Friday, November 25, 2011

My First Giveaway!!

            Hey everyone’s who survived Thanksgiving, I’m TheCinemaChick and I bring you good tidings!  While I’m not entirely sure what a tiding is, I bring you good ones.  If you’re reading this, that means one thing.

            You want free stuff!  Of course!  Why else would you be reading this when the title clearly states “My first giveaway”?  If you were expecting something else, I apologize sincerely for the confusion and offer you…a hug.  That’s the best I can do for now since Black Friday shopping has cleaned me out.  Yes, I braved the crowds and bought…almost nothing really.  MovieMamma wanted some canvas bags so that’s all I got.  Well and I picked up Fry’s Christmas gift.  Can’t tell you what I got her, it’s a surprise.

            Now, as you know, I have vouchers that can get you a FREE Harkins Theater Loyalty Cup and shirt.  What’s so awesome about that?  Haven’t you been paying attention?  If you wear the shirt to the theater, it means free medium popcorn.  Take the cup with you and you get a refill for one dollar.  Yeah, a single dollar, four quarters, ten dimes…for a soda!  Come on, you have to admit this is pretty cool!

            Now, I have the questions picked out.  There will be three questions.  So, before I tell you what those are, I suppose I should, you know…have rules…to keep things fair, I guess.

            TheCinemaChick’s Rules for this give away are as follows:

  1. The answers must be correct.  I’m not doing a two out of three here, I want all of them answered.
  2. Please be over 18.  If you are a minor, parental consent would be appreciated.
  3. The winner will be notified via email. 
  4. I’d like to say no cheating but…I can’t physically stop anyone from doing it…so…I guess you can Google the answers.
  5. Everyone is eligible, except for Fry and Kit Kat.  They knew the questions beforehand and therefore cannot enter.  Sorry guys.
  6. The winner will receive further instructions in their email…unless they live down the street from me.  I don’t know, the winner could end up being my neighbor or something.
  7. The prizes will be sent in the mail.
  8. If you don’t win, I’m sorry, maybe another time.

            A couple of things I’d like to point out before starting this:

            I might do another giveaway through the blog, but I don’t know.  That is entirely up to the lovely people at Harkins Theater.  If they wish to do this again, then I will certainly repeat this.  I’ll try to mix it up and keep things fresh for you.

            And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for…the questions!

            Question 1: In Breaking Dawn, Edward and Bella have a daughter named Renesmee.  What is her middle name?
            Question 2: How many times did I say Tom Hanks in my “How many times will I say Tim Hanks” blog?
            Question 3: What was the first movie I reviewed?

            Answer those three questions and the Harkins prize is yours.  Its first come, first serve, so get your guesses in as soon as you can.

            Please leave your answers in the comments, along a valid email address so I can get in contact with you.  I will do a separate blog to announce who won.

            I’m TheCinemaChick and I bid you all good luck.


  1. Sarah
    1 Renesmee Carlie Cullen
    2 13 times
    3 The King's Speech

  2. 1) Carlie
    2) You said you said it 13 times, but I counted 10, and I looked 3 times...
    3) Season of the Witch
