Hey fellow Internet lovers, my name is TheCinemaChick and I’d like to be serious for a little bit. As many of you may (or may not) know, there’s a possible bill floating around that might cramp my blogging style. It’s called the Stop Online Piracy Act AKA SOPA. While it might sound like a pretty cool idea, it’s not. I’ve been following a few people’s commentary and doing a little research on this and I’ve made my own opinion based on what I know. I’m putting a huge emphasis on the whole “my opinion” and “my research”. Feel free to disagree with me if you like.
I do not support SOPA.
For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about, this thing is designed to crack down on piracy, which you know, isn’t bad. I don’t know how to describe it without sounding like I’m rambling, so I’ll provide you some reading material so you can read and draw your own ideas. I’ve got mine, but it’s hard to explain things like this. So, if you’re interested, check out these links:
There’s a good amount of reading material for you. What worries me the most is that certain sites could be shut down for copyright infringement when they had no intention to do so. For example, perhaps I am guilty of copyright infringement and am unaware. There’s a good chance that I am. If SOPA passes, I could have my blog shut down.
Could I be wrong about this? Possibly.
Do I support SOPA? Nope.
Am I willing to take a stand? Absolutely.
I am all for free speech. I think everyone has the right to express their opinion as they wish. While not all opinions are popular, they are still allowed to have them. I don’t like the idea that someone else might be able to control my content. Aren’t I allowed to say what I believe about a movie or even a current event or maybe even make some social commentary?
SOPA could become something huge and not be a change for the better.
I have several reviews planned and typed, but they will not be posted until later this week.
January 18, 2012 is SOPA blackout day.
I’ll see you guys on the 19th.
I’m TheCinemaChick and I’m a movie critic with a lot to say.
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