff, but today, I’m going to talk about an awesome thing they do.  In one of my previous blogs, I discussed a few ways to save money when at the movies.  I said some theaters have cups that you purchase and bring back for cheap refills.  Seeing as it’s almost the end of 2011, many of these promotional items will expire soon.

            Don’t feel blue, for with a new year comes a new cup.  I know that sounds a little strange, but hear me out on this one.  This little story has a point, I promise.

“But CinemaChick, why should I get a new cup?”

            Because it’s a cup that you can bring to any Harkins theater in the year 2012 and pay a single dollar for a refill.  Think about that for a moment.  A lot of theaters you go to want to charge $6 for a soda.  If you’re like me and you see up to three or four movies a week, that could cost up to $24.  That’s an insane price to pay.  Since my math skills aren’t the best, I’m not going to go into how much a month and year that would cost.  Let’s just all agree to say “That’s a lot of money, CinemaChick!”

            Exactly.  I like saving money.  I’m the kind of girl who won’t go out to eat unless I have coupons tucked away in my purse.  Let’s be honest, in this economy, any dollar that can be saved is great.

            Now, I hit up the Southlake Harkins Theater whenever I can.  The seats are comfy, the staff is friendly and I love the loyalty cups.  And if you have a loyalty shirt, there are even more benefits.  Who wouldn’t want a free medium popcorn every time they walked in with this shirt on?

           *Side note: The 2012 Harkins Loyalty Cups and shirts are not available yet.  They will be released on November 17.  They can be purchased online or at the theater, whichever makes you happy.

            Interested?  I knew you would be.

            By the way, keep reading.  I might just be giving away one of these cups and shirts through this blog.  Who wouldn’t like free stuff?

            Well, I’m TheCinemaChick and I’m going to be awesome tonight.

            By the way, if you want more information, go to Harkins Theater’s official website.  They have areas for children to stay if you can’t find a babysitter and have movie events on occasion.  

            Don’t forget, the Ultimate Twilight Marathon is rapidly approaching.  I do not know if there are tickets left, so contact the theater for more information.  Fry and I will be there, along with Unown.  Maybe I’ll reveal my identity, maybe I won’t.  All I’ll tell you is that I might be a werewolf in disguise.

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